This is Sunday, January the 21st, 1996. We're starting off by reading a couple of recent Board of Directors meetings having to do with some corporations that are in the process of being, I guess, embezzled, hijacked, stolen, something like that. And the first Board of Directors meeting, I'll not, try not to disclose the names of these corporations because that's part of the privacy involved. It's also part of the public record, so anybody who's really curious about it will be able to find out. Minutes of the Board of Directors. Persuant to waiver of notice and consent executed by all of the directors of the Corporation, a meeting of the Board of Directors and Nevada Corporation was convened on the 13th day of January, 1996. All current directors of the Corporation were present. Due to the nature of the meeting and the fact that three corporations share the same board of directors and officers, this meeting and subsequent minutes will apply to all three corporations. Copies of the minutes will be certified and entered for each corporation. I know what we did not do. Because Gene has been right in there with us, the law center and our, which I know I'm free to say, we do as an institute now have what we can call in-house counsel for the institute. And so Gene and Brad have both been absolutely with us with gaining this information, but neither are here, and Karen isn't here, and we're going to integrate these minutes so that Gene has everything that transpires here. And so if Valerie, if you would just make sure that the tapes get to them and get integrated into the CLC minutes, this will be considered a joint, again a joint board meeting and advisors. Board Chairman E.J. Ecker convened the meeting at 21512 Adam Drive in Tashpee, California, 2 p.m. and reviewed the events creating the need for this special meeting, which are, the Vice President, Ruth Sherry Yont, here and after referred to as Vice President, were not named specifically, after meeting with the officers and directors of this corporation, October the 9th, 1994, returned to her home in Florida where she was taken ill with reportedly flu and pneumonia. She was bright and alert at the meeting, but stated that she thought she might be catching a little cold, which apparently was the case. During the following few weeks, there were many contacts made between the parties, flowers sent and received along with calls, etc. She stated she had enjoyed her meeting in Las Vegas and her visit with others in Tehachapi, as well as having a lot of things cleared up regarding corporations in general, her affairs, and the affairs of the above-named corporations. She had hardly recovered from her illness when the price of gold dropped, precipitating a margin call from one of the banks against the account in which the gold collateral for these corporations was held. At this board meeting there was in attendance a traveling companion who remarked that the questions Mrs. Jant was asking were directly from a list made for her by Betty Tootin, who stuck like glue to Mrs. Jant during the meetings in Las Vegas. Ms. Tootin, it was said, continually bantered about bearer stock. The companion felt that Ms. Tooton was being fed this information and suggestions from George Green directly, and remarked that she shouldn't interfere, but that Sherry is frightened of both Betty Tooton and George Green, and becomes confused when they apply pressure. Toward the middle of the meeting, Mrs. Yont asked for a minute of privacy, and the other party left the area while private discussions could be undertaken. Mrs. Yont stated that she was deeply concerned about her business and these corporations. She requested again that nothing be changed about the corporations for she was under constant badgering from George Green and Betty Tootin and she feared that they were going to somehow gain control of everything she had. She even stated that she was quite sure that someone named Kip had actually taken gold from her closet and given it over to Green. Since Green had embezzled, now proven in court, over $400,000 in gold coins from the Institute, obtained from another elderly party, Mrs. Jahnke was very, very concerned about her own security, and even stated she was frightened for her very life's safety. All three of these corporations have a special arrangement with the Phoenix Institute for Research and Education Limited, whereby one half of some of the loans made to the Institute is immediately returned to the Corporation to serve as a reserve to meet margin calls and to provide funds to be used in projects with the participation of the Vice President. Any one officer could sign checks on any of the Corporation's bank accounts without limit, so the President-Treasurer or the Secretary could have written the checks to meet the margin call without the participation of the Vice President. There was prior precedent of handling such a circumstance as a margin call was received in September of 1993 and when notified the Vice President immediately wrote the appropriate checks to the Institute which were treated as additional loans thus adding to the security provided to these corporations so that the Institute could meet its call. Expecting the same result, Mr. Ecker telephoned the Vice President, believing that she would enjoy the involvement, to give her the information she would need. This time, however, she said she would like to sleep on it. Certainly this was agreeable, but she was told that there were severe time limitations and liabilities were also severe if unattended timely. The following day, and for several days thereafter, she could not be reached by telephone. Several letters were faxed to her explaining that not meeting the call would mean sacrificing the corporation's collateral, as well as placing the assets of others in jeopardy. These communications were met with a virtual stone wall, and these corporations did, in fact, lose the collateral and participation in the ownership of gold coins per the promissory note side agreements negotiated with the Institute. It is important to note that the other officers felt that there was a likelihood of some disruptive influence affecting the Vice President, and that to write checks on the corporation's accounts might risk litigation, not only for the officers but also for the Institute. What the officer did not know was that the vice president had emptied and closed most of the bank accounts before the call and without any of the customary corporation resolutions. This was learned several days later when the bank statements arrived. Put a little check by that. We need to... There's a... There's a resolution or something missing. It just hit me. Realizing the consequences of delay and being totally unable to get word to or receive anything from Mrs. Yont, an effort was made to otherwise cover the call. Since the collateral for the loans to Ms. Tootin's corporation was in the same account as for these three corporations, it was hoped that Ms. Tootin would help save the collateral. However, she also refused to respond to any communications from the Institute or from her corporation's agent. In the end, all participation or cover was refused by both Ms. Tootin and Ms. Yon. Mr. Ecker was later notified by a bank officer at the lending bank that there had been strange calls for information regarding that collateral account and later that due to the risk of litigation, the loans had to be repaid and the account closed at the bank's request. This was extremely expensive, embarrassing, and damaging to the Institute, making it very difficult and much more expensive to obtain these lines of credit from other banks. It was about this time that the Institute received a change of address from Betty Tootin, directing that her mail and that of Bethel, Inc., be mailed in care of Mrs. Yon. This explained the change of attitude of the Vice President, since Miss Tootin was extremely bitter toward the Institute, having attempted to call all of Bethel Inc.'s promissory notes at a time when the Institute was having to scramble to meet the margin call. It is common knowledge that part of the arrangement for lending funds to the Institute to share its participation in the ownership of gold coins is that the lender will not call its promissory notes until the price of gold has doubled from its current level, and Miss Tooton was very disappointed to learn that an exception could not be made in her case. She claimed to have been getting business advice from a local consultant. Later this consultant was identified as Paul Berger and colleague Dale Sutton. Both of these people knew the considerations involved, but did advise Betty Tutin to make the demand in full without meeting any margin call, but retaining the collateral. This is not only impossible in concept, but devastating to Tooton's account and ultimately to Mrs. Yont, who in turn, who it turns out, was being manipulated by these parties. These parties were probably taking their information and advice from the before-mentioned George Green and his attorneys, David Horton and George Abbott. While no communication was forthcoming from the Vice President, our letters were ignored and telephone calls were not returned. It was learned that an attorney purporting to represent her, who had previously contacted the Institute at the request of her brother, had sent a letter to the Institute in early January 1995 asking for an accounting, similar to the questions asked by the Vice President in October 1994, and stating that she wished to have her funds returned when it could be done without loss. There was also a demand that communications be only through the attorney. This is totally inappropriate in corporation management procedures where decisions and business actions must be taken by the officers and directors, especially in this situation wherein Mrs. Yont was not, and is not, the owner of any of the three corporations in point. She was utilizing them for security purposes and privacy. The Institute responded directly to her, asking for a letter from her, specifically appointing the attorney to represent her, and received no further correspondence from either her or him. was in constant contact with her and sending massive numbers of documents and threats, warnings and outright lies about her business and other relationships. She said that Green had contacted her brother and that they were somehow going to get her declared incompetent in court and take her property. We inquired how we might assist her and she said, can't you put something into the file about gold doubling before making a call so that if they do get control they can't do anything that would hurt the Institute. And, don't rile them to do worse things. She reiterated that her interests be guarded and the corporations not be changed in any way, and that both E.J. and Dorsecker would continue as officers and directors of these related corporations, which would be held in security in Nevada corporate headquarters in Las Vegas, because she was concerned that, quote, they would somehow pull some shenanigan to get control of the corporations in stock, which has not been issued. After several weeks of not hearing more from her, but establishing that she was physically unharmed, it was assumed that she was involved in, quote, intrigue, which she seemed to love even while expressing fear. So it was determined to not disturb her further as no activities were taking place in the corporations. Also, it was fully expected that one day we would hear from her to the effect that she had solved whatever problem she might have had with her brother and was again ready to get involved with our projects and activities. One of Sherry's special fears was that George Green would be able to work with people around her like he had done with Eleanor Shreffer, wherein Mr. Shreffer was forcibly admitted to an Alzheimer's center under lock and key. And control of him was turned over to Eleanor, who was being directed daily by George Green and attorney George Abbott as to how to get all of John's assets. John stated then and reaffirmed now that he is free and functioning, that he was actually hit over the head with a fire extinguisher and from that blow to the head was almost killed. Since he thinks it was an intentional blow from Eleanor, who was working with her son and George Green, Sherry was terrified for her own safety. George Green and George Abbott are to this day trying to gain control of the Institute and its assets through one phony conjured case after another. Much gold was taken from John and we are told was funneled through Green for assets with which the stepson, Rod McBroom and Eleanor, did build a new home in a very elite gated community in Northern California. This is placed into these minutes to record the fact that, even after court orders have been handed down, these assets are still not returned. It appears that Mrs. Yont's worst fears have been realized, and we have yet to find out the full extent of the criminal actions which have taken place to control custody of her affairs and property. We must now carefully document recent activities, and note that we have, as officers and directors of these three corporations sought legal counsel to help the Constitutional Law Center and the cooperation of Nevada corporate headquarters agent for these corporations. Late in the day of Friday January 5th 1996 an urgent call came from Mr. Christie of Nevada corporate headquarters stating that he'd been trying to contact us all day. He said that someone who claimed to be Mrs. Yont had called to demand, irately, that proper documents be forwarded to her immediately. This caused Mr. Christie, who is the party at Nevada Corporate Headquarters with whom these corporations do business, to pull the records in order to check out the circumstances. The corporate record books themselves were missing. They had been taken from storage and set aside, awaiting insertion of several memos, resolutions, and minutes which had not yet been done, pending additional information and instructions from the officers. Mr. Christie was not in the office when, in mid-December 1995, someone, unbeknownst to him, came to the office, stated she was Betty Tootin, here to pick up the books. Since they were sitting there in plain view, she simply picked them up and took them. There was no identification of the party herself, nor was any release given. She simply picked them up and hurriedly left the premises. There being less than two weeks before Christmas, and with business being very heavy in anticipation of the New Year, it went unnoticed by Mr. Christie that the books were missing. There were bits and pieces of conversation recalled, and one is quite serious in its implication as it was remembered that the lady had said something about needing them to turn over to someone traveling north, and could drop them off to Mrs. Yont. This is quite strange, since Mrs. Yont lived in Florida, very definitely south. It is also interesting, since we have been told, through another party, this same lady being the source, that George Green and George Abbott were trying to get her, Tootin, and Mrs. Yont to come to Reno to testify, or be deposed, or something. The whereabouts of those record books is still not known, but because they were not complete and no stock had been issued, it is not critical. They can be replaced in a new set brought up to date with the information at NCH and the addition of this current set of minutes plus anything that should transpire in the next few days. in point until January 5th when a lady called saying she was chariot. Mr. Christie says she wanted some documents but couldn't remember what they were and that she seemed very confused. Surely not the chariot he knew from the NCH seminar the year before. She said she would get it straightened out and call back. When she called again she had a note or something to read from and said she wanted forms from Eckers as both officers and directors. She was nervous and anxious and insisted that they be sent via Federal Express. Mr. Christie had to leave the office for a few hours and unable to reach us by telephone, left instructions for NCH staff persons to prepare the forms for signature, intending to ask us if we wish to insist upon signing the forms or if the use of our facsimile rubber stamp signatures would be adequate. He tells us that it never occurred to him that all of this was being done without our knowledge and consent. When Mr. Christie returned to the office, he tried diligently and continuously to contact us for instructions. When it got late, his secretary, being quite new, diligently did her task, affixed the rubber stamp signatures and sent them off via Federal Express. Mr. Christie, using his cell phone, finally reached us late Friday afternoon. We, of course, required him to recount the whole story. After some brief discussion, we instructed him that the resignation documents not be sent and the already taken books be returned immediately. We did tell him enough about Mrs. Yont's fears of having everything taken so that he could see that this might be a conspiracy to take advantage of her. Armed with this information, Mr. Christie called his secretary to stop her from sending the invalid documents, only to find she had already sent them off. Mr. Christie did not have a telephone number for Mrs. Yont, so was unable to reach her until Monday morning by fax to ask her to telephone him. She did not call, but there was a fax returned, copy attached, stating to please cancel Friday's request. The matter was handled by my lawyer. This language is so uncharacteristic of Mrs. Jaunt that we were caused to look back at her correspondence to see if the handwriting looked like hers. It does not. Further, this note is signed, Sherry, spelled S-H-A-R-R-I. This document is clearly a forgery and makes it plain that her correspondence is being handled by others. Before we noticed the discrepancy in her signature, however, Mr. Christie, assuming her lawyer was the same Mr. Reef who had contacted the Institute a year ago, had sent a letter to him suggesting that there were some serious problems with the advice being given Mrs. Yont and asking him to contact Mr. Christie, who tells us this was faxed to Mr. Reif and no answer has been forthcoming. A demand to Nevada corporate headquarters for retrieval or replacement of the corporate record books was made by the officers and directors of these corporations on January 8, 1996, with a mandate to have the documents back in control within five days or criminal charges would be brought against NCH. Today is the fifth day and no books have been located. Mr. Christie has spoken with Betty Tootin, Paul Berger and others who claim to have access to Mrs. Yaunt, but somehow no one seems to know where the books are, and all deny doing anything with them other than Ms. Tootin does admit to taking them from NCH. Mr. Christie has assured us that he has ordered replacement books which are to be retained by him until all of the memos, resolutions, and minutes are properly in place. We feel that it is necessary that we outline what we view as the motivation for the theft of the corporate record books. In the summer and fall of 1991, Dave Overton sent to the Phoenix Institute four packages of gold coins containing a total of approximately 1,100 ounces Which at that time were worth some three hundred and fifty thousand dollars these packages were sent in care of and received by George Green at his office in Tehachapi and Who secretly kept their receipt from being known to the other Institute officers and directors? When he and his wife Desiree moved from Tehachapi to Carson City. George's testimony in Carson City, Nevada in June of 1992, they took the coins with them and, according to George's testimony in court, buried them in their backyard. The Institute has been litigating to recover the coins since February of 1993. The Nevada Supreme Court has just dismissed Green's appeal, confirming that he had no right to the coins and affirming the lower court's decision that they should be returned to the donor, thus removing them from the Institute also. In addition, Green's, through their America West Publishing Company, had borrowed $150,000 from the Institute and refused to pay it back or to release the Phoenix Journal books, serving as collateral for the loans. With interest, this debt to the Institute is now well over $200,000. Added together, these losses to the Institute caused by Greens are far more than half a million dollars. Greens and their attorneys, David Horton and George Abbott, have embarked upon an overt course of action to bring the Institute into receivership and involuntary bankruptcy to avoid having to pay the Institute. They have not been able to muster the necessary 10% of debt to bring the Institute into receivership without having control of the loans from these three corporations. One of the participants in the effort to pull down the Institute is Leon Ford. At a public meeting in October of 1995, he said he hardly knew George Green. In the same meeting, he also stated that he had attended a school for dome building, which lasts approximately one week, in Texas with George Green. He said that Green was going to pull down the Institute and the Eckers and had the means through which to accomplish it. He was quite angry when he left the meeting but had proposed to meet with Institute representatives to see if he should reconsider his position. At that meeting it was reported that it was explained to Mr. Fort and his mistress, Miss Anne Beam, along with his mother Esther, that Abbott had taken for his own use $40,000 in payments made to Fort's corporation, Infinite Balancing, by the Institute. Mr. Fort called one of the Institute representatives to say that Green had just called and had said that he now had control of Yonk Stock and she and Tootin and others were joining him with Abbott to put the Institute into receivership and that everybody was going to lose their money. Leon reported that Green further told him that Eckers had sent all of the money offshore and they were packed and as he spoke, ready to leave for Chile. Now this same story came back from several others who called in and the only difference was that some said South America and one of them said Peru. Since that time there have been more causes of action and motions before the courts of Nevada by Abbott to place the Institute into receivership. The last case is on the basis of affidavits which have no bearing on the Institute nor have any truth in them. As we understand it, this is an obvious and desperate move on the part of George Abbott, who is now under investigation by the state and by the Nevada Bar Association for unethical and malicious actions and diversion of clients' funds. These last petitions to the court are based on these unlawful affidavits of Leon Fort and Ann Beam. This is obviously to hold the case open until the stock of these corporations can be issued to someone who will join according to resources receiving information directly from George Green George Green is again sent out bundles of documents under a cover letter of baby tootin to discount the Institute one of which was sent To mr. Christie's parents in Minnesota Others have been retrieved from Florida and California California. Greens have a mailing list of the Institute's supporters, gained while he was an officer and director, and has for three years during this gold litigation sent documents trying to show he was the wronged party. We cannot at this time be certain who all the parties are in this criminal scheme to defraud Mrs. Jant, but we have the means to thwart them and to the best of of our ability, we shall do so. Therefore, it is resolved that the minutes of this meeting will be written in as much detail as possible so as to provide all available relevant background information. The Corporation will gather all records available and turn them over to legal counsel to prepare injunctions against the known parties to this theft. That charges will be brought against the Nevada corporate headquarters for failure to hold and adequately protect documents. Since there is full cooperation and legal recourse being taken by NCH, this action could be delayed pending further investigation. That since we are faced with abandoned corporations with an inability to reach other involved parties, the officers and directors meet and confer with counsel as to how best to handle the theft to protect the corporations. As stated above, Mrs. Yont never owned the corporations and the theft of the books and ledgers is an obvious attempt by others to get the stock certificates for the malicious purpose of assisting Greene's to force the Institute into receivership. Resolved to ask for a meeting of the Institute, board of directors, and its board of advisors to ascertain how this should be handled when replacement documents are available in the event Council agrees that stock should be issued to the Institute. Resolved. Copies of all notes from the Institute to these corporations will be provided to the Constitutional Law Center and to Council. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 4 p.m. Signed, E.J. Ecker, Director, Doris J. Ecker, Director. Certification. I, Doris J. Ecker, Secretary of Serendipity Ventures, Inc., a Nevada corporation, do hereby certify that the above are the minutes of the directors meeting held on January 13, 1996. Signed Doris J. Ecker, Secretary. Since I am the Secretary, there are a couple of things that need to be spoken into the record for consideration. Immediately we made a demand against Nevada corporate headquarters and gave them five days to get the books back or replacements, whatever was necessary to be able to protect the corporations. I will say that I've never seen a more efficient bunch go to work and get this squared away to the extent that they have found that all these shenanigans took place, but they were unable to completely get things swapped over because they did not have the parties, they were obviously setting them up with subterfuge, and for some reason, last August or September, they came to a halt until they could get these records, which would also, see, be able to allow them to get stock, change it to bearer stock and use it. So I can't fault the company that Cort works for. They are very professional and I believe that he checked with many other agents. and for instance, Laughlin and how in the world would they handle these problems? And how is it that they could even get that far with this agency in Reno? And that he was assured that it is because there is so much documentation that has to be done that they probably did take it as far as they could. There are forms for change, you've got to get all the resignations, shift everything over, pay fees, and so forth. He has not been able to establish whether or not this particular corporation agent is in any way connected other than in Reno, certainly these lawyers would know them. It is a familiar name and it's more like one of the larger agencies that just was methodically doing its work, you know, and finding some things missing, had to hold up on it. So my question to this joint meeting is, is it permissible to let this sit and let court go ahead and handle it through the legal process in Nevada, which seems reasonable to me and I know one thing, these books are not going to get away now. And this was a very unique set of circumstances that we would have tried to get out of all the way along here because of the pressure. So I would put that before the table and there was one other thing there that needed consideration, but I don't remember what it was now, so maybe we can refer back to them. What is the other alternative? We don't have to press charges against him. You see, there are legal ways to handle something, and we can bring an injunction against the parties involved, Sherry and Betty, etc. But that takes longer to stop this thing. You see, George Abbott has filed, and we got another paper this week, where he is trying to hold the court open until he can get Sherry on stock in there, and he wants an oral hearing. Well, I guess I'm just getting petty, but I can't think of anything nicer than laying He wanted everybody to lay this nothing on the table. He wanted to see what nothing looked like. You know, typical abbot, and I thought, oh, mister, you are in for it now. Because we can fill up the table, and you're going to jail. Well, our intent is not to put anybody in jail. It is to put everybody in jail. But it would appear, and this is the course of action being taken, as I speak, it isn't in our hands. We can bring an injunction which stops everything, just absolutely stops them in their tracks. They know that they no longer have access to this stock or Sherri Yont. See, it prevents her from doing anything with these corporations. Where I asked EJ to hold up there, I know that I, you see, we have spent hours and then shipping stuff back and forth with CORT to reassemble some of the files that we had on the disk in EJ's computer and then I had some on my own personal computer because we tried to keep corporation business separate from our writings and things. So that will come up in a minute. And this is going to blow your socks off too, all of you faithful, loyal friends. If we bring the injunction, we can stop it, but we will not be able to stop it before the end of next week. And Abbott is just waiting there to finish filing his paper, see, now with Sherry's stock in hand. Well at this time when we were talking to Sherry about this call and so forth, we talked about the corporations and did she want to set those differently or what? No she sure didn't. She didn't want anything to do with those. She was through those corporations. Well now you've got a situation here where we, as officers and directors, what in the deuce are we supposed to do with them? And you see it would not affect her notes. No matter what, her notes are not affected. She lost the collateral, but the notes are still valid. Now what George has done, and Betty, and everyone who doesn't understand this, says, oh, you better get in there and put the Institute into receivership and then you'll get ten cents on the dollar at least. No! Everybody loses. Everybody loses. And Sherry understood that. She could, she, there was nothing wrong with Sherry. But now, when we first met Sherry, she was, well, Kip came out with her. Most of you will remember. She's absolutely one of the most beautiful little ladies I have ever seen and and just a lady and But she lied about her age She kept saying she was 83 then well that would make her into her 90s I think her driver's license shows 85 or something like that. You know, but but Leon has talked about Esther and being 90 years old and how we've ripped her off We never did anything with Esther, but be good and kind to her. I'm not going to take responsibility for that. But I do object to this 90-year-old lady being treated like this. And obviously from the things that are coming back and coming out, they've been doing all of this without her knowledge. She doesn't know what she's doing, and I bet that anything that they've gotten her conservative. Because when she wanted to do some things with her stuff, they threatened if she did this or this or this, they were going to take her to court and prove her incompetence. Now all of us remember these things. It isn't like, you know, sometimes I think, my God, I must stay awake night after night just dreaming up this. I couldn't dream it up. Okay. What will he be able to do? He will be able to get an immediate injunction. Isn't that better? Yes. Yes. It's just that here we are on a weekend and Gene and Brad are trying to get down here to go to court with him tomorrow and then we have another court thing on Tuesday morning. So it is a matter of just getting it done and he has already done his reports and to this minute we couldn't find court this morning to get an update before we came here. And God love Jenny is ready to deliver. You know it's just one of those interesting things. But he had or was in the process of filling out the forms and the complaint to the Secretary of State. They have no corporations commission as such. It's handled under the Secretary of State. And legal, any kind of fraud or legal misbehavior is handled through the Attorney General's office. Will the courts paper stop everything then? I think so. Well, all they can do is file. When I say stop, it doesn't matter to me whether they stop or not, they can go right on into court and really hang themselves. But it means a long hassle, you know. It's just more money for everybody and more pain and more agony and more years. So it would certainly be better if it could be stopped before it gets any worse. Do you want to show a hand or something? Do you want to, which way do you want to go? Yeah. I would say that, J. Doris would like somebody else to handle it. Board of Directors meeting, which was held on the 18th, most of you were here. It was the Board of Directors as well as the Board of Advisors for the Institute. Pursuant to waiver of notice and consent executed by all of the directors of the corporation, a meeting of the Board of Directors of a Nevada corporation was convened on the 18th day of January 1996. All current directors of the corporation were present. Due to the nature of the meeting and the fact that the three corporations share the same Board of Directors and Officers, this meeting and subsequent minutes will apply to all three corporations. Copies of the minutes certified and entered for each corporation. This is a special meeting that we're talking about here. Chairman E.J. Ecker convened the meeting at 21512 Adam Drive in Tashpee, California at 7.15 a.m. and reviewed the events creating the need for this special meeting. The minutes of the prior meeting on January 13, 1996 were approved and entered into the record. This meeting is for the purpose of presentation and documentation of activities and information received in the interim period since the last meeting of this board. The minutes will be appropriately identified and entered into the record book of the corporation. All attempts to reach Mrs. Ruth Yount have been fruitless and no member of this board of directors has been contacted by any parties involved except Nevada Corporate Headquarters and representatives of the Institute, legal counsel for the Phoenix Institute, and parties from the Constitutional Law Center. The contact party at Nevada Corporate Headquarters is Mr. Cort Christie, whom we believe, but have not verified, to be at the least a vice president of that company located in Las Vegas, Nevada, and is the agent for these three corporations. In Mr. Christie's investigation into the things that have happened, he has uncovered many criminal acts and violations of corporation regulations and intent to defraud, conspire, and indeed attempt to theft of these corporations. Without further verified details, we are documenting this information as received and will have a joint meeting with the board of directors and the board of advisors of PI and the CLC which will forward information to the Institute Council. Mr. Christie stated that he had been in phone contact with Betty Tootin and Paul Berger in regards to the location of the Corporation record books and stock ledgers and to gather any information available. He states that Ms. Tootin, said George Green, had asked for the letter from her which he has appended to the many packages of documents he scattered about the country. See the minutes of last meeting. She claimed she had not given him permission to use this and she had not realized he had done such a thing, although she had written the letter but would not say who, dear sir, would be. The suspicion is, however, that it was written to cover these current actions, as are being uncovered. This denial was an obvious lie because one of the receiving parties of the package, specifically organized with their own private information, were the millers who not only turned over the package received from Bozeman, Montana with Betty Tutin's cover letter, but responded immediately by special mailing which had been received by Mrs. Tutin. In this same conversation, Mrs. Tutin claimed she would complain to George Green that she would, and that she would soon be out of pocket while traveling to Arizona to have her teeth worked on and would be passing through Tehachapi en route to visit with her close friends. These close friends are unknown to anyone here as she severed her relationship in this area with a lot of indictiveness, hostility, and animosity. sent or taken and Mr. Christie said she would never admit to tell where she had delivered them although she admitted she took the documents without signing a release. It was also admitted that there had been no hard copy, order for release from any member of any corporation involved or even from Mrs. Jaunt, the listed Vice President of Record, if indeed she is involved.