The short story is that we have found a particularly fine clinic in Tijuana. Let me just hand this over to Zita for a moment. I've met a number of people who have terminal illness, who are on the border of Tijuana, going into Tijuana to seek alternative treatments and they are many years down the road. I talked to many survivors of terminal illness who sought the alternative approach and have survived it. So there are some very good and interesting and unique things happening in Mexico that can't happen here. So stay tuned. Part of those people that he met were Amish. And I have a little Amish story that has nothing to do with anything but spelt. You see, spelt was God's product. It won't compromise its own value. And I would like to say that spelt and arvin being grown by the Duncans on cow organic property and Now they're going to add pumice to that and I would interrupt even myself here to say that if you go look in the right place over in Lancaster or Before Lancaster more in the Rosamond area you will find that they are spreading pumice on some of those fields And you might want to check with those growers to see how much they're putting. But the spelt is up. It is beautiful. And what I would like to say to all the growers is that spelt is a wonderful grain. It is also wonderful greens and it is the best animal feed hay you can grow. And if you had this available in England, you would not have mad cow disease. So let's eat cake. We are doing fine. Salute. What you probably don't know is that I left New York last September and I just arrived here this morning. And I'm glad I did, because I wouldn't have missed this kind of welcome for the world, thank you. I was a kid. My friends and I went to the movies just for fun. But then we saw Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove. Started us thinking about the madness of nuclear destruction. Stanley Kramers, the Defiant, once taught us about race relations. And we began to realize that films could deal with social issues. Now when you look at films like Platoon and Philadelphia, Lorenzo's Oil, you realize the power of film to present painful but important issues to the public. So here are just a few more of the motion pictures that have courageously put social issues ahead of box office success. They've enlightened us, they've challenged us, and they've given us the opportunity to learn. I. Know. What did make you more comfortable. I think we ought to tell the police. Tell them what, Thelma? Just what do you think we should tell them, huh? That he was raping me. You said that a hundred damn people saw you there. You said she could cheat with him all night. Who's going to believe that? That we don't live in that kind of a world, Thelma? I'll send the lawyer over. I'll send the lawyer over. I'll send the lawyer over. I'll send the lawyer over. I'll send the lawyer over. I'll send the lawyer over. I'll send the lawyer over. I'll send the lawyer over. I'll send the lawyer over. I'll send the lawyer over. I'll send the lawyer over. I'll send the lawyer over. I'll send the lawyer over. I'll send the lawyer over. I'll send the lawyer over. I'll send the lawyer over. I'll send the lawyer over. You're pretty sure you're some ancient Persian. A virgin, that's a funny name for a meager boy that comes from Philadelphia. What do they call you up there? They call me Mr. Tibbs. I was really in good shape then, man. I was the captain of the football team and I wanted to be a war hero, man. I wanted to go out and kill for my country or whatever. And I don't feel good about it. Because there's not enough reason, man. Whenever there's a fight so hungry people can eat, I'll be there. Whenever there's a cop eating up a guy, I'll be there. And when the people are eating the stuff they raise and living in the houses they build, I'll be there too. I'm going to get you. How do you do it? These are mine. These are my workers. They should be on my train. I didn't do enough. You did so much. Hollywood needs to do more. Let's continue to take risks. Let's tackle the issues in many ways. In many ways our film community can do it better than anyone else. There is no challenge, artistic or otherwise, that we can't meet. Thank you.