Today is July 21, 1996. Hell, I haven't blown one of those for quite a while. I guess it was about time. This is Sunday afternoon. We're gathered for a little meeting. We have some visitors. Greetings, Commander. Why don't we acknowledge our visitors? I've never done that before. What do we do now? Hi, visitors! Usually we are reluctant to use names in here. Well, I'm a little bit caught off guard because I find her reaching out here to get this book. I'm Hatton. I come in light. I come in the radiance of my source, your source, our source, God of light. Does this mean enlightenment? Not necessarily. I mean God of light, that of which are all things. And each one of you is a sunburst of that light. Doritha has come today to share with us. She lives very close by, but does not share with us very often. That is most certainly the privilege and the love that allows one's to be here or to be elsewhere. No one forces, no one requires. We don't ask for anything save respect and reverence for that in which we hold our trust and our knowing. I don't ask you to be a Jesus person. I don't ask you to be a Buddhist. anything but reverent and respectful of God, our source, darker light in our intent, that is our source. To appreciate ourselves enough to do that which is right according to those placed upon us for our journey home. We each have a mission. No mission is less important than another, only different. And therefore we must honor even above those righteous ones those who cannot see, do not hear, do not choose. I would suggest that when you leave here, if you do not take the Bakersfield Californian that you get from the newsstand, at least one copy of it, to Hatchipease on the front cover, and every one of you are going to read through there waiting to hear what they're going to say about Hatton, or the Ecker Ecker Phoenix, you are going to be so sorely disappointed they are not even mentioned. Our task is not to be out there at least yet among the multitudes. We have a job to do. If someday we get our job done, then we can have the biggest ashram you want. You know, they're very pleased in this article that they were able to stop this group from coming out toward Bright Lake, not this group. They were going to put up, can you imagine the offense of putting up something that looks Eastern in architecture? They would mar what we have here with something beautiful? And these are the Christians, and they wanted to keep the New Age out, but they keep moving in. Well, Dorma says to me, but sir, where do we fit? I feel very, very alone, she says. We don't fit New Age. We certainly are not allowed to be fortune tellers, psychics. is referred to, it is as a multiple disorder of her personality. Hatton is but, quote, an asshole, and it is only a fragment of Doris' word personality defect. So it would seem that every time we gather we must speak of these things. You cannot speak of anything that you don't have an example with which to relate. And if you are given the gift of being able to have the example within your circle of knowledge so that you can evaluate and have access to both sides, so that in the end you have the documents, you have the papers, you have the words, and then you can sort it for yourself. We have no church, therefore we can have no cult. I do not set myself up as your God. Am I of God? You better believe it, and if you're not, it shouldn't be that you're in here, because I will offend you. Did I say Jesus? Or did I say the green frog? I said of God. Because whether you like it or you don't like it, you are of God. And if you do not measure up to your own expectation of what that should be, it's not my business. But my business is to take a stand and not bend one iota from the truth of it. And oh yes, I get it back all the time, but you say one thing and let's just go where it's at. George Green says something else. And I never caught George Green in a lie. Oh, say what? Not even a little contradiction? No. I caught him in my closet one time. Is that where you had the gold? No, I had moved the gold. I see, it's where you had had it. Well, we're not going to tease about it. It's not worthy of wasting the time. Although you have to understand, we have gathered here as friends because there's nothing that made you come except maybe your feeling of the fact that your truth perhaps matches what we identify with as a mission, if nothing nothing else. Ones will say, and you will hear it because I am now being asked to respond to a whole series of interrogative questions, inquiries all the way from across this nation because of conversations had. And these questions just pour one after another. I was told this, I want to know what about this and do you have documents that back it up? Well, my question is, is why do you not have documents before you ask me? Well, where would I get them? Well, you have someone tell you this, why did you not get documents? Oh, well, I've been sent a bunch of documents, but it appears that they're not appropriate. What do you mean by appropriate? Well, they don't match the court cases or the claims or whatever. I find that I get something from the Church of Scientology, I get something else in the package from, what is the group? Mama Prophet, yes. I get something else here that turns out to be from their own case, where they have laid out a claim, and yet it cannot be because it's their case, and it is totally contradicted from the court ruling. And then I get something pulled out of depositions. And yet there's no follow-up even of the depositions. There's just one little segment taken out of a, I suppose, deposition because they put the front cover on it. I certainly do intend to offer it. And until we can get past these petty, trivial quarrels and into our mission of building Every being, because that being is, we're not going to make it. We're going to be buried over here in our mudslinging, and in its hurtfulness it can be worse than the sword. We have a team that has poured out months of their life, their sweat and their blood, to find the truth. Not just so they can present it in a courtroom against all of this ridiculous mockery of a justice system. into this task, searching for the truth so he can even figure out how to defend. You're going to get in here, and I'm told that in speaking with Grant Megan, he said of cases, hundreds against the Eckers. And he said, he interrupted and said, hundreds? And the response was, yes, hundreds. So what is this, sir? Well, you'll find that I stretched it a little because there was one that was brought against Ecker Ecker. It was tossed out. There are none. Does everybody hear me? Mr. Abbott comes along and he says, Ecker Ecker Phoenix, Ecker Ecker Moon, Ecker Ecker, ecker, mm. But no, there is no ecker, ecker involved. But they're the ones that have to support, push, and take it. We've got to confront these things. Oh, they're not worthy of confrontation. People will speak ill of us. What do you mean people will speak ill of us? What are we? I am an entity who utilizes her to speak for me because if I show up there to speak myself, all of us are in prison. You included. You first of all. So you want me to do that to you? I don't they? Anybody who refuses to see this, I can empathize, sympathize, I can... That's all I can do. This is the way it is. We try to mind our own business, and it's all but impossible because of the assaults. You're not of God, you are of God, and God wouldn't this, and God wouldn't that. Well then why is it bothering you? If I'm not up to your qualifications of a representative of a possibility that there is a higher source and that source too has a plan so that all of you don't go into limbo, void land. I'm hearing more and more and more and this one asks about what is the dead zone. Well, that's Philip. And that's Russ Michael. Oh, you didn't know that? Well my scanners aren't too bad, although I'm accused of having pretty rotten ones. The dead zone is a type of an explanation for something that may happen after you make this transition from this, what you think is living, from this play into the reality of your next experience. And this one will tell you that you need to go into that and that bunch of energies over here in the dead zone feed off of you. And every time you have a negative thought, an ill thought, whatever thought, they are absorbing your energy. Well, that's right. But guess what? Where do all of these negative energies come from? They come from that no zone. That dead zone, that astral plane where nobody really knows they're dead. It's also filled with guides trying to wake you up. A soul has now passed over, it doesn't realize it's dead, it's stripped of memory, it's experiencing according to the fragments of energy that hold it. And the room, if you could see, is filled with them. Their guides bring them, and when we subject like I've chosen today to respond to some of this. The guides are saying, listen, listen, listen. I'm telling you to listen. You don't have to live in this dead zone. You must wake up in this dimension, you're going to spend a long time in that dead zone. Why? Because of the dogmas and the doctrines foisted off on you. And each generation gets heavier and heavier and heavier and further and farther and away from the truth. It's not in the Indian religion. It's not in the American Indian tradition. It's not in the Jesus Christ church. It's not in the Lutheran church. It's not in the Catholic That is the temple. That's where you both dwell. You as a fragment God, as a creator. And Dorma says, Sir, why can't I just be the lady in the middle. We chose to do what we're doing. So that mankind can go past the lady here, the radiant mother here, and recognize her. God will always send a vision that you recognize. And that brings me to the next step of the dead zone. Let us say you're all just as souls laying out there, sort of a formless shroud, waiting. Any minute now, something is going to come and save me from this. I am stuck here. And every time another individual studies the information, they will tell you a different story. The original story was that I'm informed, not me, I'm informed, and I experience this moving into this zone, this near-death experience, or this passage into death and back, and I realize that, alright, Alright. Every realization will be different according to the individual experiencing. So your experience cannot be exactly like this one over here. So all this one over here can do is share with you his experience, ask for higher guidance and then arrive at a reasonable balance of possibilities. So this one says that time period as we would recognize it might be from 7 to 40 years. In this what he has referred to as the dead zone. That just means your body has died, your soul has transitioned over here, but it's not yet placed itself. Now you'll get, this could last for eternities. Well, I suppose it can, but it's a pretty dense soul, don't you think? And if it was expecting God, do you really think it's going to be left there for eternity? No. Not even the Catholics would pronounce you to limbo forever, because at some point you're going to take up residency either in a higher dimension or a lower one as to experience. So someone comes along as a teacher and expresses the only way that teacher can, through whatever it, he, she can perceive will be understood. And if you don't know what happens to that soul when it goes on beyond this measure, how can you relate to something? So somebody has to come up with a term. And it's been called void time, null time, limbo. It's the being time. Now, what happens here? Soul goes somewhere. The preacher will tell you, oh, he's with God. Well, yes, he's still with God. There's no doubt about that. But that one is not yet experiencing as with God. Oh, but I know she is to the right hand of God. No, she's not. She is within God. And God's waiting for the individual awakening. So that we, he and you, she and you, whatever you perceive this light to be, this total allness, your source, can decide where best you may next experience. Have you learned enough? And you will know. And if you have gone over there as dead as most people go over there, up here between the ears, and right here in this midsection, you're going to say, oh daddy, I really don't know enough. Don't give me this responsibility because somehow death you equate with now we've read of that responsibility. Just begun. And so, no, I will not come to you and just agree with you to make you feel good. That's not my job. Maybe Mother here can hold you close and fill that void, but you know, you know. And these are the lessons I'm going to have to move on into in the midst of the most chaotic time coming upon your place. That plane that was blown up, and yes indeed it was blown up. And there are a lot of reasons that it was blown up. One, they were taking government documents out of this country. The plane was held on the ground for over an hour, well, maybe even closer to three hours while they waited for those documents to arrive. Then there comes the distraction. Well, those awful terrorists planted that bomb in Athens and then it went to New York, I mean it went to L.A. and then that same flight went on and it did this and it did that. Well, what a clever, clever terrorist. But is it possible? You better believe it. With a plastic the size of a card, you can blow up New York City. There is something now called red mercury that is so powerful that a sandwich-sized bomb will blow up New York and the state around it. It's perfected. What are you talking about? Could it happen? But that was the start. Now how many of you know what took place on Friday? Oh, well nothing. The Olympics started and it went fine and only one person died and that was from some little country we don't remember and he had a heart attack and it was hot and the president was there but it was beautiful and Ali came out and lit the torch and it went off really well and we all expected something. Why would you expect something? Just because they planned to blow up all of Atlanta on Friday evening? Well, the finest, quote, if you consider sports your finest, of mankind would be all gathered there along with Clinton, who they want to take out in the worst way and make it look right. And yet that didn't happen, did it? Oh good, we made it. Did you make it? Or did somebody have to take out your harp system to keep it from happening? Does anybody want to tell us about what happened to the harp system on Friday? Guess not. Well I heard from Claudia that it was taken out with weather. Just like they're taking China out with weather. Just like they're taking your crops out with weather, or your harp system's down. So enjoy it. It'll be a little chaotic, but your head won't hurt so bad for a little while, for a few days. But watch for the closing ceremonies. You see, if they can't get enough infected in Atlanta to take the disease back, and they're getting you ready to expect it. I mean, after all, the little grade school children in Japan are suffering from this terrible something they don't know what it is. They can't even decide what they fed them that would make them all sick, scattered around the whole of Japan. You're in it, people. Must we quarrel over a word in a writing that could very well have been misspelled? Or can we look at the mammoth possibilities of this world in chaos? It doesn't have to go down in chaos. my mission, anyone who chooses to work with me at this given time and my given focus, and it's not just in this place, is to be able to build. In spite of, and even get them to help us. But you have to kiss a lot of toads to even find a good frog, much less a prince. And Rick, don't waste time, let's just get on to the Sultan of Brunei. Why waste time? He can back with money and value. Anything you can produce in the first three triages Use your contacts. Use your contacts, Mr. Ecker. Hand carried. Hand delivered right to General Colin Powell at the convention. Another hand carried and delivered right into Mr. Dole's hands. I can't imagine anyone more suitable for making those deliveries than the one at the hotel setting up the entire convention. We don't miss the opportunities. And we're not of evil. And they better start, by golly, proving what they say, because they're going to look silly. Now this is going to be a hard, heavy, but a rather nice week, Gene. I want Gene to know that. You got all the ammunition you need. All you need. Some, if he's not... This is a general conversation, please. You see, what goes out on these tapes comes back to eat us alive, too. So let's just... Everything you need is there. And what has happened is the ones who think they are really doing something to these people have simply sucked in the opposition. And they're not going to be filled with love when they realize the magnitude of the lies out there that are just floating around as if on the top of the water and that debris out there outside New York. Truth will out. And if there are errors in speaking, errors in dates, errors in something, that is one thing. But if you focus all of your attention on a typographical error and miss the concept of the message, dead zone's going to look pretty good to you. Because you're already dead. You're already existing in the dead zone. You've got to wake up. You've got to clean up before you make that transition, that's what we're trying to do. Wake you up, make available information, then you can go research it, check it out for yourself. Why are you so lazy that you listen to the gossips? Repeat the gossip and make it gospel. Intent is what is measured by God. And guess what? Intent is what is measured by God self. You can't lie to your own intent. Oh, you don't have a problem anyway because you are brain dead and God is very forgiving of brain death. Thank you for coming. to hear nothing and mamby-pamby words. You came here to share in the wisdom that you already know within exists. You don't even mind a little bit of hectic-ness. We would say, well, nobody said, sir, it would be easy. No, but it's easier than you think. We're just lazier than we wish because we're unsure. And we don't want that final responsibility of accepting our own opinions, even. Well what's wrong with being incorrect? If you find out otherwise, oh golly, I was wrong. Is that so hard to say? I misspoke. Is it better to say, well, I just refuse to look at the fact that I may be wrong? That's your business. That is your privilege. But you wouldn't come to this room and waste your Sunday afternoon if you didn't find some truth, some hope, some validity to what is here, to what is here. And maybe it's because nobody pressures you. a big, major, life-encompassing decision. And march down here and let me pour water on you. Or drip it, or pat it, or whatever's the going thing. That's between you and God. All of these other things are clubs. This could get, very easily, to be a club. And quite frankly, I would enjoy it. Because then we wouldn't have to say, no, we're not a club, we're a bunch of friends, and then by golly, we can have a potluck supper and nobody would pay attention to us. We could have a cake sale. But we're going to have to make it exactly like we are right on through until we clear up the lies. And when the lies are cleared up, then we can go for the building. You've got to replace every system you've got going. You're not going to go in there and shoot them. Some are going to try that, but more of you will get shot than you get shoot. So be careful what route you choose. They're going to shoot each other enough to make up for all of the shooting you could possibly contribute to. And Holly rail over there on the Just know it. Because when L.A. goes into a rubble heap, little Israel goes into a heap. And then you're going to need somewhere else to make your motion pictures, aren't you? And they're going to reach beyond the stupidity of married with children. Give your children something worthy of looking at with the mind. Monsters? This week, note, the Olympics are on, the monsters are afoot. Every alien, awful thing, lie, cheat and steal from you your minds. A little excitement, that's not exciting, that is sick. And is that autopsy, is that really an alien? Well, it's sure alien from anything I ever saw. So you be the judge. But there are some fascinating things. You see them around here all the time. Are those from brothers? Are they from Northrop? Are they from Edwards? Can you not enjoy the phenomenon of intelligent life that can create something like this? Does it always have to go over here and be monstrous, awful, and the dark ages? No, that's what you choose to use those things for. Anyone who can create a ball of electricity the size of three city buses and put it around the sky is pretty damn smart. Now, that's just a fact. And it doesn't matter who does it. It's smart. That is incredible technology. You have to use it to blast each other away, to incinerate each other, or to bring down super jumbo jets, 747s. A laser But, oh, we have to look for heat-seeking missiles, and we have to look from ground to air missiles, and then we have to rule them out. Note the ruling out before there's ever even an investigation. And then notice if they put a terrorist picture up on the screen. He's perfectly harmless, but it's got to be out of his group. No, they're lying to you when they do that. Truth doesn't do that. Truth doesn't bother to do that. There are all of these possibilities, but there's only going to be one thing that happened. It may be connected to all of the possibilities. And Ray Bilger has done a remarkable job of finding information out that has been strangling there since the first time we had trouble over this property. I said to the little few gathered, I believe Rick and Al are the only ones now. By the time this is uncovered, this little house here, this little no-sale here, it will uncover the Keating Five, it will uncover the S&L debacle, it will go right to your White House, and it will go to President Reagan, and it will go to George Bush and the Twigs. And I believe if he stood here and made a report to you, which I wish we had time to do, you'll find that it goes right to Reagan, right to Bush, right to Keating, and right to the Twigs. becomes important not because it is a house, not because it is the Eckers. This is so widespread that it even happened to the Eckers. And it will eventually, after now over eight years, maybe make it into court. Isn't that interesting? interesting. How can you hold on long enough to ever have justice when those are your odds? And how will the rulings go? You have no concept. You know what it ought to be. But in the system of today, will they dare uncover? Or will they just get rid of you so that you don't uncover more? These are hard decisions. And precious Leon will say, it isn't money, it's my value and I value George Abbott, they have no right to attack him. So George Abbott is a good liar and we are bad truth bringers. I don't know the difference anymore as far as what people will listen to. I don't know the difference anymore as far as what people will listen to.