You can't get him, enter him in this filthy house. He can't enter. It doesn't matter what. I'm sorry I offend people. I don't offend no one. I talk in general. Anyone be offended, I don't care. I speak the truth. The truth is a knife and cuts and hurts. hearts and heads. That's the way it is. They lie? Ah, it makes you laugh. Those that make you laugh, they make you, they fool you. Those that make you pain, they work for you. Because to do things, and don't go back. Be secure. We said in old country, who makes me laugh, wants my bed. Who makes me cry, he wants my good. You see, that's the way it goes. Everything has ways. And this is the way is one, through this temple. Find him. Work with him. And you see if I speak the truth or not. Then time, you want to say, sometime I meet a Terry. And he said, this way. Now we find that is truth. And we think that was so impossible, so difficult. Why? Because in our minds conceived that can be done. Only Jesus taught. No, it's not that way. Everybody can do this. There is no exception, if you want. You see? It's not difficult, it's simple. God is simplicity. Man makes his complications. Why? Because he puts lights between. A boy is the lights, what be? Simplicity. Simplest. Oh, my God. Yes. So in the presence of beings like yourself, it's not hard to imagine bowing down completely. But if we make this decision, back to the first words you mentioned, this utter, complete resolve that we want nothing, to experience nothing else but God. And we want to see that great light, when we see the cosmic dust and our little piece of body contained in that massive dust, of course. And let's say we want not even to live if we can't see and have that experience. We know to approach a teacher or a master, we're going to be tested. We're going to be tested and we're going to be tested. And then we're going to be tested again after that. What are the tests, some of them that you went through, what are the type of tests that can be expected for someone who wants to go all the way? You speak with your own level of consciousness. You feel this way. This is for you. You have to follow what you feel and what he talks to you inside. Not for him, not for anyone. Is good for you this way? You go for this. This is your way to go? That's the way you go. If you find you make a mistake, you have to go back. If you find making the right, you continue. Is that true? I can't go and I say, no, don't do this, or do this, or don't do this. I give one instruction. For you, it's a different, as I say, medicine, it's a different. Other for you, other for him, other for him, other for him. For you, it's this, as you feel it, as you want to express it. Yes. That's good, perfect, for you. But it's not for him. It's not for her. For you, yes, you do it in a way you think it is right. Everyone has his own destiny to fulfill in his own way. What were some of the tests that you went through? Forget to test these things. I don't want to talk about these tests. These tests, it's meant for me to pass. Because if you don't test it, I will be taught. I'm going to be rejected. If I said, oh, I can't go anymore. Why I go in the desert, in the Himalayas, in the white cloud, what do you say, snow? Why I go in white snow? I can't see nothing. It's cliffs there. This way, that way. No. Why I go with one man with one leg? No. I have to go ahead. You say you know the way, I follow you. I did know that he was my teacher, my master. And he test me four or five times to see if I am worth it. Worth it? Worth it. They don't give the teachings just like that to anyone. They give where they know this is going to give fruit. And the fruit is today here. The fruit is around many people. They awaken. And they say, we never heard these words before. That's the fruit. That's the tree that brings good fruit. If that is good for them, it must be good for you, because you are the same way. There is no much and there is no less. Must follow the way. Everyone got his own opinion here. Everyone has his own contradiction. I see the minds. Why? Because you didn't meet the truth. Who finds the light, never walk again in the dark. Nobody can tell you, answer, there is the way. No. Here is the way. No. You got life here. This is artificial life, you saw, my man. This is God's life. You going to take me from God's life to your artificial life? No. people and you see the way of life of them, you can't accept any other way. The only way is to follow this way. If you wanted to go to Olympics, to become a gold medalist, who you gonna take a teacher? The Pope? Will they die every six months? The cardinals? The bishops? Who? The priests? Who? A gold medalist. And who is a gold medalist? The immortal. Now, He teach you what He knows. He give you everything He knows to you, to you, to you, who ask for His teachings. And you go to the Olympics. Who has to run the distance? You. Only you. Nobody else. He can't do that for you. For no one. He gives only instructions and teachings. You follow any way you want. I'm straight. You want right? Go right. You want right? Go right. Nobody bothers you. But you So, must we think about these things tonight? We must work with these things tonight. Must achieve through these teachings tonight. When time comes to need it, you will have it. But depression happen. You know the trade. You take the tools, and you do the job. That's money. When you need it, you don't have it. You must make it now. This is important, to make it now. This is the critical point of this life, now. Hold hands, all of you, now. Hold him. All of you. From now on and in this moment, this group of people is one man, under one God. We have all together to go to journey to accomplish our mission. Our mission is very important for us and for everyone who can make him to come to our group. We must spread the truth to everyone we know. Because even one sheep be taken out from the wilderness and bring to the house of God, is going to be big fest in heaven. Everyone. Think now, every one of you, spread the truth. In any way we can. Everyone is working here for this truth. Don't say, I can, I got my house to take care, I got my business to take care, I got to do this, I got to do... No! More important is this! Because the business in few years is gonna go! Everything gonna go, gonna change completely everything! The face of the earth gonna change completely! Where is your business? It's gone! That's it. So we must achieve this completion. Must bring anyone we know to be saved. The ship is bigger than this earth. Bigger than this earth. Yes it is my dear. Big. Can you see that? Yes. Yes. Works with the sun, light of the universal sun, not universal, galactic sun. They take power from the galactic sun. And they go the speed of light five times. Okay. That's my business. Everybody let go hands and sit down. You just keep talking. They don't believe you. We have a question back here. Yes. He's going to tell you first how the ship works. All right. These ships, they work through light. The energy of light. We don't use this energy. We use that what is inside, in the air. When we got this done, and we don't use anything of this. We can have heat, we can have movement, we can have anything when you use this power. But no, this power is cheap, he got no money, he got no business. Must be transferred to dollar, everything must be dollar. These people, they don't think that way. Our technology is in embryo state, in front of theirs. They are going ten times the speed of light. Think to come millions of miles of light away, here. How? By the light of the galaxy, galactic sun. They make a connection, they get antennas, and they connect from there, and they absorb this light down. And this light transforms in energy. And that energy is tremendous. No device of ours, not atomic, not anything, can compare to this energy. That's why the airplanes, they say, we can see them disappearing. Why? The commanders may say, Chessmen, what Chessmen? We don't see them. Drop it down. What drop? Drop what I say? The air? It can't. Because they got high technology. Those ships are big and the mothership is the one who takes all. Macro. Macro. Macro. Big. You see? Big Mac. Big Mac. So all these ships, with the collection of people of the earth, the children, they're going to go all in this mothership. And this mothership, he's going to take it to Piatras. Where? Oh! When? Pardon me? When? Nobody knows. Probably when you're not worried about when. That's right. When time comes, it's going to be done. The time is not fulfilled yet. It must be done. What did Israel say to Jesus? When? When? When? There is no time yet. You see? Because he didn't fulfill his mission. He must do everything he can do to reveal the truth. It's not yet. Now we must do something more. Save more people. Must bring here more people. They got plenty space. They got plenty space. Is this going to be local? Pardon me? You have a boat with ships and everything? Local. Get them all ready to go and turn them loose? Here? Yeah. We got not this kind of technology. They are ready up there. Did you see any night them? Did you see them? No. You see them. But you're telling us that there's a lot to be done. It is there, waiting, until the time comes. Well, can we make a trip up there? You can do it. Check out our rooms. Can you do it? I don't see why it can't be done. When they want it to be done, it's going to be done. I said, let's get ready and do it. That's right. When they want it to be done, it's going to be done. But you're right, most of these they don't know. Who? The NASA. Who cares about NASA? That poor woman and a whole bunch of them that got burned up, I knew it was going to stop. I know that they are soft. These ships, they travel billions of miles. Billions and billions and billions. All right, I'll go back to my hutch. Without any failure. They don't fail. I'd like to see how they're built. Ah, another thing. It's another thing. I've worked on a lot of that stuff. Did you? Did you build one? Well, I remember this one where that woman got killed. They burned her up. That was one that I was on. I built that one from scratch. I can stop this for a little bit. I'm telling you we will be having on this Rick can, you know, twist arms enough to get some translations or transcribings done. We will have someone who has experienced the time travel more advanced actually than Al It's here. It's been here. John gets confused because John can remember and he can remember too well and he can't sort what is happening to him now from what he knew then. And this is part of that awakening and it's a time of confusion. So you just got to latch on to the truth. I wouldn't say it's that bad. confusion. So you just got to latch on to the truth. I didn't say it's that bad. And just hang on. John came and right off for a visit with Hathorne. I want to know where that tunnel is. Let's not talk about tunnels. We're still talking about getting acquainted. No, I want to know where that tunnel is. So John's doing fine. This is what they want to remember. And after a while we become very familiar, one with another, and it's very difficult to not begin to fall into a rut. It isn't exactly boredom, but let's hear something a little bit different. Let's hear from someone who has experienced. Well, I've experienced about everything that you're ever going to think of. But we must measure also what the level is of your understanding. And the interesting part is, is that the little kids, the little children. This one right over here sees me all the time. All the time. Daddy can ask her right now about these strange, very tall people. Look a little different. Don't ruin that for your babies. Let them live in the reality because they are going to be the ones to take you home. Just respect them. We talk about worship. God does not want worship because that connotates something in this day and age of translation. It is like taking love versus agape. I can say to this man, a coffee sauce. Sargapo. I love you. I love you. Sargapo. In Greece. Just kidding. It's Greek. Anybody in this room not understand? Do you see where you get your confirmation. So you've got a bunch of little breaks running around. You may as well get used to it. Would you like to explain the seat to them? It's already a long day. What do you want to do? Spend the night? No. I think there's still some questions. Yes, sir. Well, we need to make our plans for this future potential. What's the Greek connection that you've been talking about? Ask him. This is the... I came with my relief group. What did you say, my friend? What is the Greek connection that we've been hearing about? And does that go back to the so-called Greeks? Oh, I see, I see, I see, I see what you're saying. I know what you mean now. You see, men advent in this planet, in the motherland of Mu. This land was between Philippines and South America They got great civilization of 600,000 years But developed selfishness There was the master of Ramu He warned them. He said to them, change way of life. Forget what you're doing, what they tell you to do. Turn back to Him who bring you here. Think! Right. Speak! Right. Act! Right. According to the one universal law, the law of God. Did they listen? No. He said, this land you got to turn your feet, is going to disappear from your feet in a blink of the eye. In a blink of the eye. Did they listen? No. Uyghur, Sodom and Gomorrah. Did they listen to Lord? No. Why? Because the negative works this way. He tried to pull more people he can do. There was a LAS. A LAS. A city in this MU. A LAS. And the people call them ELINES. They left before the submersion and they come to Greece. And they brought there the belly button. What means belly button? Why we got belly button? Because we cut from something else. And the civilization, they call them Kharas. Kharas. Kharas, they call them because they got wisdom. Kharas means head in Greek, in ancient Greek. to Greece. And they put this temple of Apollo on this belly button. Do you know why? In Apollo temple. They didn't put any zhuk, any zhukh in anyone else. You see? Everything has connection. They put him in Apollo because Apollo gonna be the last planet that gonna be in this universe where Earth is today. The last planet that is now in the orbit of the Sun and is nebula, this gonna be named Apollo. That means Coeplision. These people are going to go from here to the planet, they are going to bring them back again. On Tuesday. They are going to bring them back. Out on Saturday, back on Tuesday. Yeah. So this way is going to beg afterwards. So this happened to bring there this begging pattern. To show that this is a part of this. Of the mother land, this is the next part, to spread the civilization to the world. And that is happening. From Greece, spark all the civilization. From the Nagas, they spark other religion teachings in East. The Nagas is those they teach the most religion of one God. The Nagas is the one that brought the modelers... Cosmogonic diagram. They brought there. And that's what is today, and exists up to date. And everybody celebrates. Everybody was joined. And they hear a sound from underneath. And lift the whole earth up. And then put them down immediately. 60 million people gone. Well, you believe it or not, that's the way it happened. And you see the new earth again, you see this is going to come up again. Because others are going to go down, others are going to come up. Believe it or not, this is the way it is. Nothing be lost. This come down, this come up. This is the balance. Did they listen to Ramu? No. Do they listen today? No. Until the time of destruction comes. That time they're going to run. Where are you going to run? Where? You don't know this is a prison? The earth is surrounded by a belt of cold, more cold than ice? More cold than steel? Belt? Do you know that? You can't go further from there. This is inside there. All thing is inside here. You can't go no place. That's why these, they come here to take you out, because you can't do anything. Prepare. Purify. Is the world ready to receive this message? I don't think so. That's why he said, you have eyes, you can see. He has ears, he can hear. No more, no less. The truth is one, and it's going to come soon. Is the United States government going to do any more with the underground caves? That's right. Area 52. Don't worry about these things. I don't want to have my car parked on San Diego. Talking all about... Don't worry about these things. That's right. Can't do anything about it anyway. This is toys. They play with toys. I agree. That's right. They play with toys. Instead of this knowledge that they have there, they play with toys. I'm going to park his car. You don't think about yourself, you think about the car. What is going to be? But it's a Mercedes. Ah, that's right. I'm sure that was fun. Up to now we talk serious. You better come to me. I spoke to Constantine Koky about this kind of stuff, but he would never give me much bearing to support it. Who you talking? The guy who was the king of Greece. Greece? Who's king? Constantine? I never did find out too much. You didn't find out yet? Well, he got killed in a dog accident. In a dog accident? I give up. I quit. A dog, a tin killed a dog actually. Well, the dog killed him. The dog killed the tin? The son. The son? That was a dog the afternoon. I give up. I'm not going to need it. I'm not going to need it. You got a bigger boat? Big. Much faster, John. New model of Mercedes. Well, I don't have any complaints. Light years ahead of your car? Well, the folks out in Tape Land are suffering a little right now. Can you get back on the track? I believe we have the machinery out there somewhere. Now, there's a man who has a question. Yes, sir. Go ahead. Thanks. I appreciate the lighter energy because it was getting a bit tense anyway. I'm sure we all understand that we've been told through our lives that we get back to God through pain and overcoming, more pain, more overcoming. And I've done pretty well with that through my life, through willpower, through driving myself through the pain, but it's left a lot of injuries along the way. I'm finding more recently that there's another school, another path to follow, and that's of love and inspiration. And I haven't heard much much speaking about the inspiration part. I mean, we can beat a horse and make it move forward. But we also inflict a lot of injuries on it. Or we can entice that horse forward with an apple or a treat or some sort of inspiration. There's no apple trees. Excuse me. There's no apple trees. You said apple tree? No, with an apple. What? With an apple. Apple, yes. Yes. We can entice it forward or inspire it with that apple. Yes, yes. And in that way we don't inflict any injury or leave permanent scars or blockages on it. So with that thought in mind, my question would be to the commander yourself or both, as to what can we do to remove all those blockages which we have developed through this society that we live in, which has left so many blockages upon, I can speak personally, I'm sure other people can relate to it, it's left so many blockages that we don't see clearly, we don't think clearly, and it makes the whole process a lot slower. I've heard a lot of talk about self-hypnosis, and I've attempted it, and I really believe it's an excellent way to go, but I've not been successful with that path. So if you could share something on that I would appreciate it. You go in the mirror. Go in the mirror. See yourself in the mirror. See your face in the mirror. Avoid your face. see your eyes, only your eyes, and look deeply inside your eyes. The eyes are the windows of the soul. You enter through these windows into your soul, in your own self. Make it a question, what can I do? I was sharing an experience with him, just what you were saying, because I spent seven weeks in total silence. About three years ago, between Christmas and New Year's, and about the seventh day, I was pretty much opened up at that point, and I looked into a mirror, and I looked directly into my eyes, and I did see myself, to some degree. And at that point I made a commitment to myself, I said, looking in the mirror I could see my soul and I said, you've been my best friend, you've been my inspiration all my life, you've always been there for me, you've never let me down so low that I couldn't get back up again, and you've always been there to put an arm in support and love me. I made a commitment to myself at that time.