|0.00|> Due to a fault in the master tape, this side was originally intended to be left totally blank.<|6.00|><|6.00|> This is the second side of tape number two.<|11.00|><|11.00|> So from this point on, what you need to do is go to tape number three.<|15.00|><|15.00|> But at the end of tape number four, just put this tape in your machine and listen for the remaining concluding minutes on this tape. Because of the mechanical failure originally, you missed about two minutes of David's talk that was due to handling the mechanical failure. Sorry for the missing of the tape. And these are generally shorter tapes in terms of 60 minute tapes, whereas we usually use 90 minute tapes. So I apologize for occasionally having fallen asleep at the wheel and there may be some sentences that are cut off from what David was saying. The draw from it, and you've experienced the emotion in the moment, but there's no baggage. You know, I mean if I see the guy again I wouldn't slug him more than twice. And I would tell him before I hit him, I'd say, it's not personal. No. No, I'm only kidding. I'm only kidding, I wouldn't tell him that at all. Feeling the emotion's fine, and then letting it go and not holding on to it, that's the key. Because then the egg shell doesn't get added to and it starts to disintegrate. The question would be, if he's ducked and you missed, would he take it personally anyway? Yeah, right, yeah, I suppose he would. That's a deep one, isn't it? Okay, how are we doing then? One more? Maybe? Anybody else? I'm going to get back to San Diego. They call it San Diego because it's sandy. Little joke, by the way. Anybody listening to this tape, I didn't mean that. I have seen how you spell it. Yeah. Okay. Well, you may live in Great Britain, but you certainly have a family in Tatchby, California. Thanks very much. It's been great. Thank you very much. It's been really great. Thank you.