You can't talk back. She's got it figured. Are you going to date this? I am going to date it right now. Correctly or wrongly? Well, I'll try to date it correctly. I think this is September the 8th, 1996. And greetings, Commander. Good afternoon. You just never can tell, can you? What's going to happen from one weekend to the next. And life is what pours in there all the while you think you're going to escape for a little bit. But we have friends who have come a very long way and they were going to pass this way regardless of whether or not we had a little meeting this afternoon and I think it's time we personally welcome Joseph within our little family circle you'll see a lot more of him as time goes on he's with his mother if anybody, I would lay bets on her age if I were you who know. Maria and we are welcome in them. Aloha. They come via our precious friends in Hawaii. Joseph doesn't know yet what might be all in store for him, but he has the same wishes and desires to become informed at a much higher and more spiritual level than most. Most are not willing to give up seven years of their lives like Terry until you've been touched. I didn't say tetched. That comes with all of us. But when you've been touched, there is a seed that grows and throughout your period of experience, you wish more and more and more to become closer and closer to the truth that is shared. You all want to be psychics, you all want to be seers. Some just want to be fortune tellers, but anybody can do that. Anybody can be a seer, anybody can be a remote viewer. But to experience with the energy forms that are not in your visible experience experience is something that everybody doesn't go searching for. It's like writing. If everybody wrote, who's going to read? If everybody just wants to wait to read, somebody better write. So you don't need everybody running up to the Himalaya peaks at 32,000 feet to experience the immortals to experience the mortals reminds me a little bit of The invitation that Eckers had from a Texas gentleman who was going to see Billy Meyer and you could not see Billy Meyer at that time Unless you had someone of his known friends to allow you in this was before the simiasi silver medallion or whatever center was taken from Billy and turned into more nothingness. There was a reason that the place in Switzerland was important. There were actually two reasons. The monetary neutral center of your globe was in Switzerland. It's no longer there, so don't go searching the Swiss banks for all those secret funds. The fifth column got there first. But this is where a lot of the immortal stationed base, if you would, people were there in the Swiss Alps and some in the Austrian Alps, and this was a place to make a connection where simulated craft had already been seen. You know that the Germans, before you ever thought about it, had flying craft, disc craft, and those were alien technologies. And some of those are still being sported around. But then when the Semjasi Center folded, as far as Billy Meyer was concerned, they started mocking up models and they'd already done one of that stupid wedding cake thing. No self-respecting alien would fly in one on the ground much less aerodynamically in space. So if they tell you it's advanced it really is advanced because the commander of that ship's got to get it here by thought. But they also found a model in his garage. These are the things that happened. Well, all Eckers had was Jerry Popper's silver medallion, first edition of Pleiades Connection, book one, that had been given to him by Gordon Cooper and Gordon Cooper was working with Jerry at the time on a Tesla documentary I believe in Arizona, New Mexico area they were moving from place to place Jerry got to know Gordon Cooper very well and Gordon said well I want to tell you that in my astronaut travels I have seen them I have met them and this book is real and I want to make a gift of it to you." And so it was inscribed to Jerry Popper with best regards and this sort of thing, a priceless thing really for Jerry. But he put it up in the closet and had not thought much about it until Eckers bumble in on the scene. And he had something then in reference to whatever might be a motion picture interest or whatever. He wanted to share this book, so he dug it out of the closet. Now, somewhere after moving out here, the book was taken from their home. Now, I only am saying here because I know that all of you are just waiting for me to blow the big secret. on his circuit that he has one from Gordon Cooper. He may have one and it's that one. Just like he has 1,500 prints of pictures after Billy Myers said all of his pictures were taken save maybe six. So it doesn't pay. If you don't behave in that manner and you don't want to be blamed for something then stop bragging. That's all I can tell you. If you have 1500 separate prints of Billy Myers you're suspect aren't you? If all of those pictures were taken, stolen. At any rate, E.J. and Doris were asked by this Texas gentleman to go to visit Billy Meyer. And Little Crow, who was not called Little Crow at the time, said, Oh my dear, what would you go over there for? Well, I'd like to see aliens number two you don't have to go to Switzerland to even run into foreign brothers why don't you just stay put and let's see how life unfolds and I think that you can see what wisdom there was in that message. It doesn't prove anything to have somebody visualize and get you into such weird trouble. You ones don't have any idea what it is that you speak about in instances like that. And yet I do have a great advantage. On the other hand, you don't need the advantage of my insight. If you just let something happen and you keep your eyes and ears open, the adversary will always boast about it. So that you will know without any equivocation like who turned in the unlawful quote aliens from Mexico. If you just wait a little while, number one, the name always comes back because when informers think they are informing, guess who goes on the information gathering list first? The informer. The informer. So when you get information and they say, oh, well maybe you will win a bounty or something. And so we will give you an XYZ number, give us your phone number, where can we contact you and all they have to do is call the number and find out everything about that party who called. So when you want to know who turned in the aliens, all you have to do is realize that none of the other farmers around had been contacted by anybody. So that informant came right from here trying to get revenge. Well it backfired because they now have a second tattletale arrangement. The Board of Equalization showed up in Newgaia. And all of the information that was poured in there is now credited to Tammy. They don't find anything when they come. They do not find anything when they come. So I would just invite them all to come over here and get it over with. Seems like such a waste, except that I guess in the in the long run, their own are betraying the Martyr Day. And therefore there can't be this old lying SOB who meets on Sunday afternoons. That's the way life is. You get back in kind what you give out. And when your intent is good and you're working diligently toward the progression of God's You'll get the answers. You'll get the answers to the most complex set of circumstantial problems that you can imagine. And Eckers just sat and experienced that. There is a serious, serious problem needed just working through. And when you start working it through and you ask God to help you, it just goes click, click, click, click, click. And when all of you learn that it's that way, and when you have earned your right to those answers because they're not greedy, they're for the protection of everyone. You're not going to be at a loss for the solutions to your problems. And when we all get on that same track, then we really will be moving along, won't we? But first of all, come the opportunities for the ones who are only going to participate for themselves or to scramble up your projects, you have to wait until they sort themselves away from you because they want to. And then at some point, you grow enough to become discerning enough that you will take that responsibility upon self and handle these problems only you want to go handling them in a bashing sort of way. But I think that the group in Nevada has gotten itself pretty buried up. They think they have you by the neck. And I use that term nicely because that's not what you guys would call it. Don't think you ever have me caught that way. It is important that you learn I'm on your side. And I don't have to hang anybody. I don't have to zap anybody. It became pretty obvious that the adversarial team would fall apart on its own. It would just go away if you did not have Abbott and Horton. No self-respecting attorney would take, touch those cases. And what's it all tied up with? What do you think they're really wanting? The gold. Of course it's the gold. And if they can push the institute into receiverships and the institute has an assignment, and that was where it was to have gone in the first place, they've got to get the institute, don't they? To get the gold. Or they think they'll give you enough problems and old Eckhart here won't want to tell what he did with all those billions of dollars that he took to Mexico and buried and then came back in the middle of the night some way so you didn't know. And I don't know whether or not he took all those suitcases that Ent said were under their floor ready to move with. And the judge comes out and accepts these kinds of affidavits. You think that's good law if you got it into a higher court outside of election year. And they keep talking about Cheri Yant's affidavit. Cheri Yant did a paragraph affidavit that the letter that was attacked she had written. What kind of an affidavit is that? And Georges was thrown out of court because it was not under penalty of perjury. And he said the Institute owed him over a million dollars plus a $70,000 note that he had signed for. So a million and seventy thousand dollars he says you owe him. And they have the audacity to get up in front of a judge who knows they're lying and he allows it. Indeed it's interesting. And indeed we need some things taken care of before we can move on with too many projects because it's hard. It is hard to have to spend hours and hours and hours every day at this. And we have had some spectacularly wonderful times lately. And I didn't want to press anybody to be here, but I wanted to honor Joseph and his mother enough, because I respect him and I know that he has a beautiful, beautiful task in front of him. Terry left here and he had to go back to Canada. Then he had to go to Hong Kong. His wife and son are in Hong Kong. He needs to get them now into security. He put them in Hong Kong to get them into security. He had done extremely, he became very wealthy in Canada. And then of course as the Canadian government decided who would live and who would die, they took it. And he had been one of their largest benefactors. Well he's not foolish and he's not stupid. So he knows what he's doing. And he's got property scattered around but he put his family in Hong Kong for security. And all of you know that Hong Kong will revert. And they're not going to make British citizens and what... He doesn't want to be there anyway. His work is in Greece. Truly, his work is in Greece. And he already has the people that he needs there to accomplish what is his life task. So you'll be hearing from him again. It's very difficult for anyone to sort out from one moment to the next what is going on and what I might even tell you because 20 minutes from now is different. So in thinking about coming down here today, there are a couple of things that we've not been able to get to. One is Nora's sharing with us some of the things that Terry shared with us and that I especially want Joseph to hear. These were things we did not get to while everybody was here on the 17th. These are important things. They are fun things. and you are to a strategically important period of time. One wants to say, well, but it's just going, and what about the Gulf War? Are we going to have a Gulf War? What's what? Well, just over the contracts that we're dealing with, there have been three top level two out of treasury men murdered. Mr. Bush, they said, had a little cyst on his neck, so they put him in Bethesda. No, they changed his implant. He was already a robot. He is now a mess. Mr. Well, yeah, Freudian slip. Thank you. Mr. Clinton, you know, Bush's boy. And you bombed Iraq. Now, I believe 75 missiles, cruise missiles, went into Iraq. They said so many, 17, something like that. There were 75 cruise missiles, updated, strategically programmed, surgically perfect. They missed half the targets. It's just more nonsense. And you eat it up. You eat it up just like people ate up Tyson's fight last night. Of course it couldn't be fixed. A minute and a half into a fight and he flattens the other guy. Oh, how could they think that could be fixed? I mean if you went to the bathroom, you missed it. It's a fixed world and it's ready to fold. It is ready to collapse. And I know that one say, well, why don't you supply what we need so that we can get on with it? Why don't you supply what I need so we can get on with it? Why are you waiting? What are you waiting for? It's like, John, what are you going to do about my situation? I ask, John, what are you going to do about your situation? You can't depend on anybody else to do your circumstances for you. You have to go to the people that are responsible. to O'Connell and he has got to precipitate something on his own behalf. It is not allowed in a court of law otherwise. It isn't allowed. And that court in Nevada is sitting there holding up John's life, Eleanor's life, and don't tell me Rod McBroom is paying the bill. Because he doesn't have any money and they keep telling him, Oh, we're going to get all that gold. They're not going to get turnips. But they're the ones that should be the responsible parties for John. They got him into this mess and he's going to have to extricate himself once again and demand that they give him his day in court. old-time conservator of John and joint estate and all of this stuff that has already even been ruled about in California they're putting into the Nevada court because they want to hold the gold and Abbott is so imbecilic let's face it he gets up and tells the judge the following he's got little Esther there, Maria your youngster, Esther is in her 90s now, 91. Leon has dragged Esther up to that court in Nevada and Ann Beam is there. And listen to, you'd have to read all of this to fully appreciate it. Mr. Abbott gets up and the judge wants to know who these people are. Because there wasn't supposed to be an evidentiary hearing. But Mr. Abbott knows all the laws and the rules and he's gotten away with it for 150 years, so why should he change? He can intimidate that poor sucker judge up there and proceed to do it. But he gets up, oh well, these people, this is, well right here, and he obviously was pointing to Esther this is this 91 year old mother well for goodness sakes how old must Esther be if Leon's 91 and and Ann Beam is his friend and housemaid I would have thought she would have come unraveled. She probably did. But she's having to make up, you know, more letters to shut down any help from Jerry Spence. None of this ever gets brought out. So when you see what it is they want, smile. You're on candid camera. Because they've created a set of circumstances to push the river. And when you start pushing the river and you don't have your dam ready or your other damn stuff ready, the river goes everywhere. And it's tributaries begin to create problems. And when some of those other people that have helped you out begin to get their feet wet and they see what's going to happen, they can begin to help you. So I'm not interested any longer in sharing any more of this court garbage. They wait until contact comes or these tapes come so that they know what we're doing and what we plan to do. We're not gonna do a damn thing. Just let them get in deeper and deeper and deeper. But you're going to have to start listening to God. And more and more and more of you are doing it. So we want to share today some of the things that Nora can share with us and we can discuss them. Sanat Kumara gave a beautiful, beautiful writing. I would hope that all of you out there in listening land, in contact land, please understand that when you receive a writing we are very happy to share, but it isn't such that we can run very many things in a newspaper anymore. And we are building toward something very specifically important in offering to share with you the masters. So you might want to say well who in the world is Sanat Kumara? He is also recognized as the silver ray. The silver ray is somewhat associated with the creative energy of this cosmic solar system. And you'll have ones tell you for instance and well that's enough comes pronouncing that she is the only receiver and it was an interesting day grandfather was present I was present when Ann Valentin took on third grade hat on and it got more and more interesting until she got up and stomped out. I said, get your energy here. He's here, and he says, and Virginia Seans speaks up and says, don't you know, this is the only speaker on the planet for Sonata Camara? And I said, I have heard you say that. That is not so. you say that, does that mean that the little child in South Africa has no way to communicate that the little child in South Africa has no way to communicate with Creator. And finally this person got up and stomped out and slammed the door. You're going to monitor every word that goes out public in that paper from any other master. The cling tells you different. They are my students. And they give me the respect and the honor of allowing that to be that way. So please, when you write and you share, don't be disappointed or discouraged. It doesn't end up in print. There are three feet of documents deep, completely surrounding the room. Dorma has to walk on some of them to get to her computer. There is no earthly way. She tries to get through all the information, and yet on one given day she may get three videotapes, a couple of audio tapes, three or four books, and a massive pile of correspondence and documents. The same with Rick, the same with Ed, the same with Claudia. And someday maybe we're going to be able to have people who can sort these things for their value. We need a spiritual column so that the news desk can be simply and strictly news, bursting news. But there also needs to be both. We need a public notice section. We are a valid, recognized newspaper. And to maintain our status as a valid newspaper, we need these various and sundry things. Anything that we do not and have not even considered is open advertising. Because once you openly advertise, it is immediately assumed that you approve or push this product. So anything that gets pushed and contact is because we are behind it. And one say, well, wouldn't you rather take advertising and then go down? What do you mean go down? If the word of God is not enough, and the state of your union is not enough, and the state of your planet is not enough, come on, you don't deserve to stay around, advertising or no advertising. This is the way the adversary gained control of all the media, all the press, all of the information, including the textbooks. This is a slow way to just fall into their control. And I tell you now, there will not be a paper before that happens. And we have a job to do so I don't anticipate that may happen. On the other hand, somebody's got to precipitate something and we're working as hard and fast as we can. And from a lot of contacts. But it's hard. Man, it is hard. You have a world ready to collapse. And therefore Ray Bilger had shared a dramatization of a tape that was made before Halloween last year. It epitomizes what is going to happen to perfection. And I'd like to play that today. So in what order do we want to do things? Mr. Ecker. You ready, Nora? Nora, and then discussion, and then tape, and then discussion. I was one of those. You want this. Would that be better? Does that. OK. Okay, is that okay? Yeah, that's fine. I was one of those fortunate enough to be with Terry on the van as we drove from Catchpea up to Fresno one day and back and I got to sit beside him and ask him all kinds of questions and I think that was planned because they thought I could ask the most questions in the time period. So there were Al and Charles and Brent and myself and Doris and EJ. Had about a good five or six hours with him and he was going a mile a minute and so was I. The problem was that he wrote diagrams as he was talking. He took my tablet. I was going to take notes but he took my tablet to write the diagrams and that was fine but he didn't turn the pages off and he put the diagrams on top of each other. So I, no time or space, I kind of reconstructed it for you. If that's unhandy, we could give you that. Yeah, that might be better. Yeah, I'm not too good with that. Don't flinch when I pin this on you. Well, you should be an expert at it by now. enough. Okay, thank you. I'm not sure this is the best for everyone to see. Can you see? diagram of the universe. You stand over there by her. Oh, okay. Is that better? Okay. Well, by the time I get through this, everyone else will know how to do it. And you'll know why he put them all on top of each other. Oh, and why was that? You won't know until you get done. and why was that? He said that there is a core to the central sun area and I marked that A and kind of an outer ring. And there are four creators. One is blue color, one yellow, green, and red. And they focus their light on the central core to create a crystal clear light, which is a central sun, I believe. And there are 9.1 universes around this. Terry didn't actually draw 9, and I'm not sure I've got room for 9, but he drew 9 universes, and he says that actually it's not exactly clear how many universes because one will kind of move into the other one. So they figure it's about 9.1 circles of the creation. And our little universe is down here on the end somewhere. And we are on the outer rim of this last universe down here. So you know we're kind of far out. But the light color, is green and E is yellow as near as I can recall. So it takes all four of these. He called them creators, four creators that focus the light into the central central sun. Are we on? Yeah. Am I on? I am not on. Now you're on. Now I'm on. They're called the four creators because these are your primary colors. If you were dealing with a Native American Indian he would tell you you have a red road, a black road. and the negative aspects of being or attitudes are intense. The primary colors of red, blue, yellow, and green are exactly that. All color comes from those four primary colors. For instance, if you mix blue and red, you're going to get violet. And that's what he's talking about. So you are dealing with the creative forces joining which make total light and the creative aspect uses every element everything in the universe and it's creative spiraling process. So he's correct we call those the creators the creator array. Yes. No. Of course. Of course. Does that mean I'm off now and you get it? Speaking of which, for those of you who watch the spectrum strobes on the ships at night and have looked very carefully at the colors and the array of colors. There are four colors. There is a beautiful deep blue, there is a green, an emerald green, there is a golden yellow and there is a bright vivid red. I just wanted to point that out. And they will rotate and every now and then give you a blast of light that is pure light as they blend. Go ahead. Terry had this formula on this page and he did write it out and I saw him do it. But I don't really understand it entirely. He has a V here over this one point nine point one times and S nine point one equals a times 9.1 times 9.1 times 4 which I understand are these creators 4 to the 10th power and it equals 91,000 galaxies 9.1 9.1 to the 10th power times 4 Were you there? I was there the night before when you called me Would you like to correct this? I wrote it down and I have it at home. There's something off on the first slide. The way he explained it to me is you have to find the size of the... of this whole thing we're talking about here. You have to take the space of our universe or galaxy. Pretending that our universe was from here to here, universe or galaxy. Pretending that our universe was from here to here, you have to take the space from here to here. And that's where you start, over here. And then you multiply that times, and this is where I'm not quite sure, but this and this are in brackets to the tenth power, then you multiply the result of that times four, which is the four creator suns, and then you multiply that times 91,000 and whatever that result is, is the size of all of it. He didn't really go into details about that. It's big. It's big, yeah. Nine is the number of God. And little point one is the new creation. And I know because I'm 9.1 feet tall. I'm just starting again. You've got to double up your effort. Did anyone have any more comments they wanted on this chart? Now that you all understand it. I'm just sharing what was given to me. I'm not sure I understand it myself. Yes. Which is the same thing. The loss of velocity. A lot of acceleration. Yeah. Yeah. Well, speed is velocity, but acceleration is the rate at which the speed is changing. Yeah. Yeah. The one that gave me did not have an A at all. And he didn't explain that a time. Yes. The bottom line is the number of universes total 91,000. Yeah, it's a very big place. And you will have energy forms, creator forms, if you will, in each of the central sun locations. We're talking about a galactic...