Floating in a bag of water before you came out of your mother's womb. Listen, your brain, out with all your power comes, is in water. So water on your head and water on your body symbolizes life. But water is to the flesh as wisdom is to the mind. So you can be baptized in the water, and if your mind is attuned to what is the spirit of that action, then you become a new person. But the real new person is made when the mind is baptized in the wisdom of God. So when the Scripture says, in Christ, you become a new creature, well, you can't be the same old Negro and say you're a real Christian. A real Christian is a totally new creature. And when you say new, it's so new, it's attractive, it's magnetic, because it's unlike the world. Oh, man, you need to listen. You need to listen. I've been baptized, not only in water, but I'm baptized in the wisdom of God, and not only Kentucky, but you could tell no matter what your faith is, if the man is false, his spirit, his spirit won't allow you to communicate with Him or Him with you. I don't come with no notes. I didn't know what I was going to say. I really don't need notes, because it's written on the heart. It's written in the head. What I'm saying is that the Spirit of God is the real power to transform human life. Like, if you've got knowledge but not Spirit, then the energy of the Word lies locked up in the Word. But when the Spirit of God is in you, then you can pass the Word and unlock the power that's wrapped up in the Word to transform human life. I'm baptized, but I have a fire baptism. What is a fire baptism? Jesus said, I am the light of the world. Well, the light of the world is the sun, and the sun is a fire, 14,972 degrees hot, 863,000 miles in diameter, belching out fire sometimes from ten to thirty thousand miles from her surface. She's nothing but fire. So when a man says, I am the light of the world, he's not a man, he's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. He's a fire. So when a man says, I'm the light of the world, he has been filled with the fire of the Word, and the fire reduces what it touches. Listen, breaks it all the way down in order to build it up again new. You can't tell me you met Jesus, and you're the same old Negro, thinking the same old thoughts, doing the same old thing. If you met Jesus, you are a new creature. I'm a Baptist. What about you said you was a Jehovah's Witness? I'm that too. Jehovah means the self-existent God, and the one by whom all things exist. If you're a witness of Him, and all of us should be a witness of the God that created us, then every one of you should want to be a witness of Jehovah. Because in Isaiah he said, ye are what? My witnesses. But you can't be a witness of God if God has not come into your life. See, you've got to know that there's a God in my life, yet the world hates me, but yet the poor hear me gladly, and the world wants to destroy me but can't seem to do it, and I must have been covered by and protected by a force that the world don't know yet, if they talk about me like a dog, write about me like a dog, trying to make people hate me before they meet me. But yet when they meet the brother, and the brother speaks, it begins to vanish all the thoughts you used to think. Or you still might think, hang out with me a few more minutes, and all of it will vanish because I'm not what they say I am, I am that I am, if you understand. Now, when I say I am a Muslim, I am a Christian, I am a Jew. To be a Muslim means one who submits to do the will of God, following the example of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. And what is a Christian? One crystallized into oneness with God following the example of Jesus Christ. What is a Jew? A Jew is one who has an intimate covenant relationship with God, and that unique covenant relationship with God is a very special relationship that a Jew has, which means that that person is bound to obey the laws, statutes, and commandments of God, that's his part of the covenant. All of that is good, but these communities are all divided against each other when they're all really saying the same thing, but each are so immature in the way they profess it, that it only creates more and more and more division. Well, tonight, in this period of atonement, my duty as a student of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is to point out the wrong. Now, every prophet or messenger that comes is the star of God. When a messenger or a prophet comes, it don't mean the things are right. It means the things are wrong. They're like God's police. When they show up, somebody has broken the law. And they come, but before they arrest you, they talk to you and show you, look, man, you are. Now you better get this thing straight. Next time I come back, I have to arrest you." The prophet of God has to point out where the government went wrong, where the king went wrong, where the people went wrong, and then give the government, the people, a time to repent and confess. Oh, wow, I'm doing this, you know? So the people in the days of Noah, Noah preached for a hundred and fifty years, and told the people, look man, you've got to straighten this out. What was wrong with the people? Every imagination of their heart was continually to do evil. Noah preached to them. In the meantime, he's building an ark on dry land. The people are laughing, but they don't know rain is coming. But Noah knows. And then all of a sudden, it starts raining one day. They thought it was just an ordinary rain. But when it rained one day, two days, three days, four days, five days, the rain started coming up, then they said, uh-oh, that man Noah was telling the truth. They started knocking, but it was too late. The man was inside the ark, and the ark was closed. And the book says, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man. When you move on down, you see Lot going to the people of Sodom. What were they doing? What were they doing in Sodom? That God had to send a prophet to check the realm. When the prophet came, he found men lusting after men the same way they ought to feel about women. Wait a minute now, don't get uptight. If you're a man, you ought to be a man. If you're a woman, you ought to be a woman. If you're a man, you ought to be a woman. If you're a man, you ought to be a man. If you're a woman, you ought to be a woman. If you're a man, you ought to be a woman. If you're a man, you ought to be a woman. If you're a man, you ought to be a man. If you're a woman, you ought to be a woman. If you're a man, you ought to be a woman. If you're a man, you ought to be a woman. If you're a man, you ought to be a woman. If you're a man, you ought to be a man. If you're a woman, you ought to be a woman. If you're a man, you ought to be a woman. If you're a man, you ought to be a woman. If you're in this condition. Now, wait, listen, listen, no, no, no, don't point to nobody, don't point to nobody now. Don't do that, because all of us are guilty of something. So when you point to somebody in their sin, just remember you've got some too, and that's not what this is about. This is not about mocking anybody, it's not about knocking somebody. It's about presenting a clear message. Now look, brothers and sisters, in the sight of God. Will you change? Well, they didn't see themselves changing, taking on a woman when they liked men. So what happened? The angels came to destroy Sodom, and they were men, evidently, because the Bible said the angels had met with Abraham in the plains of memory. There were three of them, and one of them was the Lord. And Abraham said, My Lord, if I have found favor in thy sight, pass not away, sit down. So the Lord had to have something to sit down on in order to sit down. And he sat down, and Sarah went in and was making food for the Lord. Then the two angels that were with the Lord, they went on down to Sodom, because their mission was to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. And when they went to Lot's house, and the men of Sodom saw these very handsome men going in Lot's house, they came to Lot's house, and they said, Send them angels out, baby! Put them fine men you got in there, Lot! And Lot, he was upset. He said, Look, I got beautiful daughters! They said, Man, we don't want your daughters. We want those angels. They didn't know they were angels. They're just good-looking men. That's why the book said, be careful how you entertain strangers. You make the entertaining angels unaware. In the final analysis, the angels said to Lot, to Abraham rather, we've come to kill everybody in Sodom except Lot and his family. And Abraham was upset. He said, wait a minute, how you gonna kill the righteous with the wicked? So the angels knew that Lot didn't really understand, and God knew it, so he told Abraham, you go to Sodom and see if you can find fifty. If you can find me fifty righteous, I'll save the city. And he went and he couldn't find fifty. He came back. He said, well, go back, find me forty. He couldn't find forty. He said, well, go back, find me thirty. He came back again, he said, well, look, keep on going. Then he said, finally, go and find me one. See, before God destroys a people, he wants his people to be with him when he destroys. He doesn't want you to accuse him of injustice. See, nobody kills like God. When God gets ready to take you out, you know, he takes out men, women, children, babies, he don't care. And nobody has accused God. When he gets tired of them, I mean, he takes out whole families. And nobody says, the Lord is unjust. Because everybody knows. He makes you to know your sins, boy, before he takes you out. He's a wonderful God. But he's about sick of us right along about now, and I'm only here to warn. The time is short. The time is real short. We don't have a lot of time to get our act together, but as a nation, Canada, and as a people, we ain't got much time. You can see the way the world is headed into total disaster, and it's going to take us down with it, unless there's some changes made. And so when I say, when he couldn't find one, it said, fire and brimstone fell on Sodom that day. And then the book changes to Pharaoh. Now that's the fellow I wanted to get to, to help you see what you're going through right now. Toronto, you notice when there were just a few of you in Toronto? The racism wasn't manifest as much as it is today. But the more you began to multiply, the more your problems in the society multiplied. It ain't no different here than it is in England. Right now, all of the people that England colonized, there's a remnant of them that have gone to the mother country. There are many West Indians living in England, many Africans living in England, many Asians living in England. And when there were just a few, the British could tolerate you. But the more that you came, the racism and the reaction began to escalate, and now blacks are suffering in England. They're suffering in France. They're suffering in Denmark. Oh yeah. Suffering in Holland. Suffering in Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Germany. There's not a European country right now that does not have a problem with the increase of blacks and Indians and Arabs in their lands. Follow this now. Pharaoh saw the children of Israel multiplying. And that's what they see with you. And evidently it's loaded, and it's not firing blanks, because every time we look around, your population is increasing. And so when the governments are talking about birth control, birth control is not aimed at white people. Are you listening? They tried out the pill on you. They tried out what they think. No plan on you. On you. You don't know the side effects. when you carry on. So the older women, you know, you're on the pill in your twenties, thirties, you got the pill, you got an op plan. But you go to Wendy's, you go to Burger King, you go to McDonald's. See, the meat that you're eating today, they're injecting it with hormones to fatten it so that it can get to market quicker and draw a profit. So when you eat these hormone-induced meat, you notice your daughters, nine years old, and they're developing breasts, and by the time they're ten and eleven, their breasts sometime are bigger than their mothers. No, no, I'm not trying to be smart. I'm just telling you some truth. Now, you've got to go to work, Mama, because the men don't bring in enough to pay the bill, if he's there at all. In the Caribbean, sixty percent of the homes have children but no father present. In America, in the black family they call unemployment. And the pressures on the man are such that the man can't take it. No man feels good without a job. No man feels good when he cannot support his wife and his children. So leave the house, run in from responsibility. Don't know where to run to. I want you to hear me. Sarah saw all of this. So when you leave, your little ten-year-old, eleven-year-old, twelve-year-old girl is right in the house. Sometimes she's taken off by her brother, sometimes by the uncle, sometimes by the father. You didn't hear me. While you're off to work, some dirty old man that ain't got no job, watching your daughter. Then your daughter comes up pregnant, ten, eleven, so now you've got teenagers producing babies. But the interesting thing is, your birth rate is almost at zero population growth. Wait a minute, for every woman that dies, one is born, which means that you have an ever-increasing population of elderly people, and a diminishing population of young, fighting-age and working-age white people. But the reverse is true with you. You got an ever-increasing young population of workers and warriors. You didn't hear me! government say, look here, if this trend continues in America by the year 2050, the blacks will be equal to the whites in population or greater. So if in a democracy one man, one vote, then we come into power as President. Don't you think the racist sees this? And if you have any kind of coalition with the Native Americans, the Native Canadians, then all of a sudden you become a power politically. And if you grow mentally, where you become economically and politically mature, then every person born becomes a tangible factor of power. And then the people who want to keep power see that if you continue like this, you will ultimately take power from them and take over their country, and they will not have it! This is serious, because if they see you multiplying and their birth rate diminishing, then the wise racists who want this land to always be theirs and their children have to develop a policy, whether it is known to you or not, that is a policy that will ensure that they will remain in power. And if you look, please follow me, dear Muslims, in the Qur'an Moses is mentioned more than any other prophet. And there's a reason for that. Because Moses is the most important person to give us an understanding of this time. Pharaoh Pharaoh said, we must get rid of Moses. He's trying to turn us out of our land. And that's why every time you produce a strong leader, they come down on him. Because with the right kind of leadership, to organize and mobilize and educate you and politicize you, that leader becomes dangerous in the power elite. And they say we've got to deal with him. You know this man here. Stand up, brother. You know him? He's always in some kind of trouble. Well, what's wrong with this man? Does he just like trouble? I just met him today. He just like trouble? No. He loves you. And because he loves you, he's in trouble with the authorities. Where's our attorney? Come on out here, brother. Now look, I'm sure with his knowledge of law, he could have a lot of money. But he works for the people. He stands for the people. Well then people see him as dangerous. I don't know what they write about them, I just got here. But I heard that they wrote some ugly things about me before I got there, and they've been doing that. What is that? What's the problem? Am I a bad man? I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't use refer, no drugs, don't chase women and don't chase men. And I never, I never have been arrested in my life. I have never bothered anybody. The only thing I do is tell the truth, but evidently that's the wrong thing to do, because the truth will set you free. Now why am I saying this? I'm coming to something. Bear with me just a few more minutes. Brothers and sisters, listen. That's all. The children of Israel multiplying. Listen to his words. According to both Bible and Quran, Pharaoh said, come, come, invitation, let us deal wisely with them, conspiracy. Counsel, check me if I'm wrong now. Come, let us deal wisely with them—that's a conspiracy—lest they multiply—that's the first thing we've got to stop—their multiplication—and join on to an enemy of ours and come against us. Now, these, there are five fears that the Bible and Koran mention of the ruling powers over you. The first is you go multiply. So we got to stop that. Second, that in your multiplication you will join on to some enemy of theirs, and third, come against them. The Quran adds two more fears of Pharaoh. One, he feared that they would change their religion. Pharaoh didn't want you to change your religion. Why? Because he gave it to you. And he knew that any man that wouldn't treat you right wouldn't teach you right. So he put you in something that never would give you power with Him. Now I want you to hear me. Hear me. See, the wise enemies, they knew Jesus was non-white. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Listen, listen, listen now. Now to a righteous person, we don't care what Jesus's color is, because we weren't following his color. We were in obedience to the majesty of the word of that man. We don't care nothing about his color, because God has the power to put his word in any human being who would carry that word, no matter what their color is, and we must be wise enough to recognize God's word and his spirit, regardless of color. However, however, it just so happens that evidently they were afraid that if they wanted to make you continue to think less of yourselves and more of them. So, listen, listen, their aim was to keep you away from any contribution that your people had made to the advancement of civilization. of civilization. Now you know I just left the Caribbean, right? In most of the Caribbean islands, I visited Jamaica, I visited St. Kitts and Nevis, I visited Cuba, I visited Guyana, and I visited Suriname. Now, everywhere, listen, what happened? You know what's wrong with me? Listen, my daughter. You see what happened with this man. My parents come from the British West Indies and I was reared in America. So one of the things that they do to us when they enslave us, they give us their names, their language, their culture, their religion, and we become a part of their history. I was scheduled to go to Dominica and I landed in Martinique. Yes, yes, yes, yes, man, what do you think? Yes, man, let me tell you. But listen, here's a man from the French West Indies, right? What is your name? He say, Henri, ve sois chante. Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, mademoiselle, madame, monsieur. And right next door is your brother. He say, comment allez-vous aujourd'hui? No, he say, como esta vuste? Estas bien? So I don't understand that man. I speak French, he speaks Spanish. We are at odds with each other. So the British and the French West Indies carry the same historical anger as the British and the French. Right now, some of us living in Ontario, but you got some living in Quebec. And since the French and the British don't get along, some of us don't get along with each other, because our master don't want to miss that point. But listen, brothers and sisters, in all of these islands where there are Indians, Chinese, Arabs, whites, and black, you find the Indian, Arab, Chinese, and whites heavily involved in the economies of those islands, while the blacks are the majority and are in political power, but don't have the money. They don't control the economies of these countries. Well, is it because we're inferior? Are you sure? That's right, we're not inferior. Indians and I said to the Arabs and the Chinese and others that are on these islands, what you don't understand is what happened to us. See, the blacks, when we were brought there as slaves, many of our parents were Muslims. I want you to hear me. They were Muslims in And when they were brought out of Africa into the West, since the Muslims and the Christians were locked into struggle over Jerusalem—do you hear me?—and the Muslims won and conquered Spain and Portugal and southern France, even went up to the gates of Vienna. These were black people in Islam that conquered. You better hear me now. And they mixed their blood with the Spanish and the Portuguese. That's why they're dark over there. They went into Sicily and they mixed their blood with the Sicilians. So they're So, when they got us in the Western Hemisphere, they didn't want no Islam among us, because they know that Islam will make you militant. Islam! And when you know God, when you say, Eshedu'l-leilah, eileleh-lah, when you say that and know it and mean it, no man can make you a slave, because you will not bow down to nothing or no one but God. So the slave master wanted no Islam in the Western Hemisphere, so they killed off the Muslims, wouldn't let the parents teach the children. Whether they were in what they called animist religions or Islam, they did not want any of the culture of Africa and the history of Africa to be passed on to you. So in the West Indies, they stripped you. So today, you ain't British, you ain't an Englishman, but look at you. You got English names. Hugh Johnson, Mr. Williams, Mr. Green, Mr. White, Mr. Bush, Mr. Washington, Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Blakely. Whose name is that? That's a white man name. Well are you he or are you you? Well, if you're a black man from Africa, where's your African name? Go look at the Indians that are in the Caribbean. All of them got their own name. They got their own culture. They got their own history. You are robbed of all of that, and that's why you are not accomplishing, either in the Caribbean or in Canada or in America, what you need to accomplish to be free, because a tree without fruits is dead, a root is dead, and a people without the knowledge of their history are dead. a Chinese person in Jamaica. You say, you see him come in, you know he's Chinese, and he say, my name is Lewis Jones. You say, what happened to the man? The man name supposed to be Wing King, King Lee. You say, what happened to the man? The man name supposed to be Wing He's Henry Jones? Somebody mess with that fella. He got the look of a Chinese, but he's really something else on the inside. You got the look of a black man, but you're a white man on the inside. He made us that way. Yes, and that's why you don't make no progress even when you've got power in your hands, because you want to rule like your enemy, you want to walk like your enemy, you want to live like your enemy. And so, so beloved black people, a service has to be rendered to you. And I say to all my Muslim brothers and sisters from the Islamic world, you really need to understand what to this segment of humanity. See, because when you come up under white supremacy, the people that are the darkest are made to feel the most inferior. I want you to hear me. I really want you to hear me. The black man, because he's black and his hair is kinky, And his lips are a little thicker, his nose a little broader, even though some of the Indians are blacker than him. But their hair's straight, their lips a little thinner, their nose a little thinner. They feel like they're better than this black, cheeky-haired man. I want to talk to you. So when the slave-owner is a slave, he's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. He's a slave. So when the slave master mixes his blood in us, and we come out looking like me, or lighter, hair just a little bit of curl in it, nose a little thinner, lips a little thinner, then He's good looking. Somebody black ain't good looking, you know. Listen to me careful now. The more his straight his hair, they say the man got good hair, you know. So his straight hair is good. What is kinky hair? Come on, talk to me! How the hell you gonna give a moral quality to hair? Hair is hair, whether it's chinky, curly or straight. Hair is hair. But, why you call it good hair, if the man hair straight? Why you call him good looking, if the light and bright? It is because, it is because those who are the masters of white supremacy made an image of Jesus. him white. Wait, sometime he got blonde hair and blue eyes, sometime he got brown hair and brown eyes. Even though they didn't have Claire Rawling in those days, the one thing that never changed, he's always white. Now hear me, listen, listen. We all know Jesus was a good man. The Bible says Jesus was really the apex of the prophetic community. The pinnacle of it is Jesus.