Way down in what is called the jungles of Africa. They may not have had a Bible, and they may not have had a holy Qur'an, but they were born into the universal book of God where everything in His book is truth. And they studied that book, the native Indian, the native black, and when they're left alone, if you watch them, they built societies that had law and order in their tribes. They had tribal customs, and if you look at the way they live, their law, and then you look at what Moses taught, Moses didn't bring nothing new except to those that he taught. But that law is law among all of the civilized people, and even those in the jungle got a law that they lived by. And if you took time to study them, rather than say they're heathens, they could have taught the European a lot. But he was so arrogant. The Mayans were so far advanced beyond the Europeans that the Europeans came and when they met the Mayans, they met them with a highly developed civilization. They knew mathematics and science, and they wrote their science in books. And the missionaries burned their books, and it took them hundreds—no, not hundreds, but a long, long time to learn what the Mayans already knew and had written, but white supremacy would not allow them to learn from the people that they call heathens. I want you to hear me, black man, because white supremacy is not Christianity. White supremacy is not righteousness. Whenever you take your color and make your color the badge of honor and somebody else's color a badge of dishonor. You have dishonored yourself and you've shown disrespect to God and the infinite wisdom of his creation. Follow me. Follow me. Look, look at the universe. universe, a sun with nine beautiful planets. From the close planet Mercury to the far planet Pluto, all of them manifest a different color. If the planets could talk, would you hear any one of them saying, you know what, I'm better than that one because my color is so, so, so. You would say the planet is talking foolish? Look at the earth. You got brown earth, you got red earth, you got white earth, and you never hear any member of the family of earth say, I'm better, because I'm black. That talk is reserved for foolish human beings. The rocks! Some of them black, some of them brown, some of them red, some of them white! No talk of which one has a better color. Go ahead, look at your diamonds. They reflect all the colors. Look at your rubies, put on your sapphire, put on your diamond, put on your this and your that, and you want to show off your colors, eh? But you can't say which one better than the other. Look at the flowers, look at the plants, look at the beautiful colors in the birds, look at the ants. And nobody talks that foolishness but the human being. And the reason the human being talks it is because he's sick. And I'm sorry, white people, we would never have had to talk about black if you hadn't spent so much time talking about white. You, you want everything of value to be white, and everything of non-value to be black, and you have poisoned religion. Islam is poisoned. I want you to hear me, Muslims. I say Islam is poisoned. The practice of it, not the imam, but the practice is poison, because racism has poisoned the bloodstream of Islam. Racism has poisoned the bloodstream of Christianity. Racism has poisoned the bloodstream of Judaism. Tell me I'm a liar. So all of it is sick and in need of a doctor. And if you don't get a cure soon, God intends to wipe the slate and start again. Did you hear me? Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, eighty days before he passed from this earth, he talked to his beloved community, and he said, and I quote, there is no superiority of the white over the black, or the Arab over the non-Arab. The best of you is he that is most careful of his or her duty to God. Why did he say that? Because he saw the seed of racism right in his own community, and he knew what was coming. He knew that you would be taken off the path by Satan! Muslims! You're in trouble because you deviated from the path of God. That's why you're in trouble. And if you don't come back to the path of God, you will be destroyed. You are now weak as a community when God raised you to be the guide for humanity. Now the human family is laughing at you. Listen to me. You're in the United Nations, all these Muslim nations. Just like the Quran says, you would take this book and put it behind your backs, because the leaders don't judge with this book, they don't rule with this book. They rule. And And they say, la ilaha illallah, there is no God but Allah, and his partner is the government of the United States. So they obey Washington. They obey the United Nations. And they forsake the Quran. And the other members of the Muslim world won't send them weapons to defend themselves because there's an embargo. God didn't put the embargo on them. America did. And you will bow down to America instead of bowing down to Allah. You let America put sanctions on Iraq. You don't know the real story. You don't know the real story. You don't know the real story. You don't know the real story. You don't know the real story. You don't know the real story. You don't know the real story. You don't know the real story. You don't know the real story. You don't know the real story. You don't know the real story. You don't know the real story. You don't know the real story. You don't know the real story. You don't know the real story. You don't know the real story. I don't have time to tell it all, but I'm going to tell some of it. Everywhere the British went, everywhere the British ruled, when it was time for the British to get out, they would take territory from one nation and give it to another, knowing that sooner or later there would be border conflicts. And then they'd sell weapons to one side and sell weapons to the other side. The whole way was, in fact, the 19th province of Iraq. But when the British got ready to leave, they didn't want all that oil to belong to the Iraqis, so they split up that area into kingdoms. Talk to me! As long as they controlled the oil, they let certain families get benefit, and some of them shared the wealth with the people. But as long as England and America had access to the oil, they didn't care nothing about democracy. Talk back to me if I'm wrong. Why does America see Iran and Libya as enemies? What have they done? Let me tell you. An Iranian by the name of Mohammad Mossadegh was the leader in Iran. The British and the Americans wanted that oil. Mohammad Mossadegh nationalized the oil industry so that the Iranians could get the benefit of what was theirs. And the CIA arranged a coup and took Mohammad Mosaddegh out and put the Shah on the throne. They gave him planes, they gave him weapons, because he was going to be the gendarme of that area. He was gradually moving the people away from Islam and persecuting people who loved Islam, but he was all right with America, because America didn't give a damn who was suffering under his rule, as long as they had access to the oil. You all all right? You don't mind me telling the truth, do you? And while Jimmy Carter was winding and dining at the shop, you could see smoke on the White House lawn from tear gas because the Iranians in America were marching against the shop. And in the twinkling of an eye, Imam Khomeini. I don't care what you think about him, but he loved Islam. He loved Allah, and he hated what he saw the West doing to Islam. And so he came up with a revolutionary Islam, all right? He wanted to return Islam to its pristine purity, and state ruled by the laws of the Quran. There is no perfect ruler, and there's no perfect human being. He made his errors, he made his mistakes, but his intention was his love of Islam. Now hear this. In the meantime, when he talked about spreading that kind of Islam throughout that area, the shakedoms begin to quake. Saudi begin to quake. And America said, oh no, this can't happen. And what you don't know is, the Saudis gave Iraq 80 billion dollars to make Iraq a military power as a bulwark against the rise of Imam Khomeini. Hear me, because when Khomeini came to power, all the weapons that America had poured in there were now in the hands of the revolutionaries. So America, listen! America wanted to build a bulwark against Khomeini. So they urged Saudi, look, help them. Saudi spent 80 billion dollars. 80 billion! 80 billion! This didn't come to me from a book! I got it from the mouth of Prince Benda! business in the street, I sat down with my brother. I love Arabia. That is the house, where the sacred house of Islam is. There's not a Muslim on this earth who should not love where that sacred house is. Even though we may not love, what may be going on. billion dollars. And who stood in line to get the money? No, no, no, Iraq got the money, but America, France, Russia, everybody that make weapons was ready to spend Saudi money. Do you hear me? Reactor. The moment the reactor was built, Israel bombed it. All that money down the drain. Nobody talk to Israel about that. I'm protecting myself because they don't deserve to have nuclear weapons. Listen, listen now, listen. Then a war was provoked between two Muslim nations. And Iran and Iraq fought each other for eight solid years, killing nearly one million of the best young Muslims in both those countries, billions of dollars of property damage, and they fought to a stalemate, but when the war was over, since America would not give any parts to Khomeini, and America took the side of Saddam. You didn't hear me? You all all right? I have never been here before, and I don't know when I'll come back again. Hopefully, hopefully, hopefully, hopefully, hopefully. And I want the government to know I'm not saying this to produce hatred for America, but I'm saying this so we can correct America. Because America stands in need to be corrected. Now, brethren, listen, when the war was over, Iraq was in a better position, still strong enough to wreak havoc in that area. know that there was some border problems with Kuwait, and when Iraq said, hey look, you know, we can't continue to take this, we're going to move in, she talked to the American ambassador. American ambassador said, well that's your problem, you know what I mean? You know, that's your internal matter, we ain't going to deal with that. So Saddam moves from Britain, Margaret Thatcher, flies to Aspen, Colorado, and meets with Bush. Then the next thing you know, Bush is saying, Saddam, you've got to get out of Kuwait. They have a psychological profile on Saddam Hussein, and no one seem to make that kind of move. He's not easy to yield. So they started organizing all the nations now. But all of this was for the benefit of Israel. There must not be any military power in that area that can threaten Israel. I want you to hear me. Listen, listen. So now all the nations are united against Iraq. And guess what? They all get together, 33 nations, I think it's 28 or 29 armies, and they beat Iraq. of Kuwait. Kuwait got billions of dollars in banks in the West. Now she's on fire. You understand? America say, we made a profit off of this war. Saudi treasures weakened. Now for the first time, the Saudi got to borrow money. Kuwaiti almost had to spend all her reserves to rebuild. Who's going to pay for this? The Americans. And the Saudis paid for this. And in the Congress of the United States, one arrogant American congressman said, we made a profit off of this war. Saudi treasures weakened. Now for the first time, the Saudi got to borrow money. Kuwaiti almost had to spend all her reserves to rebuild. Who's going to pay for this? The Americans. And the Saudis paid for this. And the American Congressmen said, we made a profit off of this war. And the American Congressmen said, we made a profit off of this war. And the American Congressmen said, we made a profit off of this war. And the American Congressmen said, we made a profit off of this war. And the American Congressmen said, we made a profit off of this war. And the American Congressmen said, we made a profit off of this war. And the American Congressmen said, we made a profit off of this war. And the American Congressmen said, we made a profit off of this war. And the American Congressmen said, we made a profit off of this war. And the American Congressmen said, we made a profit off of this war. And the American Congressmen said, we made a profit off of this war. got to borrow money. Kuwaiti almost had to spend all her reserves to rebuild. Who was the beneficiary? When I visited Iraq, I learned that nearly 500,000 Iraqi babies have died since the end of the war. And the reason they're sanctioning the people is they don't like Saddam. If they don't like Saddam, they punish the people until the people rise up and kill Saddam. And if the people don't rise up and kill Saddam, then to hell with the people. So on the cover of Economist magazine, they I love you Toronto, honest to God, I'm so happy to see you, so happy to see you. I want to give you something to do before we leave, but let me finish this. Now, since the war is over, and Saddam is weakened, weakened, weakened, but since they didn't go all the way to Baghdad and kill him, they're angry, so the sanctions are to force the people to do it for them. The CIA went up among the Kurds to exacerbate the tensions in that area, putting one faction against the other. Saddam moves in his own territory to quell a rebellion, he took one side against the other. America said, what are you doing? Manning his own house! And America, Bill Clinton, who never went to the Army, he's commanding in chief now, and so he sends the message. What was that for? Politics. He allured Shimon Peres because he saw Netanyahu gaining momentum, and Peres was looking like a dove, and Clinton looks the other way? A political move to strengthen Simone Perez. That is state-sponsored terrorism, agreed to by America. But who cares about a few Arabs in southern Lebanon? Who cares about little Iraqi babies dying? I went to the hospital. They said it was a death camp, because any time you got a hospital with no medicine, you're presiding over dying people, because you have no ability to heal them. it could be used, they said, for military purposes. I saw this with my eyes. I saw a bomb shelter. It was one of the strongest bomb shelters I had ever seen in my life. And while the young men were at the front in the South, women and children would go bomb shelter and old men. And in this bomb shelter it held about twelve hundred people. And in that bomb shelter when the bombs were falling, they went in. They told us that the bombs were for military targets. But they didn't hit military targets alone, they hit the civilian population. Here was a bomb shelter, that they sent a bomb down, one of these bombs that have a drill on it. And the bomb drilled into this building and made a hole. And then another bomb followed that bomb into the hole. And it started an explosion and there was 7,000 degrees of Fahrenheit in that building. When we went in, we saw children's flesh on the wall, in the ceiling, on the floor, and you're going to tell me that this is a human being? You're going to tell me that this is a righteous government? And you're going to tell me that I should shut my mouth when I see that kind of stuff? If I'm a racist, why would I be concerned about what Arabs are suffering? If I'm a racist, why would I be concerned about my white Muslim brothers in Bosnia? I'm not a racist. I never have been a racist. I'm not a bigot. I love faith. I don't care what they say. I'm not a bigot. I love faith. I don't care what the faith is. I tolerate everybody's faith because that's the way the prophet of Islam was. that would attack a Jewish synagogue, turn over a Jewish gravestone, and bother Jewish people because of their Jewishness. I hate that, and I've never been guilty of that, and I wouldn't tolerate that. But that does not mean that I don't have the right to when it ill-affects black people and other people. Now, let's get to Libya. Here is Muammar Gaddafi, a young man in his twenties. He overthrows the king in a bloodless coup in Iraq, I mean, in Libya. The oil in Libya is being taken by the British and the Americans. Very little of the oil wealth is being spread to the Libyan people. Gaddafi takes over. First thing he does is, like Mossadegh, he nationalizes the oil. That means America don't like him. That means the British don't like him. We got to look at motives here. This is a lawyer. When you deal with crime, it is the motive that you look at before you can determine what is the punishment for the crime. You You've got to see that America and England have had it in for Gaddafi ever since he kicked them out of the rulership over the oil. Then, the British had an airbase in Tobruk. He took it back and put them out. The Americans had an airbase right outside of Tripoli called Wheeler's Air Base. He took their back and put them out. He started taking the oil revenue and sharing it with his people, building schools to educate his people. But anybody that's loved by his people and serving the people and not serving greedy corporate interests becomes an enemy to government because the Because the governments are whores. They are bought by greedy corporations. I know it hurts. I know it hurts. Somebody got to tell it. The people are dying because people are cowardly. You know the truth, but you shut your mouth because you want some favorite position. But what position will you have in the future? Where are your children going? If somebody don't stand up and tell the truth and make a change here, all of us will die because there's madness in governments. There's madness in the political leaders. And they lie to the people. And they lie to the people. And they lie to the people. And they lie to the people. And they lie to the people. And they lie to the people. And they lie to the people. And they lie to the people. And they lie to the people. And they lie to the people. And they lie to the people. And they lie to the people. And they lie to the people to deceive you and make you think it's democracy, it's freedom and justice that they're fighting for, when all they're fighting for is advantage for the rich, and the suffering of the poor continues unabated. Libya and Muammar Gaddafi finances liberation struggles. It's true. If you want to overthrow your government and your government was not good for the people and you were that kind of group, he would use his own money and finance you. Well, if you're a government whose corporations are sucking the blood of those nations, then you don't want a liberation struggle. You want to maintain the status quo. America's on the wrong side of history. She became free because she fought against the colonial power of the British. And now she has been on the side of every dictator on earth. This is wrong. This is wrong. My government is wrong. Somebody got to say it. She's wrong. I don't like the method. That's not my method. I told Brother Gaddafi, I'm a revolutionary. I said, but I'm not going to use no gun. Because you just go with a gun and you replace somebody, you just as foolish as the person you shot. Then you step in with your half-knowledge self, and then somebody pulls a coup on you, and then a coup, and a coup, and a coup. I said, no, no, no. I said, I've held up the Quran. I said, I'll produce my revolution with the Bible and the Quran. Because the best revolution is to change the man's heart, change the man's mind, change the way he thinks. And then when you take on a change in your head and in your heart, then you can change your environment. And that's the kind of revolution that Prophet Muhammad was bringing about. Change of mind, change of heart, and that's why it's written in the Quran, God will never change the condition of a people until they change themselves. Some scholars say, until there's a change in your own heart, there will never be another change. God won't help you unless you make a change. And you know you need to make a change. So now they say Qaddafi bombs some discotheque in Germany, and two American service people were killed. Reagan now orders the most expensive assassination attempt in the history of the world. Bombers flying out of England, coming down France, they said they wouldn't let them cross French territory, so they had to go down the Atlantic Ocean into the Mediterranean and refuel in the air, and then bomb Gaddafi's house. They wanted to kill the man. What did He's good for his people, bad for business. Then we find out he never was responsible for the bombing of the disco. Now they say he's responsible for Pan Am 103. Now wait, wait, wait now, it's not funny. It's not funny, because these people with this television and these newspapers, they have the power to define you. They have defined me to you. Listen to what they say. He's a hate monger. Have you heard any hate coming out of my mouth? Listen, I don't hate my country. I was born in America. I live in America. What I hate is injustice. And if God has put it in my heart to speak truth to power, then leave me alone. I'm going to do it whether I've got any blackened of people or not. God is sufficient for me. But because I'm a Christian, I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I've got any basket of people or not, God is sufficient for me. But because I trust in God, you respect that, and you know that they don't buy me. You know I'm not bought, don't you? You know I'm your man, don't you? Brothers and sisters, listen to this. After Pan Am 103, they said it was the Syrians with the Iranians for almost two years. Then they changed it. Said, oh no, it was Qaddafi. Yah, yah, yah! It's Qaddafi. And they go to the United Nations. That's what makes you know that the United Nations is weak. Because he goes to the United Nations and says, unless Qaddafi turns over the two alleged suspects, they're going to put sanctions on him. of people, over 270 lives, and an allegation that is yet to be proved true? Does that sound fair to you? No! Does that sound like justice to you? No! The families of the victims deserve justice in this matter. Gaddafi said, I'll release my nationals, but I won't release them to England or America because I don't think they'll get a fair trial. But I'll release them to any sad country. Now what, does that sound reasonable to you? He said, let them be tried at the World International Court of Justice at The Hague, and let the judge even be Scottish, and I'll turn mine over. America and England say, no! Come over to us! Look at that arrogance. They don't want justice. They want to crush Gaddafi. Oh, it's really sad, isn't it? It's really sad. And when you go there, I watched. I was just there, you know, they voted for me to have a prize. It's called the Qaddafi Prize. And it carries with it a gift of $250,000. But the government of the United States, after Qaddafi saw the Million Man March, he called me on the telephone. And he said, Brother Farrakhan, he said, I will back the nation of Islam with the wealth of Libya. Because he saw a transformation taking place. Now they said it was a billion dollars for me? I live in a nice home, I drive nice cars, I wear nice clothes, I eat good food. I don't need the money for me. The black man in America gets $438 billion out of the American economy, and less than one-tenth of one percent of it comes back to us because we're not providing goods and services for ourselves. So the money comes in our hands and goes right back out. But with that billion, then we could rebuild the wasted cities. We could have taken some of that money and invested it in the economies of the Caribbean and Africa. The moment Gaddafi said, I'd like to back you, you know what they did? They went and made a law right away in Congress. Don't give that fat can nothing. for the Gaddafi Prize, and I petitioned them to get the big gift for our people. Well, they cut back on welfare, they cut off affirmative action, they cut back entitlement programs. Huh? These people are serious. They're going to balance the budget on the backs of the poor. People living under bridges, living in cardboard boxes, dying in the heat in the summer and the cold in the winter. With a billion dollars we could put construction companies to work building homes for the homeless, but they don't see that. All they see is cadets and fire cans. They don't even call me Far Khan, they say Pan Can. So now, we have to take the US government to court. And we're going to fight it all the way. All the way. You know why? We don't believe that the United States government has any right to abridge my freedom, to accept a gift from my Muslim brother, simply because there's an allegation that he's a terrorist. what my government has done, and put it up against what Gaddafi is alleged to have done. See, we know what our government has done. America has come up with the Helms-Burton Law. They hate Cuba so much. When I was there, I had a two-hour meeting with President Castro, and he said, he said, Brother Farrakhan, we can't even buy an aspirin. Do you know that Cuba is a black country? Seventy percent of the people in that country look just like you. And they're suffering, not because they're communists. They're suffering because of an unjust embargo because America does not like the fact that in this hemisphere Castro has chosen to go another way. Now wait a minute. Castro looks like a white man, don't he? Wait a minute.