It's time for the calling of the team. It's time for the choices to be made. God allows choices to be made not just on when, and not just on something that sells well at a seminar. It reminds me of George Green in this instance because he was at one of these global conferences. And somebody's there selling Tesla watches. And they'd run out. So he's sitting, visiting with this person. He'd known him for a long time. And the guy's taking these little Casio watches, flipping the back off, plastering a Tesla symbol, slamming it back together. Now you've got a Tesla watch and you go out and you're charging $25 or $29 or whatever for this $3 watch and George says that doesn't seem right to me and this guy says what the hell are you talking about man it's all in the mind and these people don't know that's evil, that's wrong see that's a very one of those little shades of evil and a very big error in judgment and judgment. That's a wrong thing to do. But unfortunately that's what the world is made up of, gullible people and those who feed gullibility. We're dead serious. We are dead serious. We bring our ships over this area all the time because we are competing with what is coming out of Edwards from underground, what is coming out of Nevada, New Mexico, you name it. And you have a lot of alien influence of what we call the lesser energy forms, not because But they are lesser-souled beings. But you represent them as idiots. Children, come on. Any entity that can get to your planet from anywhere, even in your solar system, is amazing. and they are not childlike imbeciles. There was a lot of dealing between governments and alien beings. Where do you think you came from? Your prison planet. You can't get off your place. You might as well be over here at the Hatchipee Correctional Institute. It's all in your perception of space. You think, oh no, I'm free. I can run all about the United States of America and freedom. No, you can't. And all about North America and freedom. No, you can't. Can you stand? It is a perception that has been fed to you and it's a lie. On the other hand, there are little greys that are amongst you. There are many alien races amongst you, of which so are you. So all of this is just a higher line of sorting, and it's coming more and more and more to the front of your consciousness, because you're getting ready for either a graduation or a total failure or a blowout. Your technology level on your place has increased to the point that you have tools and games and electronic energy of which the universe is made to do a lot of damage. Otherwise, nobody would bother about you, just let you blow each other up, you know. But every time you move your hand like this, there's nothing to stop that motion. And it's universal, it's infinite. And when you realize that, you get a little more careful about how you raise your hand. And when you raise your hand against another, that brings such forceful, violent energy into interplay, that it produces massive negative output. And Earth-Shan, as beautiful as she is in her creation of perfection, is one of the darkest planets, certainly in your solar system. Because a planet can only reflect its life energy, otherwise it is just reflecting light, reflection from sun, whatever might be illuminating it. And earth is coming up a little. What has happened in this, this evolvement of evil empire, if you will, this world global, this global order, or disorder, chaos, has all but shielded you, shielded your light. Well, light is breaking through. No worry, my friends, about no ozone or holes in it. The light of human soul is beginning to penetrate. And the adversary doesn't know what to do about this. And now you have such intense laser weaponry, light weaponry, light propulsion. And whether or not you see the lights is dependent upon the level of your ability to see. Because those lights on our craft are of such high frequency, white to blue energy, that unless your own level of light perception is high enough, you won't see it. These are the invisible solar rays that are coming down and they're going to fry mankind. And anyone who can see them has got it made. Can I see them just one more time? Longer than a second and a half or two seconds? That's the shortest, briefest, I mean, most people go to some place like Disney World and they spend a day or two. I got a whole two or three seconds to something that changed my life. That's more than most people get out of Disney World. I'm not trying to be facetious. I really hope that I get to see something like that again. I know. This happens. We do this and then guess what we get? Just one more time. They don't believe. No, no, I don't need that. But I was hoping that Rick or somebody would call us. We were home for a day and I couldn't stand it any longer, and I called Rick. I said, oh, man. I said, I just got back from four days in Arkansas, and I'm pretty well rattled. I just did a trip over to Georgia. I said, I got a lot to tell you about Arkansas, but I got a whole lot more to tell you about something that happened to me on the way to Georgia. I was very, Kathy and I, very grateful for that opportunity. But it certainly, it answered a lot of questions, but it created more, unfortunately, as all knowledge does. Well, there's something else that happens. Once God has touched you, nothing else on earth ever, ever measures up. I don't mean to put man down or woman down or the experiences of life human. Because you all get an idea of something that was immeasurably energizing or beautiful or a moment that stands still in your mind and you do want it again. But once God has touched you, there is nothing ever again the same. Nothing. And you know within yourself that regardless of what is required, you will pursue that. On the other hand, you also know unequivocally that you will pursue it and you will not blindly just follow something. That it does come with wisdom. Maybe that is the mark of wisdom. Maybe there is a moment of enlightenment that man does not understand, and there's no maybe about it. Some of you just do your job to the extent that you don't ask anymore. At first you go out and you peer at the heavens every night. And you get your lounge chair and you just stare at the heavens to see the little things come this way and this way and two going out of that one. And then you marvel. And sure enough somebody else comes to visit and you say, now let's just watch this for a little while. And so the first two or three years of seasons where it's decent enough to be outside, you're out there staring at the sky. After a while, you do not need that confirmation anymore. And if you need a little confirmation, you will usually say, Sir, I really need a little confirmation. I'm going to go over to the north door and go outside and I would appreciate something. Don't limit it. And it is amazing how often, if you give advance message, you can walk out that door, look up and stand there a few moments, and something will give you a show, a recognition, an indication, a light beam, a color. If it is silver and it moves rapidly, it's outside your atmosphere. If it glows, it is creating friction and it's inside your atmosphere. And what all of you are witnessing now is a major, major combination of things. When you get a horizontal blue-green ball going across the sky, you've got an energy ball. Some of those are from us, some of those are from straight from the cosmos spheres. You've got, right now, you have experimentation going on where you can send a laser to a point, it will create a ball which will lunge to the ground. That happens around here all of the time. In the daytime you can't see it, but it can be measured on instruments. Very frequently it is happening at night. These are sometimes huge, huge and close. And you can't understand why they don't just explode everything. There is incredible technology, literal technology on your place, dangerous technology. to mankind is backing right back off into biology. The tampering of genetic DNA, RNA structuring. You don't have any common, ordinary coals anymore. But we can knock the coals out. There isn't any reason for people to lose their feet, as in the case of Mr. Turner, who is struggling to hold onto his foot from a creeping infection that started on the ball of his foot, or underneath it, and has now erupted at the ankle. The doctor says we may have to amputate. titanium into it, get some silver colloid with titanium frequency into him and then salt that foot in oxy salt, simple. But man doesn't really want to heal himself, he enjoys his illness. And I don't want your attention to have to come from negative energy. I want you whole. Life is the living, the fulfillment of joy and glory in God's perfection. Why should you be miserable? And if you only can attend your brother because he's sick, you are training him to want to be sick, do you see? If the only fulfillment you get or you have is in your illness or attending another in their illness, you're both sick. When there is availability of something that does heal, well, now we get right back to that same old illusion. It's all in the mind. Well whoop-dee-doo. You have also manifest in your own creative ability a body that has to function on whatever you have conjured up. God gave you a perfectly created mechanism. The doctor comes along and says, oh, you have heart trouble, it must be your cholesterol. Pretty soon you are so out of balance, and to correct that balance, you imbalance something else. You are actually an energy form that feeds off universal matter, particulate, in a non-coalesced form. But by your own DNA structuring and genetic, then comes a genetic input. And it's my good opportunity E.J. to tell you that you guys are not remembering one specific thing I told you. Get some, if you're going to spray that field, get some spelt into that galbrium. Those are the three days I'm telling you would give you a head start and you forgot that. Whatever you're going to feed, program it. If you can program a mind, for goodness sakes you can program a bean. You have it all, and isn't it a wonderful game? And you don't have to comprehend it all. You can know that as long as you are holding to the reality, you can do anything in this play. But you can't get away with doing the negative things very much longer. I'm talking about the truly negative things. One said, well I just can't give up my wine. I just cannot give up beer and a ball game. I just cannot give up smoking. Why? Would you give it up? The facts are, you can render even smoking harmless. But will you? That's the point. You won't. Because you now expect it to make you sick. So why focus on these things? When you get ready to stop smoking, you will stop. If you want to be sick from smoking, you're going to get sick. It's that simple. You don't need to meet smoking for that. No. And yet sometimes you need a break today. And when you do, get out and get away. And sometimes you do, you need to physically rest. And it's a real shame that you have to feel ill to do that. I try desperately to get you to hear me. If each of you would come within communication a couple of times a day, you not only would know what you're supposed to be doing, but you'd get a little bit of rest while you're getting the input. Take responsibility and just say, hey, I'm going to go lie down and rest a while. You'd be amazed. Everything else will wait. It truly will. Or if you choose to go ahead and do it, say, I've chosen to go ahead and do it. And just assuming that responsibility leaves you healthy. It doesn't mean that you're never going to get a headache. Unfortunately, you've chosen to be human. I get it thrown back into my own essence, you know, all the time. Because I said, we're all from the same mold. We're all from God. I just happen to be smarter than you. I stopped off and you chose and so it worked out better for me. Well, I find ones objecting to that. Doesn't sound like God to me. What does sound like God to you? Somebody tell Anybody wants to say that? Mush. Just mush. I guess if it's pious mush, that must be it. Are you still saying it? I mean, the hard wax I have received for saying bullshit would amaze you. I got one complete 15-page dissertation from Wally Jentleman once, because Germaine, not even me, Germaine used the term bullshit. And that came this long, long letter on what it meant to the bull, and it was quite humorous. It was truly a masterpiece. And Germain had the very answer to the religious one who worked for the I Am people. And this is one of our truest, most beautiful friends. And he said, my Germaine just would not use that term. Well Germaine answered that one. How the hell would you teach? Well certainly he wouldn't use that term either. How the hell would you know? Am I going to have a scribe that is going to take every word that I ask to be written and she's going to re-write it? You've already got a world full of books rewritten. You've already got a world where all the history has been rewritten. Do you want your secretary to write what you ask her to write or do you want her to edit it for you? Because somebody in Mount Shasta or in Phoenix, Arizona is not going to approve. This is not a message to you. This is a lesson for the scribe. Clear your space, know your speaker, get your energy straight, and then And then if you're going to work for us, work for us, not yourself. If you want to go write these books, Doris, you go write them. If you're going to serve as my scribe, I'm going to write them and you're just going to catch hell for it. We each have our job. We each have our job. But you tell me which is more realistic. A teacher that will come and sit with you in a classroom, a cohan, and share with you. Or somebody is going to pray for you. And then he's going to give you whatever. Absolution. Go try harder. Now pass the cup. The basket, really. Especially that. God gives. God gives, everybody hear me? And re-gives, and re-gives. You have to understand how to create and receive. You have had the mechanism through which you could have everything in abundance that you need in a financial way. But it has taken four years to get the proper documents into your hands where you could believe it enough to go do something with it. Am I a slow teacher? You a slow student? No. Proper sequence of events. And now it's time. And when it happens, not if it happens, when it happens, don't you see that all of our team has made it as surely as the ones who sign their name? naked. When we make it, so have they. And maybe we'll put some electronics in his new I've got a spare car, but I don't have a spare key. We in this family are in it together, and it has nothing to do with color. I don't care what color you are. God is light. He doesn't go by color. You are experiencing in whatever form is the most effective for your purpose. And I know that you look around and think, boy, I never would have chosen this. But you did. And we accept it. And from time to time to time, you are given an opportunity to back out. Some of you, and Mark and Kathy are two, Dorma, EJ, Rick, some of you have gone right up to that threshold, and I have had to confront you in one way or another, and say, all right, go ahead and step over, or please, now is the time to get off. There is nothing wrong with getting off. But once you step over that threshold, there's no turning back in life as you know it. It's over. It is set for this manifestation. You can't, it's the point of no return to what you were. There is no unknowing after you know. You can have brain damage and forget, but once you know, there is never again unknowing. There are choices and there is refusal, but there is never again unknowing. And so many of you have walked across that line. And it doesn't mean into Hatchipi, for goodness sakes. That assumes that all of God's people are in Tehachapi needing help. Well maybe everybody in Tehachapi needs help. But they might object to that, you know, in Phoenix or Houston or Atlanta. God's people are everywhere and they are lost. hope they can cling to is that light that you're willing to offer. And there's something else that you do find. Amongst yourselves, you may talk about these things. They're just some things you're smart enough not to go out there and try to convince anybody else anymore. And you don't take contact and shove it down somebody's throat. They will gag and throw it up on you. You can live by example. You can make an honest statement, I think it's a pretty good paper, or it's wonderful, or I find truth in it. But you can't force it on anyone. It is impossible after all the lessons of the Dale Carnegie's of the world, you must look only at the positive things. No, you've got to look at those negative things also. You just don't move into that negativity. And when you do, let me tell you something else that's pretty, pretty good. When you do get over here into self-pity. Really get with it. I mean it. You really get with it. If you're going to grovel and you're going to cry and you're going to weep and you're going to be depressed, get with it and do it right. And then look around you. Or close your eyes very tightly so you don't see anything. And pretend you are the blind man. And you see nothing in this room. You may as well be alone in this little space can come to grips and to conscious joy if you will, and content with this, you can't go out there and be content for anybody else. You can certainly love them, hold their hand. You don't have to like them. That is a lie. Know what love is before you uselessly, carelessly use the term. It's like Cavy said, George Bush does not deserve love. That is evil personified. You do not condone evil. And if there is anything left of human kindness, the true human soul energies are birthed basically in goodness. But there are equally as many birthed in physical lust, just for the experience, and for your opposite teacher. You don't have to like these people. You're sick if you do. Get thee away from me. Don't pretend to me. Don't lie to me. It doesn't fool me. And if you allow it to fool yourself, you're lost. Don't lie to yourself. And when you stop lying to yourself, you will make it what you want it to be and there doesn't have to be any limitations on that. This is a sojourn, this is an experience through a time travel. And it's so much more enticing, exciting, than in the null time or the void time where you are just being. So all of those teachers who just teach you to be, in my opinion, err. Because that allows you to just be for so long that it becomes a habit. So know what you're saying when you're saying, I'm just going to be. You're going to be what? No, I'm just going to be. You have to be something. If it's just a knot on a tree. What are you going to be sometimes resting within the contentment of self, the balance of self, or the imbalance. Or, I'm just going to be and let everybody else be. Fine, let everybody else be. Because while you are working on your own perfection, you won't be minding other people's business quite so much. And if ever there comes a time on earth place that everybody tends himself in responsibility of truth, it's going to be a place of perfection anyway. But the physical plane is not intended as a place of emotional perfection. It's a schoolroom to see what kind of a play you will write and then actually act out. Well this has got to be a dirty rotten play, people. You hurt each other. And those perceptions do not go away from lifetime to lifetime, from experience to experience. Kathy is going to carry garbage with her the rest of her journey. But the same thing won't happen to her again. Because once you know, you know how to stop it. It doesn't become you anymore. You do not become it. And that's why I can work with my enemy as well as I can work with my friend, and sometimes a lot more enjoyably because there's a challenge there. But I don't have to become my enemy. I can abide evil around me, but I do not have to become evil. And they'll back off. And they'll back off to the edges. And if we're going to have some lessons, the teachers bring their earthbound or high school students. They're trying to convince them they're dead. You don't know anything about that other side of that veil. Always it's guess, guess, guess, guess, and every one of you have been there for so many times, I'm sick of your guessing. For goodness sakes, assume your responsibility and know. And as you grow, you must be the guides. You are the co-hand, you are the teacher, you are the messenger. And that's why your enemy wants to get rid of you so badly. And that's why we have very tediously had to bring you up and wrap you in some kind of a cocoon to get you to the point where you can do it for yourself. And we're there. We're going to do it. And I don't care whether you call it our parallel universe. And if you want to experience the devastation of an Armageddon or a Holocaust Fine, you do that. Anybody who wants to move with me into a more interesting experience, even be it a survival of remnant, we don't have to do it even the difficult way. We can do it having and set an example so that others know they can have. We don't just shower it on undeserving people who say, I want. Because anyone in true service to God will not say, I want you to do this because I want it. it be thy will, you will give me what I need. And I sure do need some things. You're in a physical world, you need physical things. You need to base what you do on that kind of economy that is around you. master teacher was dealing with Caesar and stuff and money and taxes, render unto Caesar what are Caesar's. In other words, for goodness sakes, whatever the law is, abide by it. Because it truly has nothing to do with your soul and your attachment to God, except as you perceive it. And sometimes it's really good just to go within and see what the hell you do perceive. What does it mean to you? What does anything, you pick anything, what does it mean to you? And at some point you will find yourself reaching out, well I just cannot abide this sort of behavior toward my fellow man. And sometimes, somewhere, you get turned on enough to step outside yourself and say, well, maybe I can make an impact on that. I'm going to give that a try. It doesn't mean you go to save the world. You cannot save the world. The world does not need saving. And what business is it of yours to go save it? Believe me, when she gets ready, she is going to save herself. And that should be a very good lesson, because if you save into order. This is another thing I want to get across. Anybody who doesn't like me usually comes back and asks me to leave town. I am not going anywhere. If you don't like me, was everywhere first. Questions? Are we through? Yes. around here. There's a on October 16. We had a massive craft appear here in the sky over to Hatchipeak. And it was magnificent. And it was reminiscent of the last time such a craft appeared on January 3rd 1996. It did didn't it? Yes it did. October the 16th? October the 16th. That was the date that we saw it. Now listen, this is very important. This is very important but the reason I want to bring it up is because because of the length of the meeting and that commander has not gotten into some of the subtleties that occur. Now when I'm out walking on Grandfather's Mountain, you will see this in the daytime, Mark and Kathy, not just nighttime ships, you will see daytime ships in clouds and you will see them form some of the most magnificent sights for you, the most artistic sights. I have seen some of the most beautiful phoenix birds rising from the ashes. I've seen them in multi-color. I've seen them form and disappear within a few minutes of time. And on the day of that 1016 craft here, which I need to explain more about, there was a huge, huge eagle form so that that craft was in the belly of the phoenix. And it formed for just a period... No shit! No shit, Commander! It formed there for just the five or seven minutes that I was at a particular lookout on top of Grandfather's Mountain, which is nearby here. Now, that's not the reason I'm saying this in general. Those are particular confirmations. All of us have had them. Maybe some of us need them more under trying circumstances. So you will see these things. They will come to your aid when you least expect it, but when you most need them. Now, the question, the point I want to make, though, is going to be a more subtle one. There is a particular person here among the ground crew, not locally, who I work with because he is one of Commander Soltech's kids here on the planet. And he is gifted with observations of a mathematical nature. I don't want to call it numerology. I don't want to call it straight mathematics. I'll be damned if I can figure out quite what it is, but it is a different language.