This is Sunday, November the 24th, 1996. We're together for a meeting. I presume that Anne is here. Just sit. Just clear of the space. Q. Sir, I have a question. This is Sunday, November the 24th, 1996. I was commanded here in and out. I over did this on Friday. It was very private meeting. It was a very necessary meeting. We will talk about it a little bit. A little while. Of course, everyone was over from Las Vegas. There are a lot of things going on, a lot of offended feelings, but I'm not sure that the right people are being offended. taxing your patrons. And your graciousness for coming to visit with us. This isn't church. This is not a group or a cult. We try to have some corporate business as necessary. It's in Las Vegas, so anything done over here has to be handled book-wise, every-wise, from its office in Las Vegas. circle, if you will, I can't not take up business if business is necessary in this setting. And there is nothing that I have to say that I would say to my strongest enemy and do every day. very diligently to meet the needs of everybody to the point that we carry the donkey. I'm not going to carry the donkey any longer. If Gene would like to say anything about Tuesday's law case, I will leave that to his discretion. It's always hard to tell when you leave one of those encounters whether you've won or lost, but I believe that you won. If nothing else, David Horton was a complete idiot and completely drained of blood when he saw that ones from here had attended. I don't want Gene up here doing damage to his eyes. He's had to have some things done to his eyes and I want him to keep those dark glasses on so if he has anything to say you'll just have to pretend you can see him. I'm glad to be back home. It's nice to be back home. It's a tougher fight than I thought. Look at the damage you provide. I said to keep those on. You should see the other guy. Yeah, you really should see her. But he does not abuse children. What happened? Last Sunday at this time, I was preparing, helping Brad to prepare for what we thought was going to be a really terrible fight. Dave Horton had scheduled three motions to be heard in Carson City. We were a tough judge, Judge Griffin. He had scheduled a full two hours for the meeting. We didn't have the slightest idea who he was going to present in a fight scheduled two hours. So that meant that we had to start from scratch and be prepared for anything. And when we got there, Mr. Horton was a total absolute fizzle. Brad handled him so easily that someone remarked in the courtroom that we could have done it ourself and walked away with just as much. We actually accomplished a lot. This was their motions. They had three motions on the calendar, one by George Green claiming that we didn't have jurisdiction to file against him in the state of Nevada. And Judge Griffin basically says, you've got to be the biggest fool in the world. You can't even file a paper here. Your motion to dismiss gives me total jurisdiction. Well, more than that, his own attorney's right there agreeing with George Green that he doesn't have jurisdiction in Nevada. When it was him who entered court papers that said he's, that George Green is a joint citizen of Montana and Nevada. That's correct. You can be a resident of 50 different states, which can only be domiciled in one particular state, but for Nevada's laws and Nevada's purposes, the judge found that George Green was a resident of Nevada. Now almost immediately we're going to start learning from Rick Martin how to take advantage of interrogatories and how to really keep pushing with interrogatories and now Mr. Green will start receiving all those interrogatories. Betty Tootin had two motions on. One was for sanctions against serendipity and PI for filing lawsuits to protect the interest of PI and serendipity and she lost that. She had a cross claim on the file and that was dismissed as being defective. So we walked out of court, I feel, with three major victories, with their motions, we beat them in all their motions, our interrogatories, our deposition questions of our admissions. Now in Bakersfield, before Judge Chapin, Judge Chapin had signed an order by Stephen Warren. And we had that evident. That order has been reversed, pulled back. And Judge Chapin has had our order under submission for the last two weeks and court clerk is very kind and very much sympathetic with our position and she called us about a week ago and said the order still hasn't been signed and if the judge does something she will contact us, tell the actors not to worry. No one's going to take a fully invested action in that lawsuit. Now Gene has left out something that's important. Mr. Horn was to have submitted an order for the judge to sign. That was his assignment because he basically had prevailed. And the prevailing lawyer is to write a summary and an order for the judge to approve or disapprove or manage in that way. And Mr. Horn did not do that. And yet while they are in argument over that, Brad says, you've got to do that, Stephen. And Stephen says, I'm not going to write any order. All the while, lying to Brad, he had already written an order which had been signed. But they blew it. They sent it to Judge Wallace. So when up came the big confrontation, they had to go get it from Judge Wallace and now it's very difficult for a judge or a lawyer or anybody else to get into it, isn't it? It's been seen by the judge who is in charge of the case. So no wonder they don't know what to do about it. And no wonder it dragged. It's not going to look too good. And quite frankly, the farther you go with Jason Grant, George Green, and The worse it looks for them. So we have time. The commander's right. That's exactly what happened. With one additional fact, this order that Steve Horn sent to Judge Chapman, which was accidentally sent to Judge Wallace, he was supposed to have sent a copy of that to our attorney, Brad Elling. Bradley never did that back door within the next several weeks developments the tower we're very anxious for that I don't want to leave you alone thank you everybody for the response that we got from the state bar exposure involving Mr. Horton and Mr. Abbott. We received a tremendous amount of letters from throughout the country, contact readers, and they've had their effect. The Speaker of the House in Nevada has answered to us, and he's very concerned about the potential civil rights of the Nevada corporation being harassed or hindered or hampered. And he and I are in correspondence of that. I'm providing very much information and I don't think Mr. Horton is to have a little too much to say. Now, I'm going to make Gene feel a little better. He can go sit down. But, they have used Sherry Yonk unmercifully. The argument always comes in, well I took the corporate documents because I had permission from Sherry Yacht. Well the facts are, and I may as well go right on record right now, Sherry Yacht never even owned a corporation. There had never been any stock issued. She was never even an officer or director. She used them for bank accounts. Now, we're not going to quarrel with the fact that she may or may not have given Betty Toothen permission or asked her or whatever to pick them up. The full intent was to get the documents, get them to George Green and George Abbott, and they had already spoken about this. George Green had already given everybody the information on at least two occasions and right at that moment he said, just hold your breath because Sherri Yaw is joining our case with her corporations. Now I'm going to tell everybody right now that not only did she never have stock in the corporations, she has never made a call on any note. Everybody hear me? She knows what she's got them, she won't release them, and she says the stock has not been issued. other way, they are going to prison. And that lady may go right with them because she has tight documents that Sherry signed. Sherry is elderly now, she gets confused. Eustace said that she will listen to whoever spoke with her last. However, this is going to be the next one that's going to blow the pants off Gene Dixon. And knowing how he dresses for Halloween, that's really interesting. If Eckers allow fully pledged to sue them. Everybody hear me? Nobody is going to be allowed to use anything any longer on Sherry Yones. They bring in there all the signed affidavits. So let me tell you, you're going to hear today that many of you have been named by them. Ones that ask please I might agree with you this or I might supply you that writing or something but don't name me. When Ann Beam did her 2 to 3 inch stack of documents, several of you have affidavits in there. many. And then she had to tell Green and Abbott who the others were so that they could have credibility in presenting these unnamed sources of information. So she named them. So if you innocently nodded and smiled and said good morning to any of them, you're in there as being on their side and they intend to pull you into court or at least into deposition or this is the threat. Mr. Ence, Tammy, the brigade, Jason Brent. Jason Brent told them verbatim, right itemized, what they were to do to harass you. To get those Ecker Ecker Phoenix people. And they've gone right down the list. From the Franchise Tax Board to the IRS to the Welfare to the FBI to the CIA, to the mail fraud division. And the most recent, of course, is the franchise tax board, where, obviously, Tammy named the corporations. Well, the facts are that at least Mrs. Ecker hadn't even heard of most of these corporations, and she's supposed to be running. And they're, oh by the way, they have this major business going right here in Tehachapi. That is bullshit. The whole office of CONTACT is in Las Vegas, Nevada. For convenience, for you people who want to serve that paper, want to volunteer, and want to participate, there is a place here. These are not places of open business, and yet they are treated like walk-through department stores. And it's going to stop. They try to crucify a Corchristi for bad management or whatever may be, whatever they may use. I don't know why you people put up with it, but you go ahead and do it and you allow and you're very proud of yourselves for allowing. God just loves everybody and God allows and that means I should allow. Well, you go right ahead and allow. But I am going to go right ahead and be a hard-nosed commander and therefore we have to stop sharing some of the intrigue and the fun. But I have teams out there waiting to get the paper so that they have instructions, they know where we stand, and they have some of them participated, they've made loans. They want to know that everything is being cared for. These evil mongers, they're not going to get anything. Their lawyers will see to it that anything that they possibly could get will go to them, not to you. There is fiduciary responsibility here and it has been handled. And for two or three people to try to get their hands on gold, for goodness sakes, makes me sick. But more than just making me sick, should 120 people lose, so these two or three grubs, and that's what Ann Beam called them themselves. And what does Ann Beam have to do with Leon Ford? She's destroyed him, that's what she's done. She has sided with his enemy. They want to believe this is the enemy. This is not their enemy. This is not their enemy. They talk about taking money from a 90-year-old elderly mother of Leon Ford. That elderly mother of Leon Ford never put one cent into anything. So let's put the responsibility where it belongs. made an error. He certainly has foolishly tried to correct it. And now he has left his whole case and program in this woman's hands. It's terrible. But everybody has a right to do what they need to do. And when compassion, as in this case, turns to pity for refusing to come out of an ignorant state of misery, I can't help it. But I will not stand by while over a hundred other people lose. And we continue to work on this day and night. I think the best thing that we can do is to read this morning's writing. We may have to go back and refer to the last few days. I know there's pain and agony in the contact office, but I want to tell you the people that feel free to come in and just visit, visit, visit are the very ones they are naming as their source of information. And you have to know it. You have to know it. And if you are innocent, clear it up with them, don't take it up with me. So why don't you do that, E.J., let's just get it out. We haven't had a meeting in weeks and I'm sorry, I'm not going to give up these occasional meetings because there are so many from out of town that try to make it over here and they are a part of us and they deserve to know what's going on. I am remiss if I should tell you that we have these personal problems and they're going to get worse and worse and worse because that's the way Satan works. That's the way evil works. But you deserve to know what's going on to the limits of my ability to let you in on it. I will not jeopardize the case, or at least I'll try not to, for the Constitutional Law Center or our attorney. And it's just the way it's got to be. If you want to come and join with us, you're going to have to put up with some of these meetings, and I really think you want to. So let's just go on. 1996, truth exists. Only falsehood has to be invented. As we sit to write on the beautiful Sunday morning, in anticipation of a bit of gathering this afternoon, the spirit is willing, but the physical being lags in enthusiasm. Why would this be? Because when we open and reopen the wounds for the salt tossers, we have to realize the dropout rate of friends increases to some 99%. Norma has to consider how to handle the myriads of lawsuits run from the CIA, avoid Bush's quick twigs, do business in Greece, Australia, and Africa, and make cookies for the misnomer. Then to have to struggle with the betrayers, liars, and cheats among us is just about too much to ask of anyone, ladies and gentlemen. Normal would just like to run off with a banana man to the bush in South Africa. That is an inside joke, but just who is this banana man? Well, he is an interesting Federal Reserve connection. And you thought things were simply dull around here, didn't you? Now comes the caper with a new and enthused crowd who want to know about the Franklin cover-up and George Bush. Ah, thank you. Well, I thought you'd never get around to understanding the importance of that topic. We wrote so extensively about this subject so long back that we may find the journals are still among the ones held hostage by one George Green. I hope that is the only reason he has kept them from you the people who read and have us. But yes, I suppose there could be greater connections in Butter's life than the family values. I don't know how much more I will cover on the subject because it has been well documented in other publications and even a book called The Franklin Cover-Up, Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska by John W. DeCamp, former state senator of Nebraska. Let me offer the back cover writing, quoting, The shutdown of Omaha, Nebraska's Franklin Community Federal Credit Union, raided by federal agencies in November 1988, sent shockwaves all the way to Washington, D.C. Forty million dollars was missing. The credit union's manager, Republican Party activist Lawrence E. Larry King Jr. behind whose rise to fame and fame and riches stood our fingers in the breast of politics and business and in the nation's capital. And John says, no, this is not Larry King of lying, he's a confirmed atheist. This is Larry King of Omaha, Nebraska, a proven faith. on arrest and proven faith. Let me interrupt here. You see, there's no way to write all this. There's no way to really touch the ice tip of the boat on anything we write about. But how many of you, just in your mind, watched Naomi Job with Larry King of Larry King Live. Weren't you impressed when Larry King said to her about her husband? She'd been with him 17 years, had been married 7 of them, and how did you have such a wonderful relationship? And she said, well, we both have our faith, you know, God. and Larry King says to her, I envy you that, but are you saying that to atheists? In other words, if I were married to someone, and we now have two, couldn't we work out some wonderful relationship like that? So that's number one. But guess what? Here is this atheist talking to this monarch butterfly. This beautiful, beautiful, beautiful lady. With her daughter, Winona, off somewhere, you know. Confused, living in some aspect of their personality. And I can't even begin to touch on all of these, but as we go along you are picking it up now. But I have to share some of it with our listeners. Go on. In the face of opposition from local and state law enforcement, from the FBI and from the powerful Omaha, at the whole world Harold a special Franklin watch look like his tale of drugs money-laundering 19 months later investigators died the legislative committee's chief investigator, died, certainly, and violently, like more than a dozen other people during the two decades. Author John DeCamp, those trying to get scandal from the inside. In 1990, his quote DeCamp memo, first of the pre-made DLS high-ranking officials, today is returning for two year business returns. 14 the courtesans for the nation, the Franks of Cumberland followed the ugly precedent of the Warren creation." End of quoting. Now let us just look at how brave Australia was at the time. Australian placard, George Bush. We know about the morality of your new world order. And then came Dr. Sutton and his Phoenix newsletter who tried to get the information to you and was overkill in the process in 1992. He is still very, very hard to reach. We all, in presenting truth in publications, tried our best to get you to wake up, but you slept on and on and on. I believe that rather than fight Mr. Greenberger on this topic or asking our Woodbury team to dig out and reconstruct, I will offer a second opinion, and later we can reconstruct the entire bunch of operations. You can, in the interim, get information through the above-named book, above named book and if you can locate Dr. Sutton, he can supply you with original information. We no longer keep up with Sutton, but he is a personal acquaintance of Dr. Young. Therefore, we give full honor and credit for the excellent information he will simply represent here. I will not even give old information on contacting Dr. Sutton because he has been under such physical assault as to cause me to be very cautious to give you information regarding these whereabouts until we contact you again personally. So, from the Phoenix letter, a report on the abuse of power, Anthony C. Sutton, September 1992. Bush linked Omaha, Nebraska child abuse scandal. Since 1980 Omaha, Nebraska has been rocked by overwhelming evidence of corruption, child abuse, satanic practices, perjury, murder, abduction, and miscarriage of justice. Heaven only knows what else. This evidence is largely known only with Nebraska. It has been suppressed. Elements of the story have shown up in Australia, Italy, and Spain, but throughout the United States the story has been effectively squashed, even though, or because, the trail leads to the Bush White House. Anton says Bob Hopes yesterday paid platitudes to the suit man withstanding. because Omaha has only one major daily newspaper, the Omaha World Herald, and its publisher, Harold Anderson, is a member of the accused child abuser. The story starts in the early 1980s with Larry King, Jr., a black Republican well-known in local Omaha circles and acquaintance at the east of Misty Bush, and former manager of the Franklin Credit Union, now defunct. Patton's comment, but always as you read this representation, that was four years ago, 1992. King was widely known for homosexual, pedophilic practices and organized lavish parties involving pedophile, drugs and satanic practices. King was president in 1984 and 1988 Republican National Conventions where he organized parties for selected politicians behind the scenes and beyond the knowledge of most delegates. King's partner in Washington, DC, cowboy operation, the extensive Omaha corruption and child abuse rampage on Earth, as regards to the cowboy regime, we would have to look into the matter of Barry Frank, your outspoken congressman, who kept a ring of cowboys in his apartment in Washington. When King's financial abuses were investigated, numerous leads to child abuse and satanic practices were ignored. Stifling of investigation was possible because the ring included powerful Omaha insiders, including Omaha police chief Robert Watterman, governor Robert Carey, and FBI agent in charge Nick O'Hara. That'll make you feel secure. Children abused at King parties were drawn from Father Flanagan's Boys Club and North Omaha Girls Club founded by Larry King. Tom says, Ask Kathy O'Brien about these clubs. There is no doubt about the child abuse. It is recorded in graphic detail in the records of the Nebraska State Foster Care Board. Attempts by social workers to initiate investigations have been courted. Honest police officers have been driven from the Omaha force. Honest FBI agents have been transferred out of Nebraska. The investigators working for the Nebraska Unicameral Senate have been harassed and in one case killed. we insert a private statement here in behalf of Dalton to a close friend in Europe. We please realize that anyone who worked willingly in the banking industry before George Bush puts every friend and protector of that friend in suspense. To trust our very lives to anyone who shares energy means with those of others is somewhat painful in acceptance. But yes, we will not long our mention these parties for our tasks were greater than the revelations which could be cleared and made through discussions however you will never get any threats from here for we have no intention of doing anything which involves any of them just be very careful to not allow them to make a big fool of you they do, you see, they send in their people and their corruption goes so far back. And you once make friends and business acquaintances through the years and suddenly upon you comes this sort of information and it is mind-boggling. worked with these people and I will protect to the limits of my capability, but I didn't make the decisions for these people to act in the categories that they served, these evil bastards. And I am making this statement, this moment to George Bush himself. He has agreements with me. I have agreements with him. I would have let the Franklin pedophilic connection with Australia go. I've already written about it. But he's not keeping his agreements with me. And we're not going to have any more murders out of it. He will either begin to keep his agreements with the command, or he can expect to be revealed. And I don't have to come up with one iota of new information. Not one. It's all out there. And it's all up to you people, what you want to do. You see, our needs are very, very small. His needs are getting to be very, very large. And they're grooming him this moment, or he's grooming them, whichever comes first, to get rid of Brutus Brutus Dolly, and George Green will take control of the new world. Did I say that? Troy and damn slippery. But I just want to make sure the proper people are listening and get their message. A series of investigations and trials leads to an innocent, inescapable conclusion. The victims are on trial for two years, longer than a year in jail, or more than that. Can the influential offenders agree with you? Comment if you would. is being fundamentally prepared to take over the running of the United Nations, as we write here today, one third man and the other trying to power the true United States, the true nation of Korea and the U.S. leader, and may necessarily continue to function with honor. It's that honor, really, that you seek, doesn't it? This may be the gravest miscarriage of justice in U.S. history, but for the widespread view that media news is censored by its use of the media as a means to free inside members in Australia, have been imitating and giving people more frontal and restraining. If you know more about the rational charges that I have agreed to the law's answers tonight, in your country, please remember that you need to listen up to me or none of us in the rational jury. The world produces children and they're willing to go to jail to keep their mouths shut. Kelly Cox is a prime example. They have got her for all practical purposes in prison to keep her from talking. And this ring that operates or did out of Omaha, Nebraska, is only one tiny, tiny branch of a major European New York connection with fingers all over the United States and direct to the headquarters of the most evil empire of which George Bush goes over annually to preside in Australia. Yet the guilty, including former Omaha police chief, Arthur Wadham, that's probably Roger, Omaha World Herald publisher Harold Anderson, prominent corporate figures in Union Pacific and ConAgra, politicians and socialites, have yet to answer to a court of law the overwhelming evidence of guilt. The story is kept alive by honest former Nebraska state senator, FBI agents, defense attorneys, and individual Nebraska citizens. Anton says, well now in 1996 I would say you certainly wouldn't realize it has been kept alive, would you? You will need a strong stomach. There is detail of child sacrifice and pedophilic practices that assault one's senses. An assistant who read the material was thoroughly shaken and could only handle a few pages of the cited books within one time. How proud does the following full-page spread from Insider News, Queensland, Australia, November 1991, make you feel as a good American? Is George Bush the world's leading child molester? On December 31st, the President of the United States of America arrives in Australia for a visit. George Bush is arguably already the most powerful man on earth. Currently, he is striving to introduce what he terms as the New World Order, supposedly for the benefit, prosperity, and peace of all mankind. To give one man as much power as Mr. Bush praised could be dangerous, even if that man were the most honorable man on earth. But is Mr. Bush honorable? Is he really the type of man to have control of our children's futures? Is he a saint, or is he a homosexual child abuser and part of a powerful child exploitation and pornography ring that controls America and perhaps the Western world? You decide. The special report is inside. court-leverage acquisition of the Hammer syndrome, Hammer, period, Hammer syndrome, disease mainly affects elderly wheeler-dealers of debilitating proportions. Sudden onset, usually after grand jury indictment or court sentence, announcement of stress and fatigue. While onset is rapid 24 hours of indictment or guilty verdict the cures also ran usually upon dismissal or suspension of sentence and on says all but later as with President Reagan you could have been easily able to call this disorder Alzheimer's the Franklin cover-up by the way if I didn't make a statement in there, add it, George Bush is not homosexual. George Bush is an abuser of every kind. Man, woman, son. He prefers children.