You were wrong, Judge, all the way back when you ruled against the wrong people for the wrong charges and set an injunction in the first place. Now Judge Corll is going to, oh my God, I'm caught. And there are enough of you now, you see, you've been able to be kept out of the courtroom. Don't come down to the court. It may upset the judge. Did you notice yesterday, you've got, you have such a case. Once again, there's no accuser. Some attorney, some snot-nosed attorney who doesn't even know the case is up there, starting off, throw them in jail, off with their heads. And the only right he has to be in that room is because he's a member of that inner bar. Now do you want to produce a bunch of masons in there and say, you have broken your Masonic pledge. I am a Mason and you have done me a wrong deed. Well you can't do that because you by accepting your right as a citizen have denied the Masonic law. So they'll send brother over to cut your gut out, you know, or whatever silly stupid games they play. So yes, you have the teacher and as soon as you can arrange it, you get Eustace Mullins out here, I'm telling you, and you get that man Dave Miller out here. And you've got a constitutional law center established. Whether they like it around there or not, or if you've been doing it properly or not, you are established and they've not been able to get you pulled down enough to get rid of them. And I don't care if they call it Ecker Ecker Phoenix Center, unlawful rights, whatever. Let them call it anything they want. Well does this mean that Eckers won't have to go to jail? Oh my goodness. You should be so lucky as to have that man rule wrong. Oh, shock of the world! Son of a gun! Well, I guess we'll just have to work Monday. Due to court availability, it's much after the end of March. I like that story. End of March, I like that story. This will give you time, you see, but all of you be thinking about this. What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with your own money? What can you enter with Judge Coyle by Monday when he's given these guys a cut off time? What can you do to get the judge's eye? By Monday. Because in propos the assumption is you're going to make very sure your enemies get copies. Some of you may have to drive up there just to make sure they get them in time. So and you put it right up there. This is not ex parte. like immediately to start with only one exception. Where does it merit you the most gain? And when you come in there demanding that the judge was wrong way back there, you're going to also pick up the friendship of USMP because when you get done charging them for where they have miscarried justice to dump advertably on you, whoever you are. In this instance, it's Ecker, Ecker. But look what a good time you'll have with the other missing party from this room. They came back and suggested that Ed Young, they named him, Ed Young be given the same penalties. Off with his head, throw him in jail. I mean, those people at contact. Do you see, everything they did was unlawful. And I just wanted to get that in before we break for lunch. I think we should break and get back in here with a renewed interest and somebody can go start typing because if you're typing it, you're going to get it, aren't you? Let's use it. This is the way you change the world. You don't do it with a machine gun. You do it with the bullets you have. And I repeat, you have an English professor. Let's utilize it. Let's go for it. Let's just take a break. Thank you. Thank you. Can I open the door now? Okay. So we go back out there? Out of every court in the United States or every judge in the United States and every lawyer in the United States goes down for treason. to Cat Creek for the Freeman and put him in to the standoff out there with my procedure. It didn't happen that day but 30 days later it did happen with my procedure and that's how the standoff ended with my technology. Now I was in, Ivy West brought me over to Honolulu, Hawaii to do a program. program, several hours before I left Hawaii, I faxed the Title 42 suit to the Freeman in Montana. The FBI had an intercept wiretap on the fax, traced the number down, and they got to the house one hour after my plane left Honolulu. And the house was raided, everything was taken, and the people in the house were arrested because they thought that they were the people from whom this came. I've had two one and a half hour conversations with the FBI and the Forox, about four and a half hour conversations now with CIA. And what it is, my procedure does, what it is I am doing, and the whole thing is I'm an English teacher. I am not practicing law in any capacity. I have not broken any laws. I have merely taken and showed people how to write sentence structure and preposition nouns and verbs. I mean it's as simple as that. I use the law as an example. We could talk about how to build a tractor or how to do welding technology. I'm well versed in multiple subjects. I taught college for three years so you know I can I'm just an English teacher folks just because I take the English words and that and I put them into meaningful definitions that we heard here today doesn't mean I broke any law otherwise I'm gonna have to shut down every English teacher in the United States and get rid of all of our dictionaries and everything so when I was when I went out to Montana I spent a week in Cat Creek teaching the Freemans, there was eight of them, the procedure on how to read the law, how to understand the nouns, verbs and prepositions. Dan Peterson, and then Mr. Clark constructed their Title 42 actions and then also had the format for the other 24 defendants that were up at the farm. Now while I was out there that first day and that the United States or the FBI or somebody, whoever it was, moved two 155 howitzers, land-based howitzers into a gravel pit seven miles south of the Freeman camp. And this was witnessed by Patriots up in the area. They cleared out an area five miles wide from where the howitzers were. So if they did use them, the flash and the concussion would not be heard. It would just be no more than distant thunder. One fifty-five howitzers about 9 inches by 28, put the hole in the ground about 50 feet wide and 30 feet deep. And it goes 20 miles up in the air and it comes down nice and quiet. The whole farm blew up. Well, no witness, no crime. Fortunately that never happened because just last week Charlie Duke got on television and he made a statement that there was between 5 and 10 million patriots in the United States ready to go to war in the event the freemen were killed. And there was another factor. The land that the freemen are on is under an old Indian treaty. That's why they couldn't trespass on that land. It was a foreign country. And that was a secret that was kept and never released to the public. The 80th day of the standoff, my Canton, Ohio tapes were taken into the Freemans and they played the tapes for the Freemans. Lewis Weitzer and Clark took the tapes in and showed them what the Title 42 looks like and at which time they surrendered to it because they identified with the remedy. You can't break the law to enforce the law and the procedure outlined what they had to do on paper as well as verbally to be found innocent and to prove that what had happened to them was a fraud. And when it went to court on July 16th, they did have a common law court and Burns was the judge and all the charges against the Freeman were dismissed and they were promptly taken back to jail as political prisoners and held there and still are held there because they won't sign a statement that says they will not talk about the bank fraud in the United States. Because of their highly exposed media, in other words upon relating them you would have every news network in the United States there and they have the documentation to certify the bank fraud in the United States that the banks are doing no more than taking our sweat equity of the future and loaning it to us at 9% interest. They're not creating money. They're creating credit. Well yes, they're creating credit but they're doing it through contracts. Which means it doesn't exist therefore they haven't created it yet. It will always be in the future, not in the present. In other words, the almighty dollar that we have, this is being held in our hands. So this is present today. The government can create a present... For those folks out in Tape Land, there's a portion of this film that is being repeated and we are checking to find out if we can fast forward past that. Income tax, the 16th amendment says all corporations will pay income tax, right? And what is the definition of a corporation? Well the definition of a corporation deals with a person, that's correct. But the definition of a corporation is when two or more people come together to solve a legal problem, or if two or more people come together for commerce. Right? So, we're going to take the good old American check. Okay? Now the check, it's got the name of the bank down here, it's got my name on top. Now, under contract UCC 3-501, it says you must have the name and address of the person on a piece of paper to make a contract. So we've got two people. You must have two signatures. The signature goes here on the bottom, and one goes on the back. Go to the door to check. Then we got to have an amount. That initiates the Congress part. And it's the sole right to doubt. So this piece of paper is the Congress, is the corporation. By definition, this piece of paper is the corporation. So now you go and you work at your job. Like I worked at A.O. Smith. I belong to a union. And when I got my paycheck at the end of the week, that paycheck had the name of A.O. Smith on there and I had myself on there. Now on that check it's got growth pay, $1000, federal government gets $200, state government gets $100, social security gets $100, and I get $600 in equity. Now the law says you can't be taxed twice on the same amount of money. So what happens is the piece of paper is the corporation. The piece of paper corporation pays the state and federal taxes. The government has a contract with the corporation because the corporation pays taxes. The corporation then issues you a check. In a piece of paper, the corporation pays taxes that the corporation pays out and pays it to them. And how are you joined to this? You've signed up with this union or with this corporation. You've signed your employment contract. It says right on there, you have the right to review our articles in corporation. It might be as big as the phone book, you know, a thousand pages. But that contract ties you to the corporate contract that ties you to the tax contract that ties you to the 16th Amendment. Corporations pay taxes. So the piece of paper pays the taxes. Not you. The $600 is your sweat equity and you can put it, do anything you want with it. Burn it, save it, go out and buy whatever you want with it. No one is going to bother you. So lo and behold the individual says I am a human entity. I am not a corporation. I want it all. So you take the $200 federal and the $100 state, you take it over and you put it in a sweat equity. Everybody knows everybody's got to pay Social Security, so that's a gift. We'll just leave that lay there. So over all 36 months go by and the IRS goes, hey, where did the taxes go on that piece of paper corporation? The corporation that pays taxes under the 16th Amendment. Who signed the contract? Who was part of the contract? Who was part of the corporation piece of contract? Well, there's a signature on the back of the check that's signed for that $300. 300 times 36 is $100,000. Wait, no, that's not what it says. 100,000. 100,000? 3, 3 times 30, yeah, $100,000. So the IRS comes back and says, well, we want $100,000 in taxes. You've embezzled it off of the corporation. You're saying, no, it's my money, I earned it, I get sweat equity. Sorry. You contracted, you put your name on that document, you took responsibility for the taxes of the corporation and now you've embezzled it and spent it. You bought yourself a house. You spent $100,000 on a house. That tax money that you put in the house belongs to us. We're going to come in there and we're going to seize that tax money back because you embezzled it and besides that income tax evasion carried five years and so does embezzlement that carries ten years that's like a ten years in prison for income tax evasion because you extorted the money from the piece of paper corporation and now you can't you don't have enough money to pay it back so you go to jail for it. So since it says that you have the right to look at the articles of the corporation, that contract is not at all important because they didn't... They gave you the operation, they gave you the opportunity, the fact that you didn't want to take the initiative and go do it, even if the law is no excuse, they gave you this right there, the Public Records Act, the law provides for it, and the people don't want to do any more than they have to. Well how about if the beginning of the contract is fraud in itself. In other words, well, the 16th Amendment was ratified, it was never ratified, but it was written in 1913, I believe it was, right? Okay. But it was never properly ratified, so therefore it's a fraud in the beginning. Right, but then you go up there and you stand and say, I want my constitutional rights, and the Constitution includes the 16th Amendment. Well I think putting it on a piece of paper after you've done the work and indirectly correcting it from you and you are signing a contract to take that responsibility and when you've done it for 30 years you sign that contract over and over and over and over again. How do you reconcile that? And it's just like your MasterCard. When you sign, every time you initiate and activate that MasterCard, you are reassigning that contract. Every time you sign that check, you re-sign and reaffirm the contract and any modifications that the corporation makes with articles of incorporation or the government forces upon the articles of incorporation, you always have that opportunity to go back there and read and study and learn this here while the changes take place and then you have the choice, the freedom of choice to quit and go out and pick stones in the field for the farmer and get paid in silver which is tax free or continue to work your lathe or do your job, drive your forklift, whatever it is you do, and get your big bucks and kick back with your coffee, bread, and donuts. And live in your nice big house. It all comes down to we're going to give you enough candy so that you don't cause us any trouble. And you're going to enjoy, you're going to like your Sunday football and your case of beer alongside your potato chips and pretzels and whatever. We're going to pacify you. A man is an employee of a man named Silver. He doesn't sign the employment agreement. You won't be working there if you don't sign the employment agreement. But if your boss is a patriot and one is independent and has no contract with the IRS and he has some way of getting his income without checks, without creating checks and dealing with Silver and pays you in Silver, then the IRS can stand there and watch you get paid in silver and just say why can't I collect this because it's in cash and you're just flat equity. There's no contract to create a corporation. But the government in order to exist where the corporation is going to pay any kind of money you know you're restricted. So you take 50% of what they give you and it's probably more than 100% of what you're going to get if you were doing something else. A friend of mine was running for governor in Hawaii and he went to pay his fees and silver and they refused him. So he said he had such time to pay everything off and said he could just go to the dumbest penny he could get. And they had to take ahead thousands and thousands of pennies. Why would they refuse the silver? It's legal tender. It's the only legal tender. Do you want to know something? When I went to the Internal Revenue Service, I mean when I went to Washington DC to file my writ of error I offered to pay in paper money, they said no we can't accept it, we only take checks which are sweat equity guarantees. Your money is no good, it's not backed by anything. That was interesting. Yes. I'll recommend that I'm the same Federal Reserve investment in March of 1973 I believe. In payment for the taxes. Yes. You only accept checks because your checks are guaranteed sweat equity contracts that are corporate. If you don't endorse the check, you're probably defrauding the state and making clear up. Uh huh. Correct. and they clear it. Correct. It's a fraudulent document. By who? Huh? By who? By the bank or? By you. You committed a fraud because you didn't complete the transaction. Just like if you write UCC1-207. Now we have a patriot dentist. He was practicing 26 years and his license came up for renewal. He got in with the Bureau of Society, went to a couple meetings and that, and they convinced him to check himself out of the system. So he revoked his driver's license and revoked his registration. And he also wrote 1-207 behind his signature when he signed his application for his dentistry for the next three years. Three years later he'd come along and they say, you don't have a license to practice medicine in the state of Missouri. 90 days in jail. So he files a Title 42 against them. You know what? They're correct. He can't, he didn't sign his license to practice medicine. Even though he's in jail, his Title 42, they've been trying to kill him. Police went down to the jail and they kicked him down a set of concrete steps and told him there's a lot of shallow graves in the basement of this prison. He says, and they got one of them with your name on it. They beat him up pretty good. They put him in a solitary confinement in 50 degree weather or they kept to keep it cold down there to start naked. Tried to kill him down in pneumonia. And I haven't heard from him in about a week now. So they have him in solitary confinement. But that was the sheriff coming into the jail. Not the jailers doing it, but the sheriff that he had named in the title 42 that took action against him was illegally incarcerated because they put him through an advocacy court and that's why this activity in front of the Supreme Court I've gotten a thousand calls to go ahead and handle people's cases to show them how to write their cases I'm one man and I don't have the physical time to correct everybody's mistakes however to do one of these in front of the Supreme Court and show the treason, the corruption, the extortion that's going on and to verify it with statute definition and make it, make the Supreme Court pull all the flags down in the United States in order to review of all the cases of the people alive that have been illegally placed in jail because there was no will of intense contract of disclosure before they walked through the bar nullifying everything that took place in the bar. That means 90% of everybody that's in jail today, and I don't care what your subject matter is, is there illegally. They're all political prisoners. But they get 24 bucks an hour to hire an asphalt company to spread asphalt but we can do it and get the prisoners to do it for 8 cents an hour. And the corporation was on the jail. Good business. That's why everybody's getting into the road gang stuff and putting everybody in jail. Up in Wisconsin we just opened a new jail up in there. What about the non-jailable offenses? Right. The other thing is the nation of Hawaii, 97% of all blood Hawaiian over 25% are in prison, genocide. You get a traffic ticket, five years. Broken taillight, five years. Broken headlight, five years. Distorting conduct, ten, fifteen years. We had one of the chiefs out there in the nation of Hawaii I met with him because of his son. He's a coin dealer. Sold some coins to a lady. She was then flying back to New York where she lived stopped at a coin shop at Denver International Airport and wanted to sell the coins. Well he only offered her 20 cents on a dollar. You know this is normal. I mean if I went out and bought silver which is at 5 cents an ounce, I'll pay 7 cents for silver livery. But when I take it back to sell it, I'll get 3 bucks for it. Or maybe 4 bucks. But because she could not receive the exact amount of money, she said she was frauded. That he had committed a counterfeit against her. So the US Marshals went out there, picked the kid up, and held a mock trial and sentenced him to 35 years in jail. He owned 6,000 acres of prime Hawaiian land. They wanted his land. Now they seized the land, the father is in partnership with it, so they want the father as a co-conspirator for the sale of the two coins and want to put him in jail for 20 years because under the Elodio title rules you have to be off the land for 20 years in order to seize control of it. So the international bankers or whoever it is that wants this land to government has to jail both of them for a 20 year period so that they are physically off the land in order to make it free for settlement and they can declare it under, maybe make a state park out of it. Now to expand upon the Hawaii situation in 1848 King Kamehameha had a lot of he made all the lands in Hawaii allodial and he set certain tracts of land over for the Americans for the Chinese for the Japanese and for the Filipinos because these were the majority people that were living there in 1848 when he did this the sugarcane people came over there and said to the Hawaiian people, well we are going to lease the land from you. We are going to call you a person Joe Smith, uppercase, nom de guerre, and we're going to enter into this contract. It's going to be a 20 year contract, we're going to pay a real nice lease on this thing. We're also going to, after they signed the contract and the people moved off the land they said well we got nobody here to work the land but the Hawaiians so let's put the Hawaiians back to work on the land so they paid them good wages to work the land. Twenty years and a day later they said the Hawaiian people who got all this money and they went to figure well I kick back and retire now on my land. Certain people say you don't own the land, we do. You've been off the land for twenty years. You left the land so now we've got it. How can that be? I've been here working the whole land. No, no, no, you've been off the land. You've been dead. You died 20 years ago. And they're saying, well, what do you mean I died? They said, well, you're dead. You're off the land and that's it. So they took it to court and the judge upheld the decision. So this went on, this battle from 1848, 1860, from 1868 all the way up to King Kamehameha said you have to be off the land for 20 years to make it free for settlement. That was the law. So from 1868 until 1920 there was a battle going on out there in Hawaiian Islands between the Nation of Hawaii and the Hurricane people. It was in court constantly. Couldn't make it go away. So in 1920 the Hawaiian people were given a contract, were given a deal called the Hawaiian Homelands Act. For one dollar a year we will give you housing and all the free water you want. So what they did is they said this person Joe Smith, uppercase, nom de guerre, hereby pays one dollar a year, make an equity contract and 1959 rolls around. By 1939 every Hawaiian in Hawaii signs a contract and is living under government one buck a year. Wow, we got a free lunch folks. So 1959 comes around, the United States government declares there are no living Hawaiians left in Hawaii. We now seize the island for statehood. The Hawaiian nation goes, what do you mean? We're here, we're alive. He says, nope, you're all dead. What happened? They put their name in uppercase, Nom de Guerre. They killed them on paper. I was brought over to Hawaii by IVYWEST. I gave a presentation to the people there. Well the nation of Hawaii came to our seminars as fate would have it. They heard about my radio broadcast on my procedure and they thought there was enough validity there to crack the contract of the United States government written from 1948 all the way to 1995. So they paid for RJ and I to fly over to Maui. Upon getting to Maui, RJ went for the car. And a very neat thing happened next. I sat down at the park bench next to the road and a female feral flew down out of a tree and landed on a bush in front of me. And I put my finger out and the thing jumped over on my finger. For the next two and a half hours, I walked around with a wild female feral on my finger. Now Hawaiian people are very superstitious and very religious and they said this was good karma. This guy's got something that the rest of us don't have. And we went, that bird sat on my finger for a five mile car ride, didn't fly away, wasn't just fluttering and tripping away. We got over to Oliver's house and there was 12 people there and we had a meeting and we presented our presentation. The whole time that bird sat on my finger chirping away and then it started raining outside. It was like two and a half hours. The bird was thirsty so I took it outside and let it go on the tree limb. It didn't fly away. It just sat there. I went back in and we completed our discussion. They gave me the contract, the Hawaiian Homeland contract that they would have presented and they wanted to evict these people for breach of contract. Upon reading it all over I said well everything seems to be quite well in order here. You guys signed this thing and I guess you are going to have to move. Then I said except for one little detail here folks. What is the will of intent of this contract? Where is the disclaimer of knowledge? Title 42 of U.S.C. 1986. They never established that you guys are smart enough to understand what it was they were saying to you. They never disclosed the will of intent on the contract. Therefore, the contract was fraud. Just like when you walked through the gate of the bar. And the lessons in sign there are saying that by entering this gate and entering the equity flag of our courts, that you are surrendering all constitutional rights and that you give the authority of this judge to rule upon you, everything that takes place in that courtroom is a fraud because there is no disclaimer. UCC 3-501, equity is under contract and the will of intent must be proved. It is the intent, just like dropping that pen, that gravity is relevant. It is the intent that this contract will exist. But what was the will of the intent? What was the criminal activity going on in the state of mind of the judge and the attorney inside that bar to entrap the individual walking into that court? And if he wouldn't walk into court because he knew what the intent was, that's what they got the police there for, to grab him and drag him in. That's called collusion. And once the collusion has been established, you lose all jurisdiction. If you've lost jurisdiction, the individual dragging you into the courtroom is now guilty of kidnapping, which carries 20 years in prison. He's also guilty of assault, which carries a one year, or I think it's a three year prison, and because he's got a gun on his arm, that's eight years. Eight years in Wisconsin, I don't know what it is down here. But this here, these activities take place. The police officers now accosting you are guilty of kidnapping and assault. Now the judge and the attorney watching this take place under Title 42 U.S.C. 1986 fall victim to a Rodney King special. They have knowledge and negligence of a willful act that they just witnessed. They have lost jurisdiction and any decisions they make before you now become actionable. So now these people that are creating these criminal acts lose all jurisdiction. The judge says, you speak once and you are going to jail. He used the word if. Now we have a nice solid collusion. Upon using this collusion, the judge has lost jurisdiction and he sent orders to bailiff to take you off to jail. But in that order he commits a Title 18 U.S.C. 4, misprison of a felon. He acknowledged that he committed a crime and yet in his silence didn't correct it and sent him to jail. Now you've got your attorney who witnessed the judge, he's also guilty of the Title 18 USC form of prison of assailant. And together they form a conspiracy. Title 18 USC 241 and a deprivation of rights 242 and an extortion of rights, 872, with a racketeering rider on top of it because it's reduced you beyond the point of recovery. There's enough solid 35 years of prison right there for those little four. Then you get into your civil activities of a Title 18, Title 20, Title, wait, go back there, Title 18, 12, 01, kidnapping, and because the judge ordered you to either pay a bond to get out of jail or pay a fine. And enter into, no that's ransom. It's ransom and extortion both. The extortion coming under, the extortion, Title 18, 242. No, 452 is oath of office. And extortion is 872. 871, 872 is extortion, title 18. And then your civil action is title 42, USC 1986 for knowledge. Title 42 U.S.C. 1985, subsection 1 is conspiracy, subsection 2 is obstructing justice, and subsection 3 is racketeering extortion. Under 85 conspiracy, then leading into a Title 42 U.S.C. 1983 personal injury. The personal injury comes under a policy and custom, because you can sit back there and watch these guys do it to everybody. And now you've got a person going to jail, the judge will not and did not give him a fourth amendment warrant. Without a fourth amendment warrant the judge would send him to jail. Now he's committed a constitutional violation, also violating due process of law under the fifth and fourteenth amendment. He didn't get a fair trial because all this extortion went on, so he's violated the seventh amendment. He told them to shut up, wouldn't allow them to produce his evidence before the court, he denied them his freedom of speech, 1st amendment and because he did that he didn't allow them to produce his witnesses or his paperwork which is his evidence, now we have obstruction of justice, title 1815-12. You're looking at a, when it all, 872 right, when you get it all done it comes out to over 108 years of prison for the judge. And it's all done under an equity flag of treason. We're just moving out of the country so the people know how long. But this is the kind of Pac-Man special we got here. Anybody touches it falls under it with malice. I listen to all of this and it sounds great. And it happens. We've got 800, 750 cases in the court systems right now all over the United States. This hypothetical case you're giving on this judge, you have cases where that judge could go. Absolutely. And these are the cases that are being presented before the district court all over the United States under common law. With the common law disclaimer and the flag put on the top of your paperwork. Now, when that happens, the judges have all been making the same statement. We need a more definitive statement. What's happened here now is they want you to establish subject matter. The thought of 4th Amendment 1 using a preposition, noun, verb, it is a fact, but it is a fact, here is a coffee cup, that is a fact, right? But if I drop it, the movement of time is also a fact. We are identifying a movement of time violation. It is not a facts that we can hold like a coffee cup. But a procedure of violation and what can the Supreme Court hear? Two things, a statutory violation which I just gave you and a procedural violation. And the way the procedure is violated is that the due process of the law under the Fifth Amendment falls in all these different categories. And when you get those out of line you violated the procedure. And the two of them now have become qualified under the court of appeals, the United States Supreme Court under the written of error, ERROR. And the Supreme Court has to take it because now you're charged with treason and perjury of oaths that have never been tested in the United States and therefore they can't be dismissed. They have to go before the grand jury. Yes? If you want I can give you just a couple of pieces of anecdotal evidence of ours. in early June of this year, filed one of these Title 42 suits in the U.S. District Court out in Oregon. And approximately six weeks later, the judge magistrate, who by the way, virtually the way we wrote this suit, should not have ever even put his hands on it. Right, you disqualified the magistrate right out of the shotgun. Right out of the barrel. that is barrel, informed the plaintiff and the defendant that was going to be on an oral hearing by telephone, a telephonic hearing. The plaintiff in this particular case not knowing a great deal about the law came rushing over to me and we wrote up a little Q&A kind of thing for him to say and not say, more specifically not say certain things over the phone. Like, no, I can't give you my name. Well, the transcript from that hearing runs about seven or eight pages. In total length of time, probably was longer than about 10 or 15 minutes. That's all the time that it took for that judge magistrate to tell the world, I'm out of here. I'm not going to have anything to do with this case. I hope you all have a nice day. I'm sending this calendar to Manning. That was in June. Now October. No one will touch that case. I'd like to expand on that for you. When we went ahead and put the statements on our paperwork that no jurisdiction of Admiralty or Maritime can be allowed in this case, every case in the United States is handled telephonically. Because if you come into the courtroom, you capture the flag, you now have a common law court. They won't allow you to come in and capture the flag. Now Satt Miller is the Chief Judge in the 7th District of Wisconsin. When we got him on the phone, I told Carol, I said, we are going to establish jurisdiction before we talk about subject matter. Nothing will happen without jurisdiction. because if you go in an advocacy jurisdiction you just shot yourself in the foot and the case is over. You've lost, they will sanction you for attorney fees and court costs and you'll go to jail for malice for ten years. If you don't establish jurisdiction. So we said, Mr. Carroll said, we have a Title IV USD1 flag. And he says, who are you? I said, this is David Miller. He says, I know who you are.