The file of counter says you don't pay anything. It equals out, doesn't it? And in Nevada where Mr. Abbott and Mr. Horton are, they haven't been paying their fees. And that's getting to be a sore spot with the court. You see, they have such an end, they don't even pay their fees. So they can go a long time while the attorneys eat up you. Well, you've got to do something to get this turned around. And see, the secret always is, is if you're going to be a plaintiff in sue, you make sure you have some corporations on that other side, so they have to get a lawyer. And Rick did this. He named them personally, and then he named their corporations, well, under this assumed law. And George should have known better because George had such an ego that he called himself. You know, he said, I own this. But Desiree is the one over here that's really the guilty party. How about that for spousal abuse and chivalry? But you go through four more years. It's like a presidential election. Oh yes, it certainly is. So if you're going to be in the game, get in the game. But you get in to win. The other side isn't going to like that because they'll see their retirement slipping away right fast. But what you don't seem to understand is it's something like US and P. You see, they're fed up with Timothy Binder. And Swannanoa Palace is falling down. It's in total disrepair as far as its outside grounds where these absolutely magnificent statues are placed and all of you saw it, the walkways are crumbling, the paint is curled, the wood is buckling and wouldn't it have been nice had Chief O'Keele just worked with us, we not only would have cleaned up that place and turned it into the glory it should be. But you think I'm going to play in that game now? They've stripped him, they've sent him back to Nigeria, they've made him a liar, and I'm telling you now, and Mr. Mullins can spread the word, they're through. They have destroyed themselves, no matter how the rest of this goes, because you see, nothing that they have done or that they wish to gain is worthy of second notice. And out of all of this, we'll go back now, you see, there was an agreement. Let's go on and let's look at all of these things so that maybe tomorrow we can get a better focus. Let's just all pray about this tonight. Let's ask for some focus and some understanding so we don't have to beat it to death without going ahead and beginning to make some progress. It doesn't matter if we make a few errors. They can't be any worse than the ones already made and they're not going to hurt you. So let's look at some of the other things. One of the things in the agreement was that thou would do this and thou would do that and together you would live happily ever after. The agreement should have, is like the will, should have been greater than any temporary injunction that you agreed to make permanent. Obviously, just doing that is proof in itself that you did not have any intent of offending the judge. Put it in there. Who cares? We're not going to do any of this anymore. We're fed up with him. So stick to the issues, be prepared to file one suit after another. You see, George Green gets this and he said, see, they're suit crazy. Well, I guess so. It's your system, not ours. It's your system. We prefer not to have any part of this system. But you were precluded through that agreement for bringing any more action against them. It was a gentleman's agreement, although they had it fixed every way they could to get you. And your attorney allows it. Boy, that attorney would come back and still support you. I mean, you only spent like a hundred grand in one month getting Ronnie Cleaver, whom we all loved, and all of the expenses for everybody who wanted to come down and observe, and all the declarations and affidavits to get ready for trial, which you were going to win, but you know it's going to cost $50,000 for each of you. And guess what? They knew you had the case because you didn't settle. Two years later, they are pleading with you to settle. Look, there's no point, brother, in carrying on this. And so it says right off the top, they don't hold any, nobody's guilty, Echols are not guilty, it's not even to infer they are. Just don't do this and don't do that and then you have pages of agreements that wraps up by saying you can't appeal to the injunction and you can't ever bring any charges against these people. Well, who wants to go to law school to learn how to spend money to bring more charges against these people? At this point, Eckers could not have cared less and normally had wished she had never heard of Walter Russell ever in her life. She would not entertain St. Germain, Walter Russell, Nikola Tesla, get thee from me. I don't even want you here. I don't want to hear about it, and I certainly don't want to write about it. So number one, they haven't proved intent. The judge has to reach out, because she told him right there, you, not condemned. You made your decision without hearing, without trial, on the day that the FBI and BATF burned out Waco. And that judge says, oh, I never put that together. Like the hell he didn't put it together, come off it. Even judges are not good liars. I believe her words were convicted. You convicted me, wasn't even a case against me, without even questioning me. No trial. And now look where I am. And E.J. told him, they came to us and wanted to settle. Because we were winning, and we were going to go to trial right away. And he said, we should have. To Judge Quile, the other day, all of you sat there and heard him. We shouldn't have. But how could you justify spending another $50,000 when neither side was going to get anything but deeper and deeper and deeper in debt? This was a no-win case. You see, they already knew that they weren't going to get anything from the Eckers. And certainly if you're just defending yourself, you're not going to get anything unless you come back and bring a counterclaim and win it. And there's no point in wanting to hurt these people. After all, George Green had already said, the Eckers are guilty because I'm making a settlement, but it's got to be secret. So I mean you can click off the things you can go back and charge them with. It is unethical, immoral, to have an agreement that includes other parties and they're not even allowed to see what it is and they're the one taking your rap. But what he did was say, if you can't get this out of them, then I'll pay. Fully expecting to get the gold, and finally telling them, oh well I've got this gold. So he became a distributor of the Walter Russell books. And he and Timothy Binder became fast bed buddies. George moves to Montana. Isn't it interesting that Timothy Binder lived in Montana also? But he had also lived in Colorado. Aren't all of these little coincidences interesting? Because in the beginning they didn't know each other, and then they go on the speaking circuit together, and all of this seems like superfluous, why are we wasting time with it, except that as you see the unfolding of it, you can see your case. You could not have, in good conscience, ever come back and reopen this case because you'd already agreed not to. They open the case for you. Now you can either sit like lumps and take it or you can take control. But we don't know if we can. Who cares whether or not you can? Do it. They can't stop you from doing it. They can keep throwing your papers out, and they can keep dismissing the case, but they can't keep you from filing them. Just make sure they're not frivolous. Make sure there is basis for each thing that you file in there. They've got to look at it. And I see so many cases here, the can of worms, not you. And Eustace can take every one of his cases and go back in there and demand payment. Annoy heck out of them. They're not paying. What have you got to lose? They're not paying you now. in that system and you might stop becoming the peasant gruffling at their feet. They are servants of you the people and they've forgotten it. They really have forgotten it, but worse than that so have you. I think we should begin to structure some of these things so that we can look at them. And the first thing that you do, you have to come up with what shall we use as cause of action. Should we hit them with contempt of the judge like they hit, and then you throw in all this garbage, and then finally you come up with a plum. We're going to prove that this information is correct, and it should be out before the world. And they're going to wiggle and squirm, but it will not be you who looks the fool in the end. And remember that they don't want God in the courtroom. They'll do anything they can possibly do to get God thrown out. So don't go. Just don't go. What are they going to do? Arrest you for sitting quietly in open court? There are some things they really don't want to go beyond and you're having a judicial system that is getting very, very nervous. Yes. And that is a blessing. Let's not let the ones who made them nervous down. Let's walk right through the little inlets that we have and let's do it right. And I can see probably six or eight cases from this one. You don't have to wait till that judge rules. And you don't have to grovel before him anymore with some kind of a story, a big deal. Were you in contempt of this man or not? What was her intent? She didn't have any. How can you have willful intent against somebody to do them damage or insult them if you had no intent at all? They took all her books. And they required that if any of her own books came back in, she had to destroy them. That's in there. So they took all of her information and then they turn it upon you and make you guilty of something so, oh, terrible, as repeating a concept of God being light. They want prison, sanctions, and again I mention sanctions versus fines. They want the money, and that's sanctions. Fines go to the court. Well, I don't want the judge to have too much fun here. And that law firm would like to recover whatever it has cost them. And it's costing them more and more and more, you see because you didn't empty up and get an attorney. And the judge knows that if you push this further and he rules with them, he's got to supply you with an attorney because you've already, Ecker's already asked for one. You know, we don't have any money for an attorney. We would ask the court to appoint us an attorney, please, even for the civil case. So he got the point, and he says to his brothers over here, he says, well now, this is going to be awkward if you push this. I've got to appoint them an attorney. This brings in the prosecutor's office, and with all the appeals and everything, because he knows these people don't ever go away. It's like having Eustace Mullins on your neck, you know, you have got him forever. Well, they just don't feel they have an alternative, you know. I can march off to prison, or I can go stand there and argue with them, or do whatever I've got to do next, but they don't perceive it's an alternative, you see. Well, everything is an alternative. You can go beg, plead for mercy. To who? I don't want to go beg, plead for mercy, I want the guilty parties named. And the only way you can get the guilty parties into court is to name them. three is against Mr. Green. At all. He supplied them with all this false information. Except when you do, you can't use at all using David Miller's stuff. That's right, David Miller said don't use at all because when you use at all it means that the preceding name and everything else in the complaint is erroneous. In other words, at all has no legal standing, that's what I'm saying. Well, that's good. They used it against us. I know, they used it against you all, so you could get a dismissal on that. Get a dismissal on that one. Or a motion to dismiss. Yeah. Or a motion to dissolve agreement based on fraud of the et al. Et al fraud. Have fun with it. This is really good. And we'll get Dave out here and wait till Grandma gets in this one. Oh, will Grandma love it. I'm telling you, she'll set all of you to flame. This is the best game in town these days. As she said once with the contract, I want you to know, everybody, you have to know, this is the only game in town. They're going to wiggle and squirm and they are going to shake, rattle and roll. It's the only game in town. That's why when I come to Las Vegas and I look at the casinos, I think these people are really missing the action. They could have a lot more action in court than they ever have on these machines. How long do you want to keep at this today? She gets tired and I get going. For one thing, when she gets tired, she gets out of my way. I have this story, you know, I'd come and annoy. And she didn't know what this was about, so she, you know, she could just sense that I'm getting her in trouble. And don't say that. You know, it's like don't write about light anymore because somehow I just know it's going to get me. So one day she comes down and I think Rick's there. I don't know who all was there. There were quite a few there. And I'm trying to get her to speak on something and she's balking. And you know, I have this quiet quarrel going on with her I am not going to say that it is going to get me in trouble look are you going to edit everything I say or we going to get on with this well I just don't want you to say that well I'm going to now you make up your mind and she finally is so angry that she speaks out loud and she said, damn it, then I'm not going to be responsible for what you say anymore. And I said, thank God we made it. Do you want a secretary who rewrites her material or do you want to let's do our job right? I can see further than you, but you have to do this. And I'm not going to, I want to play in the game, but I want you to know that you don't want to use F all in there. And frankly, I didn't even think about it. If you are so bright on the few topics that you have to be bright on, you see, they've had to do all of this. Eustace said it. It is so simple. They have to complicate it to fool you. So if you learn their tricks and you don't play it and you let them know that you're not using at all because of the following reasons, Your Honor, and now we ask for dismissal. You have no case. So look at the number of opportunities these people have opened for you. And I have one overall intent, and that is finally to be able to speak and get the truth out to mankind. Chief Okilo said it. We have to stop this. I've tried to stop them. I stopped them in the summer. The intent of our founders was to get this truth to the four corners And Eustace has verified that. That was their intent. It's our intent. Well, it got bogged down and stopped in a court. And they have bothered to come back to get you, but what they've done is reopened this entire case. So that you can go back in to now do something else. You had precluded yourself from legally going back in, or they would have intimidated you with it. The whole thing is so unlawful from beginning to end that you can start on the first paragraph of your agreement, not to mention his injunction. So do we want a break? Do we want to end this day? Come on people, I need input. Why would you do that? I was going to bring up the gathering once again. I was asked to bring the readers. Wait a minute. I want everybody to see this here. This is a shammy. Now, if you recall last summer when I brought up the gathering again and somebody will have to bring you this up to speed on this. When I talked about commander bringing some of the ships here to land. He told me that if he was going to do that, that I would have to clean his ship. So some friends of ours have sent me a chamois and have agreed to help me clean. I've got several, probably dozens of letters from people who have agreed and volunteered to help me with this. So, Commander, whenever you're ready, we're ready. Brent, I still have to pity you. You notice all those volunteers sent you to shammy. That was just a display. What are they going to use? That was just to demonstrate their seriousness. Well, we probably are sacrificed. We need to break up for today. I agree. 9 a.m.? 9 a.m. Forget it. If you show up, show up at 10. I don't care. Tomorrow is a paper date. 9 o'clock. We do want to accommodate Cork and Ron. They're driving in from Vegas in the morning. Yes. Well, what time? Come on, Paul. Ten is okay. There's no time. Whatever time, we'll be ready for them. Well, it's a paper dated one. And then we can move on because some of the things that we need truly are some legal input so we can do the opposite and then we need some corporate amongst ourselves. Structuring, let's reason out some of these things. And when one says, well, you can't because you have a corporation involved here, who said? Go try it. You may like it. How are you going to just quarrel this away? This is a way they've gotten control of you. Gradually, they tell you something, it's published, it's a big deal, and you accept it. Don't accept it. Make them explain to you why you can't do it. And you should be informed enough to explain to them right back why, oh yes, you can. So let's have a pleasant night and let's be refreshed and let's get a little more focus. We've gotten acquainted today. I thank Little Crow for coming out here. You need to touch so that you know who is going to stand by you because some will be the rock of Gibraltar and others will fall away. And you're down to right now where there's nobody to rush out of the room and go tell your enemy anything. Because we're going to tell our enemy everything right up front. It's the best way. Bless you all. I cherish you all. I hope that all of you can stay over and have a sleep in or whatever you want. And we thank you, Eustace. We now know the man. I want every one of you to get all of his books. And maybe you can get a discount. I think George carries them. So good evening and thank you. Salu. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.