This is incomplete. Hey, what's happening? Oh, this is Bill of Rights, Article 1, this is called the First Amendment. Yeah, this Constitution is back here. Yeah. Right. You can have a lot of money. Do you know how much you paid in shares? You can get that from James Foner. Is that 50 bucks? Is that the thing, that's 50 bucks? I don't know. You want that? See, here's a statement here. Before when I was expressing to you about using or being addressed with the terminology pro se, my friend here Mario, he showed me where the judge says yes I'd like to rule in your favor but you have to identify yourself as a pro se before this court. In other words traverse to a fraud and then I'll give you your money. Which is a sucker punch for a judge. It's kind of stupid in my opinion. But he's trying to trick the individual into creating the fraud. Once the fraud's been initiated he'll say oh well there was a defect here now we're going to sanction you for attorney freezing court costs probably $25,000 to $50,000 based on the argument that's gone on with this case so far. They did that to me in one of my cases also. They agreed to drop all sanctions against me from the attorneys and dismiss their case and he dismissed my case also without prejudice. Now what the judge was doing here was we'll give him everything he wants but when he goes to collect it he'll traverse with the fraud of being addressed as a pro se and a nom de guerre and we'll nail him the minute he puts his foot out. So you finally notice the refusal for fraud on the court. There is no such thing as a free lunch folks. Don't bite at the candy when it's stuck out in front of you by these guys. It is not free. This is not justice. When you're in front of a jury trial and the jury comes back and gives you their decision, then you've won the case. Not by any judge saying that he's going to give you it. Because I haven't seen a judge's paperwork in the last thousand cases that was properly executed, they were highly defective. I mean, on a good day, the lowest defect has been 50 defects in a four-page document. Most of them run 150 to 200 procedural violations within a four- to five-page document. I mean, it's that ridiculous that they commit all these different frauds against you. And the tricks and the traps of using these adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, uppercase, nom de guerre, word pro se, person, proper persona, surre juris, using the phrase ETAL, which means what they'll do is they'll try and shortcut and they'll list the defendants. Let's say you've got 20 defendants. And the attorney comes back and he writes, you're only going after a judge and 19 attorneys, alright? So you put the judge's name, put a comma, put ETA out to shorten up listing all the defendants. On any paperwork at any time during the proceedings from the time you file your complaint, get a notice of refusal, a response, order to show cause, notice of hearing, whatever. They use this ETAL. Either you use it or they use it. And it is accepted. That document is disqualified under a 10A violation. Upon committing a fraud before the court, that portion of the disqualification is removed. Now the procedure is contaminated. They can have their case dismissed if they want to do it, but you don't get your case dismissed and you win by default because they frauded the court. And you get that through the proper use of common law technology. Now when you write in a common law name, if you want it to be correct, you put your last name, comma, first, middle. Then what they do is, or you write your first, middle, and last name, upper and lower case, and put a comma after it. But then when you add E-T-A-L, you're saying that the first three words was your last name, and that the next two words, E-T-A-L, is your first name. And if it's not, you've committed a fraud against the court under use of a fictitious name under Title 18-1342, male fraud extortion, criminal activity on your paperwork, and a 10-A violation. Automatically disqualified and they can throw you in jail for five years for putting E-T-A-L after your name. Everybody is doing that under a regular civic matter law. Okay, an attorney is licensed to practice, or up until now, he's working inside of the bar. Because he's working inside under this bar's license, and he's working in a government that is not, in a foreign government, a foreign government does not use federal rules of civil procedure or the Constitution. They make up whatever rules they want. And because the judge is the master, he makes a determination under broad-based discretion as to how his crew is going to function in front of him. If he says ETAL is okay under a foreign government, that's fine. But if you do it as a private citizen or a citizen in party, then your sovereignty will automatically capture the court into a common law scenario, common law jurisdiction. Now he's faced with the rules and regulations under 10A, FRCP 10A, and because they have to follow this, otherwise they violate the 5th amendment of due process and the 14th amendment of due process. To violate your due process you cannot have a fair trial under the 6th or a jury trial under the 7th. So you got four constitutional violations there. And those four constitutional violations will automatically activate the 9th Amendment, which says he was supposed to abide by those four in the first place. He's an elected official. He has to support the Constitution. And he didn't do it. And he created this foreign entity under the 11th. I mean, he's breaking every rule in the book. And there's no statute of limitations for this fraud. There's no amount of money you can ask for to represent this fraud, to have your constitutional violations stripped from you because of the amount of people that have died in wars defending the Constitution, both in the Civil War, Revolutionary War, First, Second, Vietnam, Korea. to go ahead and fight for this. And so because of the people who have died, the Congress said there is no limit to the amount of money you can ask for. Most of the states today have on personal injury put limits of a quarter million to $300,000 per injury. Louisiana has a $50,000 limit. I guess they're a poor state. But they're- California is rich. Pardon? California is rich. I don't know. They've got, I think California's only got, California's only got $250,000 limit on theirs for personal injury. There's a story I tell at seminars. Some of you heard it, some of you haven't. There's a farmer, 1953, it's a true story by the way, he's plowing his field and a local sheriff comes down the road and yells out to the farmer, I'm going to take your shovel. And the farmer yells back, you can't have it, I've got to shovel my grain with it. The sheriff says, well, I'm going to take it anyways. Backs up to the barn, throws a shovel in the trunk and drives away. The farmer being poor and simple walks into his house and he only had two books to learn how to read from. One was the Constitution of the United States. The other one was Black's Law Dictionary. So he knew that the Constitution says that you're not allowed to remove anything without a Fourth Amendment warrant that is worth more than twenty-one dollars. Well, his grain shovel he paid twenty-five dollars for, so it qualified. So he took a garbage bag, ripped off a corner, wrote the word complaint on the top, put his name as the plaintiff and the sheriff's name as the respondent and wrote that without due process of law and without a Fourth Amendment warrant, the police officer stole my shovel. That was it. So he then went down to district court, paid his $20 filing fee, this is how much it cost back then, and he filed his complaint. And he also put in there in his prayer, I pray for $1.3 million for having my 4th Amendment rights violated. They went to the grand jury and they awarded him $1.3 million for having his shovel taken. True story. You don't need a book this thick to learn how to do a title 42 or to win a 42. In today's society with the technology and the frauds that have been created, you need this information to understand how the laws function and the tricks and the traps that are going to pull upon you because you can write the most beautiful case on paper stand up in court and they say, are you here appearing pro se? And you say, yeah. Oh, okay. How much money you got? Because we're going to let you argue your case at $150 an hour. Well, this is federal, so you're probably up to $250 an hour. Until every penny you own is bankrupt or is gone. And then they'll go ahead and they'll say, you committed a fraud back there on day one and you caused these people to run this big bill up. Now we're going to take your total assets to pay that bill because you perpetrated a fraud against the court. They're going to use two sites to get you. Actually three sites. They're going to use Title 42, USC 1988 under fees. They're going to use the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 11 and they are going to use Title 15, Chapter 1, 15C for fictitious use for the frivolous filing of a case. And with these they are going to order you to pay attorney fees and you won't have a whole lot of defense from it because be your worst enemy. In the same scenario what you learn in this paperwork that you have before you and in the seminar are that the judges and the attorneys, the paperwork that they have filed upon you leaves a track record of what they did and the procedures that they did not follow. You are not going to sue them for what they did. They are immune from what they do. You are going to sue them for what they didn't do. They swore an oath and affirmation to support the Constitution of the United States and for all the constitutional amendments and rules and regulations under titles which qualify under the codes, the rules and regulations the regulations of the uniform commercial codes for contracts that they have entered into with these documents under UCC 3-501. For all the paperwork that they create and the violations that are created within there, you're going to assume for what they didn't do. It's very easy once you know what the tricks and the traps are to go after all the holes in the cheese because the cheese is a subject matter, but you're going to assume for what they didn't do. Can there be any pre-trial consequences when the criminal attorney is charged? At all times private contracts supersedes constitutional law. If a judge orders a pre-trial conference and he's already joined under common law because he's accepted the case, in other words, you file your paperwork, you've got your American flag and your disclaimer on the front of the papers. He has put his name to the case saying I've accepted this case for litigation. Now you're in a common law venue. While up to the time you walk into the sanctuary of the bar is where you must recapture the flag. Now the judge will do everything in his power to get you to walk into his foreign jurisdiction so he can dismiss this case properly or put you in jail so you can't hurt him and neutralize this case before he has a chance to get a foothold. But this paperwork outlines the procedures. All the judges in the United States have copies of it. They have been studying this material for some six months now. They started to look at this with some concern and because of the activities that I have generated in the past 18 months or 20 months now, they have taken it very seriously and every time we file a lawsuit now, all the judges have been supplied with telex, it's It's closed circuit communications between judges. And as of January 14th when we filed the treason papers and put Judge Grover on the stand for treason in Shawna, Wisconsin, all the judges now have taken an extreme close interest because this is the first time in 200 years that a circuit court judge has stood trial for treason. And so now Toronto County didn't want to deal with it so it's been moved to federal district court in 7th district Milwaukee, Wisconsin. And the 7th district court will have to because we have 80 signatures on paper to support the charges of treason, have to convince, the U.S. Attorney is going to have to call the grand jury. And this one case will be as important as my Supreme Court cases and they will have to deal with it. This is not going to go away. They are running articles weekly up in Shawna, Wisconsin at the news, it's the name of the newspaper that comes out up there. And they are filing this very closely. They have copies of this document. And there is no way they're going to sweep this under the rug or make it go away. So we'll go get back into the papers here. Turn the page to B1 is a expanded definition outline of B1 and B2 is an expanded definition of what was on the first page there. That was kind of a real quick summary as to what this document page two and three. is the tricks and traps that they are going to pull on you. It gives you your site numbers on Federal Civil Procedure titles and Uniform Commercial Codes, the adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, presumptions, assumptions and conclusions and how they are outlined. Now this page 5 Page 5 was adapted by the United States Supreme Court on September 18, 1996. What page is that? Page 5. What does it say? It says 11896, instructions written by David Miller. may have charged you with what's that? there's one on the bottom there oh you were supposed to renumber your book the way I had it clipped together it's our page 2 page 5 we may be missing the page because it's page 2 page 2 you got to copyright 2197 2197 right no no that's the first page And you said, right. No, no. That's the first page. Yeah, I know. But the second, second page. Oh, you're supposed to remember everything. I know. Oh, it was in the order in the book. Oh, you got one. It got mixed up. This here is the one I just this was two and three. And that was five. And this is six. But I think they're all in play. Yeah. No, it's 75. All right. What I'll do is I'll just hold it up and show it to you and then you can realign it. Read the top line. Yeah. OK. Well, I've titled this page C1. So that's right. We're going to go through the alphabet and put alphabet numbers on top. So when you guys call me at my house, you'll say I was at your seminar and I'm talking about document number J. OK. And that way I know which document you're we're working with. So right now we're on page two. No, not page two. Yeah, it's two by me and you. But you guys, you guys mixed them up. All right. No, I don't think that's right. I'm on top. Yeah, I'll have to realign my book. Well, it's only the first five pages that you're going to get mixed up. The first five pages are just procedures, OK? They tell you about the adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and the tricks and the traps. It starts out with 11-896, instructions written by David Flynn Miller. Yeah, that's the second page. Oh, OK. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Right. Yeah. That's what I got. All right, you guys change your numbers or do whatever you want. You got to read it all anyway. That isn't that. That's just that. These are just your procedure outlines. Those first five pages. Oh, yes. It's just the first five pages. Everything else is big documents you won't get lost. Just the facts. Just the facts right. Now when the Supreme Court adapted these procedures I was there The Carroll case here was the one that went in, was the case that got filed on September 13th. That was Friday the 13th. And these were the guidelines to read this book. Because I knew the Supreme Court didn't deal with my procedure, hadn't seen my procedure yet, the way it was laid out, I had to build an instruction sheet to read this book because there is no subject matter in this book. I went to the Supreme Court two weeks earlier and I looked at the cases that were filed. I brought one here as an example. But when I started reviewing the cases that were on file there, they were all subject matter cases, and the United States Supreme Court cannot hear subject matter cases. Not only that, they get 7,100 cases a year, they disqualify 7,000, they keep 100. The cases that they were keeping were subject matter cases. The cases that they were disqualifying were subject matter cases. They were keeping cases that were as close to a constitutional intent to to violate as possible. Now when I went there, the clerk says there's only two ways you can file a case here in the United States Supreme Court. You either have to be an attorney licensed at the Supreme Court or you must be a pro se. I said well I refuse that statement for fraud I'm a citizen party filing a lawsuit in this court as it's guaranteed to me under the constitution under a writ of error. That if I, if the lower courts make a mistake that only procedural violations and statutory violations can be filed in U.S. Supreme Court. And I had Black's Law Dictionary, first edition, I showed it to them. She says you're absolutely correct. She says, I said this is a subject matter case. You've got noun verb combinations on here. You've got adjectives, adverbs and pronouns and conclusionary law sites listed in this document. I said it's all a violation of the Fifth Amendment due process. And so she took the case that I brought here and she says well this case is disqualified approved. They then took, starting September 13th, and reprogrammed the computer that does the reading of the cases and looking for all the different procedural violations within the document. It's got character analysis identification. And that's how they do it. They type all the stuff in from the, they got a scanner that scans the document, reads the material electronically and then disqualifies the cases if they don't conform to what the case is before the courts. The computer is programmed to identify sentence structure violations. In other words, subject matter. But the cases that they were approving were also equally subject matter. So on September 13th, which was the first day of the Jewish New Year, 1996, which was Friday the 13th, it was foretold that this would be the beginning of the end for the de facto government. And five days later they adapted these procedures and disqualified the 1,500 cases which represented a 12 and a half year wait for my case to be heard in the United States Supreme Court. And it bumped everybody out of the way so my case could get up there and get heard. And my case deals with perjury of oath and constructive treason against the Constitution. Two subjects that have never been tested in the United States in 200 years. Under the rules of the Supreme Court, a unique case cannot be disqualified no matter how badly it's written. If the subject matter brought before the court has never been tested before. Well, I've got double qualifications on that. The third qualification is that if you have more than five people in your case, it's a complex case. And a complex case incorporates conspiracy. Again, can't be disqualified. Because I'm suing the judges under the jurisdiction of a Title IV USC1 flag and have qualified this case under Article I, Section 9, Chapter 8 of the Constitution, they can't take it into a foreign jurisdiction. They have to try it, excuse me, they have to try themselves as well because they themselves are guilty of the same crime of using a gold fringe flag as all the other judge courts in the United States. So to find anybody guilty, they have to find themselves guilty, which is a very unique situation. More than likely this case will wind up on the floor of the Senate or in Congress for deliberation. Because it creates what's called a writ of air karam nobis. It means the judge must rule upon his own decision. And he himself is named as a plaintiff or as a defendant. Which makes a catch-22. He can't find anybody guilty unless he finds himself guilty. And whatever penalty he passes down on anybody else, he has to pass down on himself. Congress is guilty too? Congress, the legislature, right, the whole entire structure under this de facto flag. So Congress would have to, before they hear the case, declare amnesty, hear the case under the rules of discovery, not as a trial case, and from the rules of discovery, declare amnesty for the whole entire scenario and then remove the yellow fringe flags, otherwise they still have to be tried for treason. All of them. Every state, every congressman, every senator, anybody that that was an oath and affirmation that walked into a yellow fringe flag and infringed upon a citizen's rights at any time in his career would be guilty of treason, constructive treason. And there's no way around it. And you assume for what they didn't do, they didn't uphold the Constitution, the very first contract they made when they became public officials. There's no remedy for this thing. And that's what makes this material so sensitive. When do you think it will be terminated? In 1864 the black man was freed. Congress goes ahead and says, okay, we have a 3 5th person under the 14th amendment. And they discriminate against the 3 5th person in certain areas. There is not slavery, but he doesn't have privileges. So 100 years later, you've got 35 million people standing in front of the courthouse and by the sheer weight of a bad law, the United States Supreme Court in Congress passes the 1964 Civil Rights Act Article 7 abolishing the three-fifths person of the Fourteenth Amendment and now has equal protection for all citizens. I had a friend of mine who didn't know the law had been passed and spent 25 of the next 35 years in jail on over 28 contempt charges. That was a tragedy because he didn't find out about it until the spring when he met with me and he got into a debate. Still believing that a three-fifths person was relevant and he wasn't going to become part of it until I showed him the law and he sat there and he cried because he had destroyed his entire family, life and career. Arguing for something that already had been abolished. How do you make that change for some individuals? A right not used is a right sacrificed. So, education is very powerful. This document is knowledge. And the first rule of responsibility is you must be responsible to responsibility. If you study this material you have the technology and the knowledge to put people in jail for life to destroy people with this stuff. They may be guilty of what they did. They may not have the will of intent for what they did. They may not know of the will of intent they had committed as far as a criminal act goes by using a yellow fringe flag. So you have to be responsible to the people that you go before with this technology as to how hard you want to push it. Because when you're talking about removing somebody's, putting somebody in jail for life, destroying their family, their children, their reputation, and they have nothing to lose, you may lose. They may come out and kill you. So this technology is very important as well as you have to be responsible to it. You have to pick your battle. Do not do this alone. The best security you have is you get yourself a study group. I always say a minimum of five people get involved. First find out in your community who else needs the help and get them together in a study group so that you are all working together. When you file a lawsuit make very sure that the party that you are naming in it is absolutely guilty of what he is being charged with because these things will absolutely destroy somebody. So you must be responsible for this. And when you take these and you file them, you file them with the clerk, file them at the newspaper, take them down and file them with the bond companies. You get the name of the bond company from the city treasurer. The treasurer is responsible for the disbursement of tax money. If the county or city that you are suing or state for that fact, you can't sue a state but if you have state actors, you go to the treasurer and the treasurer will tell you who the bond it's public record that underwrites the insurance for the city, state and county. Now once you know that you serve the bond company with the title of 42. They cannot insure fraud. The bond company will do the necessary liens against the insurance policies, the bond that are held, savings accounts, home mortgages, cars, whatever money has been extorted as a result of fraud, they will put a lien against it. So that if you're asking for $25 or $50 million in a lawsuit, that you're going to get your due, your day in court, and that you're going to get paid. and everybody gets shut down until they sit down and settle the issue. So the detention process usually ends almost immediately if they're trying to sue you for something to put you in jail. Or even if you are in jail. The city government shuts down until you're released, until this thing is brought to a resolution. Yes. Right, risk management is the name of the company that underwrites the bonds or the insurance for whatever municipalities and this is in all 50 states. But they're assigned to a bond company. They hit the risk management is the name of the organization that lists all of the bond companies that are under their wing so to speak and then you can get the name of the municipality that has policy with them or you can go to the city treasurer and get the same information. And under the Freedom of Information Act. Your tax payers money being spent and your tax payers. You have a right to know where your tax money is going. Are you selling to the bond companies or are you selling to the states? Well states, all 50 states are self-insured. Are they? Yes. But they still sell bonds. A lot of times even under a public records request they will answer under government code 62. Well, they're fighting a paper trail but if you go there in person you're right in front of them. The file, the NDA gives them a standard that they can get up and talk about. Well, under 1460 they're required by law to give you a copy of any bond they have. Alright there's multiple ways to go around this. You can contact the Securities and Exchange Commission and it has a list of every bond company in the United States. The Securities and Exchange Commission has access to the treasurer and access to all the listings. So you can find out one way or another. The Securities and Exchange Commission can call the Secretary of State and get information under the Open Records Act. And if you have a, if you're dealing in stocks and bonds and you have an account, your agent will be the person to get that information for you. Mailing address, the whole thing. But once you've got one of these Title 42s in the hands of a bond company, they will move up on it. Now in West End, Wisconsin, we had a friend of mine got placed in jail and he refused to identify himself to the courts because he was a military court martial. He attempted to take an American flag, a report with an American flag, a bailiff stole his flag away from him and then physically handcuffed him and drug him into the court so he would be in this foreign jurisdiction and put him in jail. So they acted with collusion, assault, kidnapping, they violated every rule. Because of those actions that took place, a title 42 for constructive treason was placed on the city and filed with the bond company. The bond company then locked down the city of West Bend. They couldn't even take the fire trucks out or the police cars out until they settled this matter. They put liens against the pension funds of the police department, the bank accounts of the judges and the attorneys involved, and every police officer in the city had his checking account, savings account, put liens against and paralyzed the entire government with a $70 million lawsuit. That's more money, ten times more money than what the West Bend's got. Upon filing they then came to my friend and they gave him a FRCP 41A voluntary withdrawal. They would vacate all charges against him and pay him restitution in exchange to drop the lawsuit so they can get the city government back on line. That's the kind of power this thing has. And somebody says well did he win? Doesn't take years. He had it done in ten days. And he didn't want anything to do with West Bend so he moved down to Indiana, got out of state, left the state. I mean, he settled his accounts and then he left the state. He was in fear of his life from all the people that were pissed off at him from West Bend. But these documents are very, very powerful. We had a man in Los Angeles, Orange County. He was Mexican. He was driving a he owns a dealership. Had his dealer's license plates on his car. He was arrested and placed in jail for not having city driver's license plates on the car. He's not required to. The case ran through five hearings and it dragged on for nine months. It went to jury trial and he was found guilty under an admiralty jury and sentenced to five years in prison for driving a car that he owned because he owned the dealership with dealers licenses on. To give you an idea how prejudicial the system is working. The day before sentencing, which was on Tuesday, he filed the treason papers. The judge, upon walking in the court, says, in my chambers now, in half an hour, apologize. Ordered the bailiff to vacate all computers in the courthouse of any existence of this man in the case. Physically went around, picked up every piece of paper, every file, completely purged the system, dismissed all charges against him after his jury found him guilty. It was a stacked jury. He confessed to the man. He was under orders to put as many people in jail because of the $38,000 a year that the state of California would get kickbacks from the federal government and apologized to him, don't sue me for treason. He said this will destroy my life and we have no remedy from this technology. That night he threw a party with plenty of his family members in celebration of the Dave Miller law procedure. Does the system work? Yes, it works. We had another man in Seattle, Washington, the same thing, sentenced to five years in prison. Candidates to the judge were dismissed instantly. His case. They vacated the whole thing. Another man, Sullivan, up in Vermont, he's been in the newspaper. Highly publicized case. He has a reporter up in Vermont that has taken an interest in this technology and he has a column on the front page of the newspaper up there and he has been following the corruption of the court in this case for bringing a flag into court he was sentenced to three months in a cycle ward because he's for psychiatric evaluation. We had him released in three weeks with a title 42 and he's gone to five other hearings since then at which time they have now filed as of Monday this week the treason papers on the judge and everybody in government is treating him just, they're bending over backwards to make this man comfortable in every capacity and he expects the case to be vacated before the week is out. Where he gets all of his restitution that he's asked for. But this has been a very screwy scenario. I personally when I had my case Nishano used this technology and they vacated the case, gave me back my bond money, gave me back my jury trial money. Jury fees aren't refundable. They still gave them back to me. And they made this whole thing go away. And then we filed the counterclaim papers in Shawano County. We took them in file stash and said, this has been vacated already, sir. We can't accept the papers. He says, we'll take them and put them in the file. And he said it's the first time in his career he's gotten all of the papers back that he has filed with orders from the court in Shawano that the case has been vacated or discharged and they won't accept papers from their own attorney. He says this technology that he was reading was somewhat surprising to him because he had never seen anything like it and he didn't know really how to approach it. I said, well you know the paperwork you sent me was mail fraud extortion. He says, I don't know what that means. So I explained to him about nom de guerre in title 18, 1342. I said if I want to push it in federal court, I said you personally will be facing five years in jail under federal charge of mail fraud. As you have asked for attorney fees, he says, oh, don't worry about that. He says, we're not asking for attorney fees. He says, my clients and I, we just want to make this a non-issue. So they're already scrambling for cover and to make this thing go away. That attorney, going to be working with and he seems to have patriotic overtones. Because in our conversation I said to him, if you learn this technology you can practice common law as an attorney. I said the judges have no power to stop you. He said oh no if I go in court with a common law case I'll lose my license to practice. I says if the judge takes away your license he goes down for treason. I says now you tell me what a judge is going to do. He's not going to touch you for anything.