|0.00|> What you must understand, that in the process of evolution and growth, it attends with pain.<|10.00|><|10.00|> Nobody grows without pain.<|16.00|><|16.00|> So if God was a light of himself, and then after creating himself,<|26.00|><|26.00|> And from that single essence, there essence the second self, which is the female. She's not the second self of man, she's the second self of God. And this is why in the writings of Paul, he says that when you misuse or mistreat the woman, it's like mistreating yourself, because she's a part of you as she's a part of God. Listen, listen. Now, wherever there is pain, there is growth. All human beings have an aversion to pain. Who wants pain? We all run from pain and we run from growth. The Christians, they're Christians. You want the cross, I mean the crown, but you run it from the cross. The cross is the way to the crown. How in the world can we lead our people out of the condition that our people are in and expect that there's not going to be any pain, there's not going to be any adversity, there's not going to be any suffering? Well, if you don't want pain, you don't want suffering in order to grow, then you don't want life in God's universe. Because that is the natural way of things. Listen, by God being a light of himself, he becomes al-nur, the light. That's why God is al-nur. He's the light of himself, and all things that have light got light from him. Listen, he caused himself to exist, and by him all other things exist. That's how he became Jehovah, the self-existing God, and the God by whom all things exist. How he became al-sabir, the patient. He had to overcome frustration with the pace of his own evolution, and the disappointment with that pace which gave rise to patience. And that's how he became Al-Tabiyya. And therefore he has every human being. If you want to win in struggle, it won't come overnight. You've got to learn how to be patient and long-suffering, because it's only through patience and long-suffering that you will reach the goal. Hear me. So when Allah comes into existence, he comes into existence with a tolerance for pain, understanding the nature of frustration with the slow pace of fulfillment of desire, understanding disappointment and willing to be patient with the process in order to bring to fruition that which he envisioned. All of us have to travel that same road. And the reason that you are not as great as you could be is because you can't take pain. The reason that you are a abortive is because you get frustrated and disappointed with the slow pace of the fulfillment of your desire, so you abort the process and wonder why you're a bum on life's highway. created to succeed. Failure is not somebody else's. Failure is yours. Because if it doesn't come when you want it, as quickly as you want it, if too much pain attends it, you give When he comes into existence, he comes into existence a light of himself coming up out of darkness. And this is the way we come into existence bearing witness to his origination. He was a light of himself in darkness. So here we have duality. He's light coming up out of darkness. He was light in the midst of death. Death in this sense is described as inanimate matter having no purpose or function. The reason the prophets call us dead people is because we are inanimate matter that doesn't have aim or purpose. God has never created anything without aim or purpose. But the enemy destroyed the aim and purpose for your creation, and you're sitting around on a log like a dead thing, begging the white man to do for yourself if you are alive mentally. So in the nature of God is this duality, and in the nature of the human being is this same duality. This duality is ever-present in everything in the universe that God created. From the tiniest atom to the furthest planet or star, you will always see this yin and yang, this duality in the nature of things. The scholars will ask, well, where did the The potential for devil was present when God created himself. See, religious scholars are religious cowards. If God is the creator of everything, then he created devil. But if he created devil, have an essence out of which it comes. That essence was in God when he originated himself. And that's why from the very beginning he knew that perfection would come because he willed it so. But in the creation it was not perfected. And that's why there's a wobble in the earth. All of the planets have a wobble. Nothing is perfectly round. That which is round is oblong, and if you roll it, it rolls with a wobble. Man has a wobble in his nature which is only corrected by man's obedience to law. would come that would perfect creation. And this is why John said, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It means that way back in the beginning, when he fashioned himself and then creation from himself, he knew that at some point in time this creation would be perfected. But it could not be perfected until man was perfected, because it is from man that everything has come. And only when man becomes perfect will a perfect world come into existence. That is why the Christians and their great love of Jesus Christ is so relevant today. But the scholars need to understand it better. And that's why God gave me this message for you today. The potential for devil was present when God created himself, because in him is that which he had to overcome. And outside of him was that which he had to overcome in order to make progress toward the fulfillment of the goal of life. God is the self-existence, the self-subsistence. He's Jehovah because he causes everything to exist and brought himself into existence. He's the author of life and the cause of death. He's Al-Nur, the light. He's Al-Haqq, the truth. He's Al-Faqir, the patient. He's Al-Rahman, the beneficent. He's Al-Rahim, the merciful. He's Al-Jabbar, the strong. He is the mighty, He is the wise. He's the provider, He's the protector. He's the avenger, He's the restorer. He's the evolver, He's it all. We can never be al-Rahman, we can just be brother Rahman. We cannot be all-lord, the light. We can only be a light. God is B, and we are A. And he gives us the right to wear his attributes because his attributes are not space. His attributes are the characteristics of the human being. Now when he makes us in his image, we are a reflection of his attributes. He created us and made us in his image and after his likeness, then all of these potentials and magnificent characteristics of God are sitting right up inside of us! I want to say that again, man. I said all of these potentials and magnificent characteristics of God are sitting up inside of each one of us who sit in this place or in that place or any place. If you're a human being, these characteristics are your inheritance. So why aren't you manifesting this? David the psalmist said, ye are all God's. Children Children of the most high God. But why are we manifesting this? Because gross darkness, the ignorant, thick darkness covers us, and that has to be removed. process of becoming little God under God, there's pain. There's disappointment with the slow pace of our progress. If you don't handle pain and frustration of desire and Have you ever been frustrated from a desire, something you want so bad, and all of a sudden it gets frustrated? And instead of handling it, it handles you? Then you start throwing things around, crapping things, acting a fool? Because in order to fulfill your destiny, you have to manage pain. You have to manage disappointment. We want what we want, we want it now! Don't mess around, give it to me, now! What'd you say, God? See, we have to develop patience and longsuffering so that we don't drop out of the process and abort our progress toward the goal of life for which God created us. Now, since we don't know how long it took God to create himself, nobody was there, so however long it was, is how long it was. They say, well, when did God begin? I don't know. But I know the only way we could begin is after he began. We have our beginning in and from him. Look now, this is the truth, I said, we don't know the time, and this just came right out of my mouth like all of this, because time is the exact measurement of motion from one point to another. Without motion, from one point to another, you have no way of calculating time. For the reason we don't know how long it took God, because there was no relative point to measure His beginning. But once He began, He set the point, so now So now we can measure and calculate time. Listen. God is time. Time begins with God. When you are with God, life and time is the same thing. Because you don't let God into your life. You're not on time. You ain't making time. Where are you going? And that's your life. Where you going? I don't know. What you doing? I ain't doing nothing. That's the point. That's the point. Once God is self-created, he sets the point that man is able to achieve. He knows the time it takes for the achievement of a purpose, therefore all motion now can be rightly measured, and we know the time that it takes to go from one point to another. Now, in God's self-creation the duality was present, and all creation mirrors this duality, so we know now that the potential for devil was present right in God himself. Now isn't that something? Then I ask myself, this is the fine manifestation of the negative influence of deceptive intelligence that causes one to rationalize disobedience to God, to what is right, to what is good, and to what is proper. And where is the brother? I want to bring him face to face with you so you don't have to look nowhere else. You can start first with the internal enemy, and then you can Now listen, devil is a deceptive intelligence that rationalizes disobedience to God. Now look at you. When we go to Genesis, let us see how the devil is introduced to us. How many of you say you're Muslim? Raise your hand. How many are Jews and Buddhists Brother Eddie, this is my Native American brother. Brother Eddie Longwater. He's none of the above, but all of that and then some, and I'm going to prove it. Father, Reverend Chavis yesterday said he was a Christian. Today he says he's a Muslim. are there set to move from the wandering. I'm going to say it again, and I'm a Christian. What's your religion? I'm a Muslim, and I'm just proud to be that. Oh, what's your religion? I'm a Jew. I'm a Hebrew. Shut up. Now, bring the Bible and show me where Judaism is mentioned in the Old Testament as a religion of Abraham and the prophets. Show it to me! Well, wait, wait. Look in the New Testament. Show me, Lord, Christianity is mentioned one What happened? What happened? What are you so proud of a name for that no prophet mentioned? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus did not mention? Why are you going to fight Jesus over a name that Jesus didn't know nothing about! Talk to me! It doesn't quite happen, does it? Islam by name is not mentioned in the Bible or the New Testament. Well, look, if Jesus founded the religion, I don't want it. I want the religion that God has, in the darkness, created the heavens and the earth. And God has pre-created the woman's gender. Satan, deceptive intelligence, won the rationalized, rich obedience and division of the people abroad. So you want to name a religion after a Johnny-come-lately pop? I don't want Islam-Muhammadanism. I don't want Christianity, that name. I don't want Judaism, that name. I don't want Buddhism, that name. I don't want pinduism, but will. Give me that old tongue of yours. Allah says in the Quran and in the Bible, He created Adam. Did He give Adam a religion? How could He create a man and not give him guidance? I don't understand. Well, let's see what was the religion that he gave Adam. If you open your book of Genesis and open your Koran, listen to God's religion. Adam, all of these trees eat from that truth, because the day you eat from that truth, you will turn it out. And then the God, after giving instruction, went on out and set back to see what the man was going to do. See, now what was his religion? See, the Lord and the religion was given to Adam in the garden, and the religion had two words, Now wait a minute. Why you beat your children? Because you brought them here. Well, if you brought them here, you too have a right to give direction to what you create or make. You set up your business, you direct it. You put it in motion, then you control what you put in motion. But you must understand that in the process of evolution and growth, it attends with pain. Nobody grows without pain. And then after creating himself and from that single essence, the essence, the second self, which is the female. She's not the second self of man, she's the second self of God. Wherever there is growth, there is pain. To extend your threshold of pain is to increase your growth. All human beings have an aversion to pain. Who wants pain? We all run from pain and we run from growth. The Christians, they're Christians. You want the cross, I mean the crown, but you run it from the cross. The cross is the way to the crown. Trying to roll, can we lead our people out of the condition that our people are in and expect that there's not going to be any pain, there's not going to be any adversity, there's not going to be any suffering. Well, if you don't want pain, you don't want suffering in order to grow, then you don't want life in God's universe. Because that is the natural way of thinking. Listen, by God being a light of himself, and all things that have light got light from him. Listen, he caused himself to exist, and by him all other things exist. How he became al-sabir, the patient. He had to overcome frustration with the pace of his own evolution, And the disappointment with that faith which gave rise to patience. And that's how he became Al-Sabir. And therefore he asked every human being, if you want to win in struggle, it won't come overnight. You've got to learn how to be patient and long-suffering, because it's only through patience and long-suffering that you will reach the goal. Hear me! So when Allah comes into existence, He comes into existence with a tolerance for pain, understanding the nature of frustration with the slow pace of fulfillment of desire, understanding disappointment and willing to be patient with the process in order to bring to fruition that which he envisioned. All of us have to travel that same road. And the reason that you are not as great as you could be is because you get frustrated and disappointed with the slow pace of the fulfillment of your desire, so you abort the process and wonder why you're a bum on life highway. You are created to succeed. Failure is not somebody else's. Failure is yours. Because if it doesn't come when you want it, as quickly as you want it, if too much pain You give up. Yes, yes. Yes, yes. Yes, yes. When he comes into existence, he comes into existence a light of himself coming up out of darkness. And this is the way we come into existence bearing witness to his origination. He was a light of himself in darkness. So here we have duality. He's light coming up out of darkness. He was light in the midst of death. Death in this sense is described as inanimate matter having no purpose or function. The reason the prophets call us dead people is because we are inanimate matter that doesn't have aim or purpose. God has never created anything without aim or purpose. But the enemy destroyed the aim and purpose for your creation, and you're sitting around on a log like a dead thing, begging the white man to do for you what you could get up and do for yourself if you were alive mentally. And in the nature of the human being is this same duality. This duality is ever-present in everything in the universe that God created, from the tiniest atom to the furthest planet or star. You will always see this yin and yang, this duality in the nature of things. The scholars will ask, well, where did the devil come from? The potential for devil was present when God created himself. See, religious scholars are religious powers. If God is the creator of everything, then he created the devil, he had a wise purpose. And the devil had to have an essence out of which it comes. That essence was in God when he originated himself. And that's why from the very beginning he knew that his universe was not perfect. I want you to hear me. He knew that perfection would come because he willed it so. But in the creation it was not perfected, and that's why there's a wobble in the earth. All of the planets have a wobble. Nothing is perfectly round. That which is round is oblong, and if you roll it, it rolls with a wobble. Man has a wobble in his nature which is only corrected by man's obedience to law. In the beginning, He knew one would come that would prospect creation. And this is why John said, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. It means that way back in the beginning, when He fashioned Himself and then creation from himself, he knew that at some point in time this creation would be perfected. But it would not be perfected until man was perfected, because it is from man that everything has come. And only when man becomes perfect will a perfect world come into existence. And this is why the Christians and their great love of Jesus Christ—