The more magnetic, the more power, the magnetism we allow in by getting these eggshells out the way, the more we will manifest exactly what we need to do. I mean, as I said earlier, money is just an energy. You can attract it to you or you can push it away. You can use it positively and you can use it negatively. I mean, in physical terms, most of it don't exist anyway. It's quite obviously energy because it's going to be difficult, and oh yeah, they're all so powerful, all that stuff, we're going to create that reality big time. We come from a space that we are multidimensional infinity. This is going to be sorted, and that's what we've come to do. It will be sorted. It's just a thought. It's just a state of mind. That's all it is. If we get the mind right, the feelings right and the intent right, the physical world naturally comes right, because the physical world is just a reflection of that. I think anyway. I agree. OK. Well, we can take some more later, shall we? We want to have a cup of tea. Good idea. Yeah? OK. Here we go. If you'll sit down over there. OK, well, if we want to go on for a bit, we can knock this around and take some more questions. I thought I'd say a few things first where I've been, things that I've come across. First of all, this kind of book, it's got a rather unusual cover on it. The sticker comes off. Because I wanted to focus on some of the things I was talking about earlier, which is not just that the world's controlled, but how it's done. And basically how it's done is turning 5 billion people into a herd instead of unique individuals. we have to the physical body is a classic expression of conditioning. Because in Sweden you don't need a sticker. In Britain you need a sticker to get it in the shops. And at least in some parts of America, I think they're going to need oxygen. Yeah, just keep taking a deep breath, you'll be fine in a minute, don't worry about it. And the only difference between those reactions is how infinite consciousness has been conditioned in those countries in the years they've been alive. I remember going to the old city of Jerusalem once in 1993, and in the old city it's a small area within the city walls, but it's still broken up into four parts. There's a Christian quarter, an Armenian quarter, a Jewish quarter and an Arab quarter. And I remember I was just down from that big Islamic mosque temple and watching these little Muslim kids playing football. Soccer, as you call it in America. And as I was watching these little kids, I guess they were about four, five, sorry, five, six, seven, something like that, it occurred to me that by that age they already had conditioned into them a certain view of themselves, a certain view of quote God, a certain view of Jewish people. And that had those, or had that consciousness become incarnate in the Old City of Jerusalem example, literally five minutes down the road in the Jewish quarter or the Christian quarter, they would now have a very different view of life themselves and Arab people. And the only difference between that is the conditioning. And it seems to me that if you observe people, most people, it's very hard to see any original thought manifested as a view or an action that hasn't actually originated out there somewhere and come back out through them as a conditioned response rather than a real thought. And I think that in many ways, if we get too pulled into the three-dimensional information which is very, very important, we can, if we lose the balance, we can get pulled out of the way we got into this situation and the way we can get out of it. And that's taking our power back. Which is why I was talking to someone just at the break there. It's very, very important that the stuff about the manipulation also goes out with spiritual information about how we take our power back and who we really are. And in the same way, it's very important that the stuff about the abductions of children and all this stuff goes out with the big picture of who's responsible for it and to what end. Because if we just put the children information out without the big picture, then we can get a situation whereby the people who are abducting the children then start offering the solutions to their problems, which is microchip children to stop it happening. So it's very, very important that all the time this big picture keeps going out and we don't get pulled into just one aspect of it, because in that way, actually doing what we believe to be right, putting information out, can play into the hands of the people that then want to offer solutions to the problems we're exposing. But like I said earlier, I've found in every country I've been in, similar things happening. And I guess one of them, and it links into mind control, one of them is people going crazy with guns and the solution being offered to disarm the population. Now, there's no one at once a world free of weapons more than me, and I wouldn't personally pull a trigger to save my life, but I'd say that's straight up front, because I don't see the point in trying to meet violence with more violence. I see it's pointless. However, there are significant numbers of people who would do that, and the people that wish to take control know they would, and therefore they wish those weapons to be taken out of circulation, to make the takeover basically trouble-free. And so around the world this is going on. In the United Kingdom, in Scotland, we had the famous example of this in Dunblane, when a guy went into a child's children's gymnasium and blew a load of kids away. And the same has happened in America. Within a short time after, a relatively short time after Dunblane, a guy called Martin Bryant went crazy with a gun in Port Arthur, Tasmania, and about a month before I arrived in New Zealand, a few weeks ago, someone there did the same. The solution has always been to disarm the population. And my understanding of the situation in Australia now is that by September, the Australian population will be in effect disarmed. And so we're looking at a... definitely looking at a global agenda unfolding because the same is happening in every country. And it's also like I talked earlier about mind control being as above so below and what the collective consciousness is being subjected to also in these events is trauma-based mind control. As has been shown, a mind in trauma is much easier to manipulate and it's much more suggestible. Now, it's not only the Kathy O'Briens and people like that who have been through trauma-based mind control. They've been through it in a very extreme individual way. But anyone like me, who picked up the newspaper and read about Dunblane, and saw the picture of the children's classroom on the front page of all the newspapers, at some level went into trauma at the very thought of it. So these events are multidimensional in terms of their effect. They offer problem-reaction solutions to disarm the population, but they also traumatise the population and make them more suggestible to other forms of mass manipulation. And I feel that this is obviously not without the people involved knowing exactly what they're doing. So one level of it is trauma-based mind control. Another level of it is problem-reaction solution. And in the end, I think we're looking at an an agenda which includes some kind of military intervention at some time, some kind of military intervention in each country, unless we wake up. Because if I just use the Australian example of how the thing fits together. In official buildings, as I understand it, in Indonesia, there are maps of Indonesia, the land that is claimed to be Indonesia. These maps, and I've seen a copy of them when I was in Australia, these maps include the top third of Australia, which they put on their map of Indonesia. At the same time these maps have appeared, the Australian government has announced that if attacked from the north, it would not defend Australia above what it calls the Brisbane Line, which is a line drawn across Australia just slightly above Brisbane. That's precisely where the Indonesians have drawn the line of what belongs to them. At the same time, Indonesian people have been encouraged to settle in northern Australia, around Darwin and places like that. At the same time, the Indonesian army is, while I was there in Australia, not more than a month ago, was on manoeuvres in the very area with the Australian and American forces, in the area they're claiming is theirs. At the very same time, a guy called Martin Bryant goes crazy with a gun, and the solution to that has been to, by September, disarm the Australian population. So when you put all these different things together, it doesn't take a genius to see there's a pattern there. And I think this pattern is more obvious in Australia because what surprised me there is just how controlled it is and how rapidly it's moving along the New World Order agenda, particularly in the area of Victoria, Melbourne and all that part of Australia. They've got a premier in there, in Victoria, called Geoff Kennett. And he is pushing this New World Order along very, very quickly in terms of its agenda and stuff. And I do feel that Australia could be very significant here. Because if you want to create a centre for something, a centre for data control or a centre for control in general, then it's clear they want an English-speaking country. And what better than an English-speaking country that has a relatively small population and is miles and literally thousands of miles away from the other English-speaking countries, which would make it very difficult for people in America to challenge something that's coming out of Australia. Same with the people in Europe. I do think that Australia is very, very important. There are people there, particularly I think there's a former civil servant called Sawyer, who has identified a number of strange things going on with telephone exchanges being built that are far, far bigger than Australia ever needs. And he's identified that actually it's a massive computer centre, quite capable of being the centre of the global computer mind control network. And I guess, you know, if I was sensible, and I was really wanting to bring this about, I think Australia would be a very good place to put it. Certainly, it's a very controlled country. And just finally on that point, about trauma based mind control and on the collective consciousness, what consciousness. What I find kind of interesting is that the mental profile of the people that are doing this stuff is almost exactly the same. And secondly these horrendous events with guns invariably are taking place not in downtown cities which would have a lesser effect on the mind because, oh, well, that's a city. They're taking place in small, quiet communities, like Dunblane. I've been to Dunblane. I mean, it's just a quiet community where, you know, someone coughs, it gets in the newspaper. Port Arthur, Tasmania, another small place. Nothing ever happens there. People feel safe. control state of mind that was sought by these events was summed up after the Australia event, the Australia killings, by a front page headline in the British Daily Mail which said, he's nowhere in the world safe anymore. And that's exactly the state of mind that we are being manipulated to take on, because when anyone's in fear, they'll demand that someone out there protects them from what they've been manipulated to fear. And if they've been manipulated to fear guns, they will press and press and press for the population to be disarmed. And I think it is important that even people like me, who are very... I have no desire to see weapons in existence at all. But I think it's very important, no matter what your personal belief, that you look and ask the question of, OK, I would like to see no guns in circulation, but that includes the military as well, and it includes the police as well, and it includes everybody, and no matter what my personal feelings are, if we're not going to get duped, the question needs to be asked, what is the motivation of those who are wishing to take guns out of circulation now? Never mind what our feelings are about guns, what's the motivation of people who are seeking to do it now? And the motivation in the Australian example and endless others It's to disarm the population in preparation for a military takeover. There's been a big story in the U.S. tabloid press going for about... I thought it was so interesting that you're talking about the child abuse thing, because there's been a major story just dominating all the tabloid newspapers, supermarket tabloids in the United States for going on three months now, about a little seven-year-old girl. Sean Bonnet. Yeah. So could you comment on that, what you see behind that? Yes, I could. I'll tell you a story about all this. I started to gather information the last time I was here that appeared very strongly to be trustworthy. That there was at least a major satanic child ring and drug running ring in Colorado based particularly on Denver and Boulder. So when I heard back in England this story came on the news about Jean Benet in Boulder, Colorado, my antenna immediately sort of started shooting upwards. And when I came back over here, I was on my way out to Australia and I spent a week in California doing research. Just before I left for Australia, I thought, well, let's start and see how many children go missing in America every year. I rang Washington to try to get some federal figures and they told me no federal figures were available. They didn't keep them. Right. Tell you how many cars went missing last year but not children. So eventually I come across this missing child line which is an 800 number across America and I rang them and they were very helpful. They confirmed there were no federal figures but they said we'll facture the address and number of all our branches in every state and they'll keep the state figures. Well, I was just off to Australia, so I didn't have time to bring them all. But if anyone wants to do it for me, I'll be very grateful. I thought, I'll check Colorado. Because for a number of reasons, it was pretty obvious that there's some very black things going on in Colorado, not just relating to children, but I think Denver is becoming a major center for this, for reasons that I might talk about in a minute, which relates to Canada and stuff. Yeah, I think it's good to get this stuff out. I came across it the other week. Anyway, I rang the lady, the branch in Denver, and she told me that last year, 1996, 19,000 children and young people in Colorado who went missing in 1996, officially reported, who have not been found. Now, they are only the ones that hit the paperwork and the databases. How many more go missing that never hit the official reports? So I said to this lady, is Colorado an unusual state? She said, no, it usually goes in America by population. If you rank California, the number will be higher. I said, was 1996 an unusual year? No. I said, I haven't got time to ring them all now. I said, would it be reasonable for a rule of thumb then just to multiply 8,000 in Colorado by 50 states to get some idea of the kind of range we're looking at. And she thought that would be, that would give a fair assessment of America. So you multiply 8,000 by 50 states, and you see the figure you get. And they're the ones that have hit the paperwork. So, obviously, not all of those children and young people are going into satanic ritual abuse. Not all of them are going into hidden hand government mind control operations. But the number of children that go missing is so completely ridiculous that it's very clear when you take all the other evidence that's coming to light that tens and tens and tens of thousands of them do. And I do feel myself instinctively that the Jean Bonais case was certainly part of this. And I talked earlier about I thought the veil was lifting. And I don't think anything in human form can stop it lifting. This is a done deal, this transformation of planet Earth. The question is, and it's down to us, how bumpy is the transition going to be? I think that when you look at the way the veil is lifting, that things are now coming to light, like the Jean Benet case, and like the Bush stuff, and many others, where the chinks of light are beginning to appear in this suppression. And I don't think the Jean Benet case will go away. I don't think Oklahoma will go away. I don't think any of these things will go away. Because I think one thing that they've done, two things that the people of that mindset cannot understand or relate to or cope with. That's people who are in integrity and people who are not in And I think over a period of time, they've had such a clear field to run the world as they wished, that they have got lazy and they have got sloppy. And at the time they're getting sloppy, more and more people are waking up. And so I think the number of these things are actually going to be ways that this gets into the public arena and of course with the with the John Bonnet thing I mean if Pedophilia is as rampant staggeringly as it appears to be I mean what better than to have children in that sort of beauty contest circuit It's obvious that that would be used indeed perhaps even set up from the start by the mindset that we're talking about. So I do think it's involved, yeah, for sure. So you see that particular case as a chink in the armor, not a part of the cover-up? Well I think the Jean Benet story is clearly, at the moment, being covered up. But I don't think that you can go on covering up things when information is coming out increasingly at the rate it is. So, I mean, I think they've made a really big mistake, for instance, over Oklahoma, because that is not going to go away. It doesn't matter, you know, to an extent, what that court decides, because, you know, it's obviously a stitch-up anyway. But that story is not going to go away, because it's too ludicrous. It's like, I do feel myself that there is an anxiety now among the controlling elite to push this on quicker, quicker, quicker. And that will manifest to an extent in seeking to discredit even more urgently those who are putting this stuff out. Because there is a kind of, I think there's a point where they're trying to get this installed before the awakening, which they demonstrably know is going on, reaches critical mass. Because once it reaches critical mass, and I don't think we're far away from it, this agenda is in desperate trouble. And I do feel an anxiety to push it on and push it on and push it on because I think some of their time scales are getting behind. And everyone that stands up speaks out is pushing their time scale behind a little bit more. So I can see some major mistakes being made. I think they already have been made. And I'm more proof to have been so. David. Please use the mic. I could talk about Canada then, I think. David, if you agree that there is a mind someplace that's running this new world order, a centralized power, what do you see the common man has as his power to overcome this uncollected, these guys are working on a single thought, a single mind idea. How is the million points of light out here that you're awakening, how are they going to collectively bring it all together to overcome this power? Well, in the end it's like I talked about before the pudding. We... Once we access who we are and we start to manifest that vision, that power, that focus and that fearlessness in our everyday lives, we will naturally do the things that are necessary to bring an end to this. What they've worked to do, and this is what mind control is in the end, is to de-link us from that level of our multidimensional self. It's interesting when you talk to people like Kathy O'Brien, one of the things that they so often say is no matter what they did to us, they could not get to our spiritual core. Because the spiritual core, pure love, soul, is so far out of this world vibrationally, they can't touch it. What they can do is delink us from it, we allow it to happen. And then we become a fragment of consciousness. It's interesting, you know, wherever you look, you see as above, so below. I'm sure, you know, people here know all about multiple personality disorder and stuff like that after what contact has been printing. But multiple personality disorder is basically breaking up the mind that operates through the physical body into compartments that are unaware of the other's existence. And in a way, what we're looking at in the collective consciousness and our own higher consciousness is that we have been compartmentalized in the same way so that our consciousness here, looking through the eyes and hearing through the ears, has become delinked, compartmentalised from its higher dimensional self. So in a way, almost every person in the world is a multiple in that sense. Once you kind of break down those barriers, and they're basically emotional barriers, and you relink with multidimensional self, then in the same way that Kathy O'Brien's mind became whole as the compartments were removed, so we become multidimensional whole when we remove our own compartments, this eggshell I talk about. And at that point, we're accessing a power well beyond a knowledge, an understanding, a wisdom, well beyond anything that's been manipulated in the world. Because you can't get out there vibrationally unless your heart's open and if your heart's open you don't abuse children and you don't Manipulate countries into to war world wars in the century So I think it's very important that we just keep in our mind the fact that the real power is with The mass of the human race and not with this handful of people that have manipulated it. It's the knowledge of the mind and consciousness that's been passed over for thousands of years through the higher levels of the mystery schools and the secret society networks which has allowed a situation in which the few get hold of the knowledge of the nature of consciousness and stuff and therefore use it on us to manipulate while using inquisitions and ridicule and stuff like that to keep that knowledge out of the public domain where we can use it for positive reasons. Because knowledge is not good and bad, it just is. It sounds good David, but where can I go to get those children out of that hole? Where can I go for support? You know that. I know that, but I can't go to the police. I can't go to my government. I can't go to a lawyer. No. Who can I go to? You can go to some lawyers, but the point is, where can I go to? Where can I go to? I can't go to the police, I can't go to a lawyer, I can't go to a politician about this. So what am I doing? I'm going round bypassing that and going direct to people who can make a difference, which is all of us. structure, then you're just wasting your time because that is there to stop, not to put this out. So go direct to people, put it out, tell them about it. Well maybe I'm belaboring the point a bit, but where do all these thousands of people go to make the change? Only they know that. Only they know that. Why, if you are looking to me to say what I think you should do, you're giving your power away to me. You know it's accessing that. Somewhere in you, you have an intuition which says, if you want to do this, this is where you need to go. And I don't know where you need to go, you know where you need to go. And this is why I'm simply not going to get into, at any time, with saying, this is what people should do in terms of action. Because I'm then just doing what I'm challenging, which is telling people what is right for them. I know what's right for me. I know what I'm trying to do to highlight this. I'm not even going to begin to tell you what I think you should do or even what you could do. You know that. Accessing it is your responsibility, not mine. So you think one person can change it all? Well, one person can change it all. I remember getting, in the very early part of my awakening, I bumped into a psychic when I was still a television presenter. And she started giving me this information which was kind of blowing me away because this was all new to me at the time. And she was telling me I was going to go out on a global scale and talk about all this stuff, and I was facing enormous opposition, but they'd always be there to protect me, all this stuff, and I'm thinking, what? And one of the things she said, funnily enough, was, and I'll never forget it, one man cannot change the world, but one man can communicate the message that can change the world. So one man can. But there's no need for one man to do it, because we're all that one man and we're all that one woman. It's just a choice. Sir, regarding your comment about the future resting with the vast majority of people who sense what's right versus the tiny fragment that's, through our inaction, attained control of the planet. An interesting idea that Commander Hatton has discussed and alluded to is that there's been such a massive program of cloning going on for so many decades that something on the order of two-thirds to maybe three-quarters of the physical beings walking around on the planet could be called to one degree or another soulless. I wonder if that idea has come your way and how you would respond to that. It makes the job all that much harder, I guess, would be another way of saying it. Well, first of all, if you take what appears to be the case that secret technology and development is anything 30, 40, 50 years or more ahead of what is in the public arena, then if they're admitting to cloning sheep in the public arena, they have been clearly cloning people for a very long time. I mean, it's kind of funny almost in the papers. Oh, well, they might be doing it by doing people in three or four years. Well, Domino's has them doing sheep at the pound of a button with a pizza on top, because they're so excited about having done it once, and the guy gets snowed in with cloned sheep. I'll tell you a funny story. You know about these guys that came with the cameras to contact and stuff? The media is not knowingly manipulating in the vast majority of cases. There's publishers who are knowingly manipulating, there are editors who are knowingly manipulating, key writers, key correspondents. But most journalists, and I've been one, are some of the most uninformed, manipulated people you'll ever meet in your life. We have this saying in Britain, which goes, you cannot bribe or twist the great British journalist, but seeing what they will do unbribed, there's no reason to. And I'll tell you a funny story. When I was talking down in Los Angeles about a week ago, I'd talked twice in Los Angeles on different nights, and after the second one, this guy came up to me with an English accent, and he said, can I have a word with you? I said, yeah, okay. He said, I'm from the Observer, which is a broadsheet Sunday newspaper in Britain. And we're having this conversation, and it's like, talk about not up to speed. And at one point it was ever so funny, and I mentioned about Bush and his drug running. This is a journalist on a Sunday newspaper in Britain, not a tabloid, a serious one. The difference between tabloids and the serious ones is the serious ones use bigger sheets of paper and longer sentences. And their nose is slightly higher in the air, you know. So this guy says at one point, he said, Bush was running drugs. I said, yeah. He said, what? When he was president? I said, welcome to the world as it really is. I hope you'll be very happy here. I mean, so most journalists are just naïve. And there is a combination which I find is incredibly manipulatable. And that's naïveté and arrogance. The naïveté that you will accept the stuff and not question it, and the arrogance to think that because you're a journalist, if it was going on, you'd know about it. So, um, where was I? What was the question again? I'm miles away now. Oh, cloning, cloning, yeah. So, um, I do, I think that, um, that cloning has, is definitely a reality. I mean, it's ridiculous now that cheap stuff is in the public arena. And, um, I guess to an extent it makes things harder, but I mean, we can go on piling things on top of things about how hard it is. I mean, I think actually we're starting to turn the corner here. Because, again it comes back to what happened to contact and others. If you weren't making a difference, they wouldn't even bother with you. And I found it interesting, I've been into Denmark about three times now, none of this is going out in Denmark. I mean, they asked me in from England because no one else is doing it in Denmark. But it's amazing in a country of 5 million people how you can get things around pretty quick. And I was talking last time I went about their main newspaper. It's called Politiken and it's edited by Bilderberger. And someone sent me recently a whole page article in Politiken talking about these people with theories of global conspiracy and all this stuff, don't listen to them, it's a nonsense. Basically, please don't listen. I picked up on an aircraft somewhere recently, I think it was Newsweek, could have been Time, but I think it was Newsweek, and they had a page article about conspiracy theories, don't believe it. They don't waste that newsprint and that space unless they think it's necessary. So we're turning the corner here and I think we need to keep focused on that. I mean, you talk about cloning. I mean, you know, the two can play that game. When I was up in Canada last autumn, I spoke in last fall, I spoke in Vancouver and they recorded the talk and they networked it around Canada. It's had a really significant effect. When I went back to Vancouver this time, everything had upped a lot of gears. And I spoke to 650 people in two nights in Canada. I mean, that's, they're really kind of beginning to open up there. But the reason I tell you that story is, the guy who put the meeting on, when I met him, I arrived this time, he said to me, um, which one are you then? I said, what do you mean? He said, which David Icke are you? I said, you know, what you on about? He said, well, he said, the guy who's a conspiracy buff in Vancouver had heard the tape of the talk I did in Vancouver. And then he got hold of a tape I did in Los Angeles, you're getting the clone. We've been ripped off. You've been ripped off. So when you look at my schedule, you'll see that I'm talking in Denmark, Britain, Australia, Canada and the United States all on the same night. Actually, I think it's worthy of talking I don't need to come across it. It relates very much to the United States and the big picture. When I was up in Canada last time, I started to realise that there was a major operation going on up there to absorb Canada into the United States by 2005. And this time, I stayed with the guy and his wife who are at the forefront of exposing this. The man's called Glenn Keely and what happened to him was that he was involved in putting together a big property deal some years ago and it was a big complex and then he got a call from a government minister who wanted a kind of clandestine meeting with him one morning. And basically the conversation went along the lines of, this is a big project. It'd be a shame if something went wrong with it, wouldn't it? I mean, you know, you need the government behind you, don't you? And the line was, basically, if you'd like that to happen, then put 5% on top of your costs and I'll tell you where to send the money. So this guy, Glenn Keely, who seems a very straight guy, immediately dropped the project, got out of it, and spent a thousand days on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, protesting day after day after day, shouting profusely at Brian Mulrooney, the Prime Minister, and asking him how many 5%s he'd taken that day, you know. And we talk about can one man make a difference. He was telling me that in the early part of that stand, he was being laughed at and ridiculed. By the end of it, people within the government were giving him documents. And then, as synchronicity happens, because the team's coming together now big time, he came across, or she came across him, a lady called Shelley Ann Clark. Shelley Ann Clark was born into a wealthy, diplomatic Canadian family and went to work for the Canadian Foreign Office, came into a significant position. At one point, she was special assistant to a guy called Germain Denis, which is spelt Germain Dennis in England, and he was one of the negotiators of the Free Trade Agreement with the United States. She was called out a number of times in the middle of the night between 12 o'clock and 4 o'clock. And she was told to do two things. First of all, shred documents which showed what had really been agreed at a federal level between Canada and America. And to produce a new version of the Free Trade Agreement which the provinces of Canada would see. And for instance, if Canada was giving up 40% of something in the agreement, the doctored document for the provinces said they were giving up 10% and so on. So they didn't know what they were agreeing to. During these clandestine operations in the middle of the night, Shelley-Anne Clark, this is in the 80s now, also saw what she called a biorhythm chart, which was the sequence of events through the 80s up to 2005 that would lead to Canada being absorbed into the United States. One of these, and it was scheduled back in the 80s for 1995, was the pulling out of the Union by Quebec. It even named, back in the 80s in this chart, the Premier, the man who would be Premier of Quebec at this time now, and his name was Lucien Bouchard, and that's who's Premier now. They got a little behind in the timescale because in 1995, right on the button, they orchestrated a referendum which failed by a small majority. The last time I was in Canada, I saw an article in one of the few anything-like free newspapers left, called the Toronto Star, which was looking at the way Lucien Bouchard was making life difficult and unpleasant for English speakers in Quebec and that they were leaving Quebec in droves. What the guy's doing, of course, is exporting the majority so when they go the next time, they'll get it. In this biorhythm chart, the scam to get Canada into the Union, and for something else very important that I'll talk about in a second, was something called the Grand Canal Project. It is to dam James Bay in the north of Canada, and to redirect the fresh water flow down into the United States. It's a massive operation which will cost hundreds of billions of dollars. The idea is to sell to the Canadian people, because of course NAFTA is dismantling Canada's economy. It's to sell to the Canadian people the idea that if this is done, they will be able to sell water, which they have in fantastic abundance in Canada, to the United States, particularly to the Midwest, which will mean that there will be no more dust bowls or anything like that, because there will be a permanent, constant flow of fresh water. And that in doing that, they would be able to have a very, very large check every year from the United States for selling them that water.