My name is David Andrew, the Herald of Manatee. I am the Herald for the Manatee Christian Jural Society, which I believe you are familiar with out of California. I've heard the name, yes. Okay. We establish several of the Christian Jural Societies throughout the state. I was the, what do you call it, the master of ceremony during the state convention in July of last year. It was held in Avon Park, Florida. There were 75 delegates at that convention, plus there was, I believe, four delegates from Georgia and two from South Carolina, which came in to participate in the delegation. We established between then and the time I was arrested, 23rd or the 23rd day of the 11th month. We established two drill societies in Bavarne County, one down in West Palm Beach, one up in Duval County, one in Leon County and the Manatee County and there were two in the process of forming, one in Orange County and the other one in Hillsborough County. Consequently, just about everything is shut down. What I understand at this point, the only two societies in operation are still the one in West Palm and, or actually the two over in Brevard, well only one of them in Brevard County. The other one has had three of its members arrested since July of last year. Two of them are out. One of them is still in jail. He's been in there since October or September of last year. Let's back up to what you were saying about the Common Law Court. Okay. You said people have been arrested over the... Okay. Minneapolis-Epilato is... and all those at the Common Law Court, which originally was 12 people were arrested under that federal warrant last year. That trial began on Monday. Jury selection was last week and the judge barred Amir Leo himself from the courtroom on Thursday and he has to sit in a room outside the courtroom and watch the proceedings from a video because the judge doesn't want him to defend himself. Now is this a federal court or a local court? It's a federal court in Tampa. And there's only 8 defendants right now of the 12 on trial. I don't know what, one of them is still at large, Larry Myers, they've never picked up. Larry Myers is my partner. I also have another man, which I mentioned last night, his name is Mike. He's got at least five state warrants for him. Larry's got a federal warrant. We were publishing militia manuals, militia literature, brochures, pamphlets, informative literature, usually one to four pages, something like that. It was circulated to inform the public of what's going on. Is this the same Lawrence Myers from Media Bypass? What did you say? Is this the same Lawrence Myers from Media Bypass? No, I'm not with Media Bypass. It was the state militia. You said Larry Myers. Larry Myers, correct. But that's not Lawrence Myers. No. Okay. No. I've talked with Media Bypass. They ran an article in April on a male bulldozer. There is also a guy named Larry Moore and a, let me see, there is Marty Fronza and there are two other guys out of Orlando that also got arrested in this federal nonsense. The newspapers say they are disciples of Neo Epilito and they are not. a sister organization that had common goals and were sharing information. You were talking about a mass arrest of paralegals? Yeah, Larry Morrow is a paralegal and he had a paralegal office up in Orlando. You said there were something like 15 paralegals or something? Yeah, there's around 15 or 20 of us right now that have been arrested across the state. I'm recording this conversation. Yeah, I realize that. Jack Warner is also from Orlando. He's in jail. Marty Franzen died on April 7th in a nursing home. They kept him in jail, in Morgan Street Jail. It's a federal prison in Tampa. And they gave him no medication, no treatment. He had cancer. He got so bad. They finally put him in, the last of March, they put him into a nursing home. He was there two weeks and he died. He's got anemia, burrito is itself, it's very sick. He's 71 years old, I believe May is, and he's not being well treated. In any case... Where are you? I am in Chattahoochee, Florida State Mental Institution. What are you charged with? Where are they calling you? What do you charge for? This is a police raid on my house. My house is also a church. We're a parsonage. We hold church services there. The Christian flag was flying from the front porch. The police did a Gestapo raid on my house on November the 23rd. Under what pretense? Under the pretense of domestic violence, that little nice little statute, and the purpose of that, of it was, under domestic violence statute that took effect in October of this last year, I had no knowledge of such a law being passed. If you're just so much as arrested, the police have the right to confiscate all your firearms, you cannot buy, sell, trade, or transport firearms in the state if you are just arrested. You don't have to be convicted, just be arrested alone. Isn't that a lovely statue? And to miss the near statue, that was the grounds for them coming. I was, I was home alone. They surrounded the house. They tried, they, I was sitting on the toilet of all places. They come banging on the front door, back door. They crashed into the front rear door. They dragged me out of my, out of my bathroom, threw me on the floor in the living room, pulled a guy on my back, shot me in the leg, took the guy, put it to my head, pulled trigger a second time and bullets had jammed in the first shot. And then I officially started hollering, shoot him, shoot him, shoot him. The other guys pulled their guns instead of shooting me and started beating me on the head with their pistols. And at that point, neighbors came running and they didn't dare do anything more. And they jerked me up and slapped cuffs on me and said, well, you ain't ever going to see the outside of jail again. I was charged with resisting arrest, three counts, aggravated assault, battery on law enforcement. I pulled the gun and pointed it in their face. I'm a small man like Bill. I think you've met Bill, haven't you? No. I weigh 545 pounds. The one officer that jumped on me was 360 pounds. The other one's about 240 and the other one around 200 pounds. I had to get out of the car and I was in a hurry. I was in a hurry. I was in a hurry. I was in a hurry. I was in a hurry. I was in a hurry. I was in a hurry. I was in a hurry. I was in a hurry. I was in a hurry. I was in a hurry. I was in a hurry. I was in a hurry. I was in a hurry. I attacked these guys right. A little bit ridiculous. So what happened then? In any case, EMS treated me at the scene. And six hours later, by the order of the sheriff himself, I was taken to the hospital for treatment. When I got to the doctor, he said, what happened to your shirt? I said, what are you talking about? He said, it's ripped to shreds. The whole back of my shirt was just absolutely torn and shreds as if I had been beaten with a whip. I had no idea how much of a beating I had taken. Apparently, they did it with a barrel of their guns. The shirt was just shredded, absolutely in pieces. They confiscated the shirt. They confiscated everything. and they've destroyed a bunch of evidence already trying to totally cover everything up. In order for them to do a domestic violence thing, there has to be probable cause. Probable cause is based upon a complaint. My wife has never filed a complaint. She wasn't even home. And I have been told by some people who have talked to her that the cops tried to force her into filing a complaint. She didn't do it. Then there has to be a warrant. It's a misdemeanor. They have to get a warrant to come in. Well, the Christian flag was flying out there. Under the international law, you cannot, a police officer cannot execute a warrant under that flag. He has to wait for the party to come outside on the public right of way to make the arrest. He cannot go in, pass that flag under international and federal laws and even on a felony charge they can't do it unless there is what's called an eminent danger I was home alone there's no eminent danger there whatsoever no warrant okay I have not yet to this day ever been served a complaint a warrant or an indictment. How did you end up in the hospital? The judge after jerking me around for about six weeks in the county jail, kept telling me to get out of court. I went to first appearance three times. I went to what they call the arraignment three times, so I'd never have been arraigned. The third time, the judge just looked at me after jerking me around the previous two, looked at me and said, Ah, we have Mr. Chapman here. We're here for arraignment today. The court's going to enter a plea of not guilty, and we're going to set this thing for trial. I said, objection. And he says, what's the matter? I said, who appointed you my attorney? Who said you to represent me? He said, get him out of here. We'll set this thing for trial. And he says, I think you're incompetent. I said, well, I'm going to have a psychologist, have you examined by a psychologist. And he went from there. And the state law requires, which I was totally unaware of, I didn't find it out until after the competency hearing in April about 916. They told me they were going to do a bank rack, which is not the 394, and I was prepared to treat that. But I get hit with 916, had no idea what it is. Under 916, it's criminal mental insanity, criminally insane. It has nothing to do with competency whatsoever. Nothing. And what's really weird, the word competency is not even defined anywhere in the court of state statutes. How did they find you? He followed me. He says his court order copies chapter 916.112 and.113. It's almost verbatim copied out of the statute in the findings of the court written by the state attorney says I'm not capable of taking care of myself, that I am a danger to myself. In fact, the minute I got up, got out of court, they slapped me under suicide watch, stripped me naked for four days in a room with a camera, and made all kinds of obscene, ridiculous reports of an accusation against me, and said, well, I never got out of bed, you know, so therefore he was detestable. How am I going to get out of bed if I ain't got any clothes? I have many clothes. It was women watching me on the camp. Really smart. One day I was on the toilet, caught them. I heard them laughing. I jumped up and there was three of them standing out there looking at me on the monitor. Really, really a nice situation in the county jail down in Highland. Have you been sentenced to a period of time? I have not been sentenced. I have not been tried. What the judge did is ordered me to be sent here to Katahuchi for 6 months. He ordered me to be administered court-ordered psychogenic or psychotropic drugs to alter my mind. So you were given drugs? No. The psychiatrist the second day looked at me and said, you ain't crazy. I said, that's what I've been trying to tell everybody. He said, we're not going to give you any drugs. At this point, they had me in for a review last Thursday, and they told me that they had been ordered to keep me another... they were going to release me last week and they said no, they've been ordered to keep me in 60 more days and they assured me that they would not give me any drugs during that period of time but I'm still stuck here in jail. I've got 195 days, I'm supposed to be brought to trial with 175 but by putting me here, the judge got around, he ordered the suspension of the Wright and Speedy trial by doing this. So you're still on the side of the law? Yes, I have filed 20 petitions with the court, including a motion for trial by jury. And after he found me to be incompetent, he said, I hereby deny your request or your petition for trial by jury. You're the only one that's ever had a trial by jury. Yeah, it's totally, you know, arbitrary and capricious. It was long before the Concie hearing. And every time we filed for notice of hearing or a motion for hearing, it's been denied, denied, denied. Twenty petitions I have filed in the court, everyone's been denied. But a habeas corpus for the U.S. District Court, it was assigned to a federal judge. That federal judge never even responded to the habeas corpus. Another federal judge said that the motion for a habeas corpus was frivolous and without merit and therefore was recommended to be dismissed. A petition for a habeas corpus is not frivolous or without merit. It's not a frivolous or without merit petition. It's a frivolous or without merit petition. And I have filed it. I have filed it. I have filed it. I have filed it. I have filed it. I have filed it. I have filed it. I have filed it. I have filed it. I have filed it. I have filed it. I have filed it. I have filed it. I have filed it. and therefore was recommended to be dismissed. A petition to save his corpus is not frivolous or without merit as long as the detainee is still within the jail. I filed a felony complaint against that judge for criminal trespass upon my case. The judge who was assigned the case then immediately answers it back and says, I take this as your response and we hereby close this case. What have you done to promote this happening to you initially before they arrested you? I am the editor of the Florida State Militia, a manual, magazine, and flyers that we publish up. Two other members of my staff have warrants for their arrest. They have gone underground. William Bierman, one of which is Larry Myers, which is a federal warrant. The other man's name is Mike, and I won't give out his last name, but he has a couple of state warrants for his arrest. They're totally bogus. He's a paralegal, and a darn good paralegal, one of the best there is. And they're trying to shut us all down. Last week, they issued the writ of bodily attachment for Gil Bierman, and he has gone underground. This guy is 74 years old. What do you think his chances are of surviving in the Highlands County Jail? They beat prisoners there who don't cooperate. I got beat three times because I refused to sign paperwork. I got beat once or twice for refusing to sign papers. Once I got beat because I refused to bow to the judge. I was being right in the courtroom with cameras and all on there and they refused to give me a copy of the film. Total cover up. Everything swept totally under the rug. I was harassed, threatened, intimidated. Now where are you exactly in Florida? Alright, now I am at Chattahoochee, Florida State Institution. I am in what's called the New Forensic Facility. the far eastern portion of the facility. There's over a thousand prisoners here total. There's about five or six different compound divisions. This one here is what they consider, I guess, medium to maximum security. It depends on what your rating is. It could be medium or max. I'm right now under medium security watch, though Highlands County sent some moron up here, supposedly supposed to be a citizen of the law, I should protect my rights. And I tried to talk to him about the beatings and the abuse. I've been told two more prisoners have been beat since I left down there a month ago, both of them black women. Nothing's being done. This guy, when he left here, he told the guards here that I should be, they shouldn't have lowered my security risk, that I should be kept under maximum security, that I should be chained, that I'm very dangerous, and that there's people outside that are trying to kill me and they may break into this prison to kill me. It's all bogus. I don't know if Bill sent you any stuff on that. While I was in Hollings County Jail I was kept in chains when I wasn't in my cell. I was kept solitary numerous times while I was there or in some real grungy cells. The cell I spent the most time in were cells that were steel walls, steel ceiling, concrete floors, steel benches, beds, everything painted with lead paint. Everything, walls, ceiling, everything painted with lead paint. Terrible, terrible, horrible conditions. Do you happen to know the address of the facility? Where I'm at now, it can be done by a PO box. I have no idea what the street address is. We're just off of Highway 90 in Chattahoochee. I can be reached here if anyone wants to reach me. It's David Andrew, the Herald of Humanity. You had given me a different name before. This is the name I have gone by since May of last year. That is my proper Christian appellation or Christian name. You have known me in the past by David Payne as well. Okay, as a militia leader I am known by the name David Payne. But my bountiful Christian appellation is David Andrew. The other thing we recovered too is that last year we had 75 delegates for the Christian Jural Society of Florida in Avon Park. I was the master of ceremonies. We had John Quaid and Randy Lee there as guest speakers and we had a convention. There were two delegates from South Carolina and four from Georgia that also came to the convention. We were trying to reestablish the jurist government of Florida. We have a juror society established with two in Brevard, one in West Palm, one in Duval, one in Leon, and one which I am the herald of in Manatee County. There was two others in the process of being established, one in Kissimmee and the other one in Hillsborough County. Right now the only ones left in operation that I know are, there's one in Brevard and one in West Palm. Three guys from one of the societies in Melbourne have been arrested. Two are out on bail and the other one is still in jail, no bond. And who is initiating these attacks? It is being done, if you read the article in april issue of media bypass uh... there's a judge in orlando who has been coordinating this stuff uh... throughout the country and they said they had another meeting in uh... they had another meeting in uh... february of these judges around the country and it tells you right in the media bypass that they were conspiring uh... to shut down common law courts and pro se litigant operations. I read that article. Let me see, I was going to put the judge's name here on tape. Judge Belvin Perry, Chief Judge of the 9th Circuit State Court of Orlando. Is that Perry with a P? P-E-R-R-Y. Let's go back to your mailing address. Okay, the mailing location addresses are for businesses. My is David Andrew, the Herald of Manatee. There's a comma between Andrew and Z. Z should have a capital T. Please do not spell my name in all caps. Use upper and lower print English grammar. Never use capitalization. Okay, then it should be in care of unit 23A-T-T-A. H-O-O-C-H-E-E. Florida. Florida must be spelled out. and it's 32324. That's proper, that's addressing of the location. You've got phone number here, it's 904-663-9271. There's been a trust fund, I don't know if you're interested in it, there's been a trust fund set up for me to try to raise funds for legal defense. The cost, I've already spent over $18,000 while I've been in jail. This nice little judge in their kangaroo course down there had seized two pieces of property having houses on them that I owned in Lake Placid, Florida. One was worth about $125,000. The other one was worth somewhere around $55,000. They confiscated both of them. One of them, he transferred the deed to another party arbitrarily without ever notice or having a hearing or any kind of service by me whatsoever. The other one, they seen and sold it on the courthouse steps for a hundred bucks. And they tell me have a nice day. I'm kept in jail. I can't even defend my property. Nothing. How do I spell manatee? Manatee is M-A-N-A-T-E-E. How do you know what's happening with Eppolito and that whole situation? I've keep in contact with the people at TAMP I talked with again last night. Richard, can you give me just a second here? Sure. They're asking me to do something. Give me a second. Where do we leave off? Did you want that trust thing? Give me the information. Okay, the information on the trust is called Lex Rex. L-E-X-R-E-X. Two words. Trust five. And it's at P.O. Box 1701, Sebring, Florida. 33871. And I don't know where Bill is right now. I don't have his phone. No, you ain't. He had to go underground. He packed his stuff also too. The other thing that's really cute to show the coordination of this, the warrant was issued for his arrest I believe on the 5th, or the writ of attachment was issued by the circuit judge on the 5th. And they said, well we'll bring him into court and have him gain the jurisdiction. And this goes back to a case, oh it's been a long time since I've studied, I ought to probably look it up. It's a case called the Los Angeles case. And it's a case where the judge is trying to get a warrant issued for a case that's been going on for a long time. And the judge is trying to get a warrant issued for a case that's been going on for a long time. And the judge is trying to get a warrant issued for a case that's been going on for a long time. And the judge is trying to get a warrant issued for a case that's been going on for a long time. And the judge is trying to get a warrant issued for a case that's been going on for a long time. And the judge is trying to get a warrant issued for a case that's been going on for a long time. And the judge is trying to get a warrant issued for a case that's been going on for a long time. And the judge is trying to get a warrant issued for a case that's been going on for a long time. And the judge is trying to get a warrant issued for a case that's been going on for a long time. And the judge is trying to get a warrant issued for a case that's been going on for a long time since I've studied, I ought to probably look it up, where a, what do you call it, a homeless man was picked up in Connecticut sleeping on a park bench. And they charged him with vagrancy and something else, and they were going to try him, and the guy gets in the court, the judge says, where do you live? He says, I live in a park. He says, that ain't good enough, I gotta have an address. He says, well I don't have an address, I sleep on the park bench. He says, that's my home. And the judge says, I'm gonna hold you in contempt and confine you to the county jail for 10 days. Well, they put him in jail 10 days, they brought him back, and the judge says, where do you live? He says, I live in the park. He says, no you don't, you've lived in the county jail for the last 10 days, you now have an address. That was a case at least 10 or 15 years ago. And that is what they are right now trying to do to Bill Bierman by doing the writ of attachment. They fill his butt in jail, they'll hold him there for 30 days, if he can live that long, because they'll beat the shit out of him. That's what they're doing to almost everyone in the pro se movement or in the juror society. Bill has filed several abatements just like I had. I had filed six when I got arrested and that's really what they went after me. They hate me more for being with the Juror's Society than they hate me for being part of the militia. They didn't like the abatements that we were serving. Eight other people have done abatements in the county. One woman had done two and she got arrested on both of them. And each time she bailed out the first one who was going to fight it, they hit her again on her, the next time she did an abatement, and she finally just looked at the judge and says, how much is it going to take to get the dogs off my back? And she paid him. It cost her about $5,000, but she got the dogs off her back, and she quit filing abatements against them. They are absolutely scared to death of these abatements. I have done six while I've been in jail. They figured by putting me here they'd stop me. How do you know about the other 15 paralegals in your office? Newspapers as well as contacts with other friends. They have Burrito, Susan Modak, and I told you Larry Moore, Marty Fronda who is now dead, he died in their custody on April the 7th. Jack Warner, and there's a whole bunch more. There's Tobey Brown. He's from the Jural Society over in Melbourne. There's several more. I can't think of all the names. These are all common law people. or members of the Christian Jural Society, from the Melbourne, Orlando, and Tampa area for the most part, or Manatee County is where they're coming from. There's 174 names issued by the U.S. Attorney out of Tampa, saying he calls them the unindicted. There's another one I can cover, too. What is his name? The U.S. Attorney? Yes. Give me a second. I got that right here. His, well there's two names on here, the actual attorney is Charles R. Wilson and it's signed by Ernest F. P. E. L. U. S. O. United States Attorney Number 054, Assistant United States Attorney. And this list is really dickish, like we've got Warner, Warner, his mother's name is even on here. And she's never had anything to do with this. You know, Jack's around 58 years old. They put his mother, his mother's in her, you know, all around 80 years old, okay? And they have Milito's wife on here. She's in her 70s. She's never had anything to do with that. There's several people's wives or mothers that are on this list. Most of them, I can look down here, there's several on here, 70s and 80 years old. There's an old man on here by the name of, he's at least 80, most likely 85 years old. Let's see, where's his name? William C. Burke. The guy's at least 80, 85 years old. What kind of threat or danger? They circulated this to law enforcement now. This list was published by the U.S. Attorney's Office. They call them the unindicted. Yeah, they call them the unindicted. This list was published on, let me see, this is what's in the compute, is that this document is signed, it's a notice to defendants of unindicted co-conspirators rule of evidence 404 sub B. And it briefs on and talks about the on a diet. It also brings about that Larry Myers has never yet. He's still at large in here. What's the date on it? Uh, that is the real problem. I believe this thing was actually filed on April the 9th. I think it was, uh, is the actual date it was filed. Where was it filed? Uh, at the United States District Court in Tampa. The problem is, there is no date anywhere on this document. Zip, zero, none. He signed the document, and he never dated it. And is there a letterhead on it? No, it's not a letterhead. It's legal, though. It's legal. You know, United States District Court, Middle District, Tampa, Florida Division, United States of America v. Meda, Belita, etc. Okay. case number 96-64-CR-T-23 E in brackets. Okay, that's the case. This can be gotten from Carolyn Weiss out of Grassroots Journal. Carolyn's name is on here. She's the publisher of the Grassroots Journal, which is a legal publication for paralegals or profane litigants dealing with crime and corruption of the court. She has already been informed by the Sheriff's Office and U.S. Attorney's Offices. She publishes her next edition, which will be covering, carrying a story on me, and carrying a story on Amity, and all the rest of them, and several other things are going on, crime and corruption in jails, that she will be immediately arrested and charged with conspiracy to overthrow the government. She said she's still going to publish it, so she will be the next one in jail. It's due to be published within the next 10 days. What's your next step? Okay. I have filed, after filing the, get screwed around with the heaviest corpse, I have filed a petition to have the judge recuse. Of course, he's not going to do that. I charged him on the state level with 17 violations of... or 27 violations of the Florida State Constitution, numerous procedural violations, as well as violations of his oath. I've now got a copy of his oath. It's incomplete. It's never been properly filled out. And as you know, the Colt McGregor oath, this is what's really cute. Last September the 23rd was Yom Kippur and they take the Kol Nidre Oath. He did admit that he was a fellow traveler in the courtroom and he brought the subject up. I didn't. He said, what did that have to do with it? I told him it had everything to do with it. The Kol Nidre Oath is taken on Yom Kippur, which is the 23rd of September. Both him and Judge Dearns, who are the two judges who have done this to me, one signed their document on the 19th of September, the other one signed it on the 20th. The court made, he says, that you hereby revoke and negate all oaths that you have taken in the previous year. That's real convenient. Within three, four days, they take an oath of office and then they negate the oath of office within less than a week. Really a nice little cute game. And they are not completely filled out. At the bottom it says sign on line 5 after completing line 4. Line 4 says give your address. They are blank. No address. They don't want people to know where or how they can be reached. Also I have been trying to get a hold of where their insurance company is and their bonding agents and nobody will release that information in this state. We have tried on several judges and state attorneys. We cannot get it. It's being, and that's public information, and it's being denied the access to. I don't even think these guys have got a bond. The facts, if the facts are known. Because how can they have a bond when they don't even have a valid oath? The bond is to bond that oath. And if the oath is not valid, then how can there be a bond? I don't even know what I'm talking about. You're referring to David Miller I presume? No, I have seen David Miller's tape but I didn't know that he actually covered that. I've tried to reach David Miller and he won't return my phone calls. I don't know what I've got. I've got his books and I've watched six hour videos of his before I ended up in jail. Most of what he's got is pretty decent but I can't understand why he uses everything in all caps because that's fictional and it's fraud and why participate in fraud. We did manage to get both the Christian flag and the United States flag a piece into the courtroom and the judge was real set. It was a little game I played. I had Bill try to bring it in the court and he wouldn't let Bill pass it over the bar. But I had an attorney walk in and he walked through the bar and he was wearing the United States flag of peace. In fact, I was the whole time watching the proceedings. And then when I got all done, I informed the judge that the attorney was wearing the flag did cross and his flag had been captured. The thing that Miller is using wrong, he's using Title IV, Section 1. He should be using Title IV, Section 3. If you read the last part of Section 3, it says anything that can be resembled or can be assumed to be an assimilation of the United States flag. Where the first one, Title I, says it's got to be exact. In Section 3, it says anything that has resemblance or can be assumed by anyone that that is what is intended to mean is the United States flag. It's a whole lot better statute to use than I because usually what you're wearing on a lapel or a little paper flag are not quoted, an exact flag. They are just in a proximity. I don't want this tape to get too unwieldy lengthwise. Do you want Carolyn's phone number and address? Sure. Maybe you want to talk with her. St. Petersburg, 33734. Her husband's name is Bill and it's Carol and the wife. I believe it's WISE or WISS, I'm not sure which. Do you have her phone number? Her fax line is 898-3788. She'll be in jail before the month's out. Okay, anything else you want to close with? I guess I got the beatings on the tape. I don't know if we discussed that before or not. It's sad. And a lot of the people that are on this hit list, uh... well that was that the attorney general us attorney giving this to various law enforcement agencies and they're being informed to the top off the record uh... to stop these uh... unruly or dangerous people most of which are either elderly or people who are totally harmless uh... for traffic violations and then try to escalate it and push them into some sort of a confrontation so you can charge them with resisting arrest or a saw line or battery on a Leo or something of that nature. That way they can be detained for an indefinite period of time in jail or end up where I'm at, in a nut house. That is the mentality that's going on. And the issue with this domestic violence one too that's interesting, over 600 law enforcement officers in the state of Florida since October have been arrested and charged under the same statute. Most of the officers that are being charged with it are some of the best officers that we've got in this state. What they're trying to do is get rid of them. Police officers? Police officers, yes sir. The jail I was in, six officers right there in the county jail were arrested while I was in jail and charged with that same charge. Anyone who is trying to stand up for rights or anyone who is defending this country is being removed from public place because you're not wanted in the New World Order. And they are using this statute because I told you they are confiscating guns under this domestic violence statute on just solely the basis that this has to do with something that Jan Arreno did. And they're using it, and there's no official state statute, it's some sort of federal law, but yet I've been charged under, battery under a state statute, but yet they're using the federal statute, which I don't even know what the number is, to charge me and to try to confiscate my weapons. Thankfully I was able to bond out on a $60,000 bail within four days I got eight men we went to the house and in less than 15 minutes we loaded all the guns and ammunition and it was gone and what was cute is the captain of the guard when I got out he called me in the office when I bailed out the jailers are trying to keep me there and the captain called me in his office says David get the hell out of here get to your house now and get as much as you can he said the cops are trying to get a search warrant he says they are trying to seize all your property I said I've got men waiting. He said, go, go now. We were there about two hours and they came in just like they did before with a bunch of cots to order me off my own property. I have been court ordered not to trespass on my own property for 12 months. Plus there's a court order for me not to talk to my wife or my son and for them not to contact me. Isn't that a lovely court order? Do you have a phone number or a way to contact your wife? I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. I don't have a phone number. to contact me. Isn't that a lovely court order? Do you have a phone number or a way to contact your wife? I don't have a phone. The only way she could be reached and she probably would be upset if I gave it but I can give it to her is where she works. She works at Barnet Bank and the number there is 385-5383. What is her name? Her name is Carol Chapman. Pardon, the last name? Chapman. Okay. I don't know if she'll talk to you or not. She has been pretty much on a rampage. Her brother even went to the house the other day to get some stuff for me and she ordered him off the property. Her own brother. Okay, I understand. And she told some friends and she told me just before the cops had got there. She was there when we were taking the stuff. That the cops had threatened her and my son and she was scared to death and that she didn't want any trouble that just trying to get the thing to go away. But forced her into signing a restraining order, but that restraining order was against her and me. It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. And the captain there at jail told me that the police pulled her out of work and took her to the judge and forced her to sign the damn thing. And when they served it on me at the house, the guy said, we'd have got this done a lot sooner if we knew you were going to be able to get out this quick. And they were going to do a search and all, but the judge didn't give them the search warrant and wouldn't have done them any good because we'd already moved it. And let me see, about four days later, they issued another warrant for my arrest based on that I was in possession of two armored piercing bullets. There's no such statute, but they charged, I'm looking at 15 years per bullet in state penitentiary for possession of two different bullets. I've got cases of them. Anybody who has military full jacket and armored bullets, you've got armor piercing bullets. It's not illegal to possess, though in 1994 BATF made it illegal to sell, but it's not illegal to possess. And I've been sitting in jail now for six months based on possession of our Pierce Booth and they put a $50,000 bond on it. I couldn't raise any more money. I'm broke. They've taken everything so I couldn't raise any money by selling the houses. They've confiscated it and they've been doing this to everybody. In Minneapolis they seized over a quarter of a million dollars, no two and a half million dollars worth of real estate from a million. There's a contractor that's here in this mental institution with me, Mr. Hill. He's been here now three years. He's not on any medication either. They tried to court order him last week. He beat them in court on that. He still doesn't have medication, but he's going to have to go back to court again in about three weeks or something on more charges they're trying to bring against him. They've compensated over three million dollars worth of his property while he's been here. It's pathetic. There is a contractor from Gainesville who is also here and they are trying to seize his properties and businesses. And there is a mental institution, state run mental institution in Gainesville, but they shipped him all the way here. They shipped me all the way here. It's 360 miles from where I came. Gainesville is about 200. None of it makes any sense. What they did is they put me as far away as they could from where I live so that none of my friends or family could visit. 360 miles is too far to go. Gainesville 200 they might have been able to come visit on the weekend or something like that. But that's the madness behind the thing. There's also a preacher that came in here last week from Miami. He's charged with domestic violence. It's ridiculous. It's an absolute ridiculous thing. He was arrested two months ago and because he got into the courtroom and started preaching to the judge that he needed Jesus Christ.