This is Monday, December the 8th, 1997. We had a meeting yesterday with Norio Hayakawa and Anthony Hilder. And so we didn't have the opportunity to discuss some of the business things that we all need to be brought up to date on. I wasn't anticipating being the meeting leader here so it's going to take me a minute or two to get organized. Where's Claudia? Would you mind getting her? We're going to talk about contact and survival and staff. John, ask Alicia and Jeff to come sit in too please. Because, thank you, I'm present. And if you think it isn't hard to keep balance amongst three types of entities, experiencing with all its fretties, the balance of what is considered authority when there's no wish for any authority, and this third dangling chaotic circumstance, waiting, unknowing, unconscious, and I mean that literally, not subconscious or superconscious. I'm talking about just being unconscious. Those are the things that do not come into your consciousness. And I could very well have literally done this meeting yesterday. We, I believe, need more of these meetings. There is ample truth, ample truth, with the teachers already on your place for your spiritual guidelines. If you think that any teacher from any realm is going to come and not test you, or not have what you are going to perceive possibly as errors in presentation, then you're foolish. This is your schoolroom. And the point of arriving at the end of your lessons is to come into knowing and recognition. And after you become a student, you can plow right through the most dense circumstances and just toss it out as you go along. You don't have to consciously say, well, I wonder if this is within the laws of God. You just know whether it is or isn't. Well, do you think God would mind if I bent this one just a little bit? You know, just, what about a little fib today? It doesn't mean anything. possibly your strategy for getting through a life circumstance. And you have to utilize that which is available to you. Do the commandments say thou shall not lie? It says you shouldn't cheat and you shouldn't steal, and it says you shouldn't bear false witness. Truth is anything and everything. If you don't learn anything else from anything that I have offered in all these years, learn It may not be your truth, it may not be quote the truth, but for whoever is experiencing it is truth. If you can conjure it in your mind, it is idea. An idea is all there is. And whatever you speak, if you speak it believing it, it is your truth. So we honor and respect each individual entity's truth. If we can see and we know and we have factual evidence to weigh our argument or our debate because arguments are never won or lost. They just build more hostility and resentment. But a good debate with an open subject is a worthy thing. Because each idea then can be presented according to the speaker. So when we talk about ideas and we talk about the reality of truth, and note I use the word reality, because there is no reality in what you're experiencing. You're just being bounced off of. You are having other people's ideas bounce off you. You're like sonar. And let's see how it comes back. You have the great politicians getting up telling you outright lies to see how it bounces off you. They call them trial balloons. Balloons bounce easily. Let's see if this sells. Let's see if they'll buy this. Let's see if they'll believe this. And so it seems from time to time you look at this and hopefully if you're on talk radio or talk TV, you have someone of the other attitude that can maybe buffer what the misinformation person is offering. And maybe if they're really informed, they will be able to give you facts. Like the reason you didn't march into Baghdad with your troops is this, rather than you should have gone and surgically blown them up. Well then there wouldn't have been any Court of March anyway, would there? So we have to always listen to the presentation with our attitude open. And I think that this is what happens when you are not in unity either in a job, in a circumstance, somebody off in Timbuktu can look at this and say, well, they certainly are a group, look at them, and they're the same ones that come all the time. So nobody anticipates the next obvious question is, well, what do they do? Well the moment you become a patriot group, you're lumped over here with a mack vase. And God help you if you know how to make a firecracker. God help you if you have a gun in your household, whether it shoots BBs or 747 or 47K or whatever you call these ridiculous toys. And you're going to have the ones that exaggerate get up before the rifle association and say, well we need it for hunting. Poor deer, D-E-E-R. You need it for hunting? Why do you need to hunt? There is so much meat available in your supermarket. You need to go kill something else? Well, it's target practice. Why would you want to target practice? What do you intend to do? Kill. That's what. Kill or maim or all I want to do is disable my enemy. So the next black child that comes to your door and knocks and he has a toy water pistol, you're going to blow his brains out? Because he threatened you? This is what happens every And I object when it is presented, for instance, that the Chinese people are cannibalistic. Yes, there are instances of cannibalistic behavior in China, in Russia, in the United States, in Canada, in Australia. A lot of it goes on in Australia because this is one of the places they go over to meet. But do you think that on a typical Sunday morning that a baby is laid out there like a baby pig on the table and everybody partakes of this? I don't like the attitude of lumping the by the few, with the inference that we somehow are so much better. We're so much more civilized. Are you? How do you know what you eat? Hmm, this looks like veal. Is it or is it somebody's baby. Now I'm putting it right there like it is. Can you be discerning enough how many slices of a baby's leg have you looked at? Final Call has it pretty well. There was you know, a drawing depicting a political circumstance. So it's not really cartoon, other than in its drawing methodology. Here is the bubbling cauldron with its bones and things in it, and here is Billy Clinton stirring it. And in the other hand, he has a baby upside down, and he's going to add a little baby fat to this pot. That is the image projected in China of you. Do you object to that kind of an attitude? All of the Americans eat babies. This is satanic cultism. that makes his position so clearly defined. And this is a problem for you. Believe me, this is a problem for you, even if you don't perceive it. He can go, Anthony can go, and he can just investigate, and he can focus, and he can tell you what to do and everything. All he's got to deal with is a beachhead of communist China and the United States. Right or wrong, that's his focus. Noriol can talk about Area 51. What do you have to talk about? You've got to first of all get over an ET connection. So let's get over that one first. If truth is what you're hearing, don't worry about the ET. Don't worry about Dorma. Don't worry about EJ. Don't worry about Leigh and Paul. Those are opinions. Don't pull yourself down by creating another distraction. If I am a good enough journalist to get in the paper and get the rave reviews that I usually get, as does your paper, we're doing something right. Why bring attention to the fact there is no foundation for some of the things that you present? And yet, if I don't make a point every now and then, such as with Diana and Dodie and lasers, I have to step out there and put your necks on the line to do that. I don't like to do that because the next thing comes, where did you get that information? Oh, our psychic. I'm going to tell you something. You either have a room full of psychics or you have no psychics. You have the capability of knowing. But why would you have to name the laser? Well, what do you know about lasers? Absolutely zip. Therefore, everything that we present, we need to acceptable. Each of you does not necessarily need credentials or doctorate degrees. If you want to know the value of an honorary, for instance, doctorate degree, just look at what happened at the University of Toronto over Bush. And by God we're going to give him this degree. What does that do to all the other degrees? It renders them worse than nothing. You who have gone and studied and worked and you come out with a doctorate degree, aren't you supposed to know something? And what is this honorary crap? sit sourly on your stomach. And yes, I believe that we do need to branch out. Be prepared to branch out. Those who can learn about internet web pages, please do so. Give us some prizes. Give us an outline of what you perceive you could do. Bruce is an indexer. He can outline something. What do you think ought to be on that internet? How to index? No, you don't want to give away your job. You could have many web pages, one, four. I don't even like the term common law. That is an old British English thing. What's wrong with God's law? One nation under God, indivisible. Well, I see that you can start with indivisible. And you have no unity. You're each little islands unto self and don't you come over here on my island because this is my sand and I'm an expert at my sand. Well pretty soon who the hell wants your sand? They're not going to listen to you? Well, but I'm trained to do this. I know how to do this. So don't come tell me or rewrite the rules for me. What are you talking about? Just because you know it, does it make it right? No. One of the dumbest, most foolish, stupid things I've seen, and I immediately started disregarding it. What do you do with all these little quotation marks up here? It reminds me of the New York professors and the politicians who got together and said to try to deal with pie Has all these fractions Let's round it off So what did they do here we go with these little quotation marks they have meaning If you have a thought at the end of a sentence that it is not the focus of the sentence. How come you put the period or whatever inside that quotation mark? It doesn't make any sense grammatically in the King's English at all. So some group comes together and usually editors say, usually editor, see. Well, let's unify this. Let's make this a universal point. We will just put all the way along the trail whatever punctuation we're going to use inside the quotation marks and then it'll be universal. It'll, everything will look the same and nobody will have any idea what the hell we're So anyone who comes along, let us say Bruce comes along and he's going to help you edit. And the first thing he's going to run into is commander's demand that I will not play that game. He will probably not know I wrote three days on the subject and why I would not play that game? Are we so lackadaisical in our own knowledge that we will write something incorrectly because it's easy? Well, shouldn't it all generally appear the same? I don't want it to appear the same. That's what sets us apart. Everybody else can appear the same. Put on the uniform in the morning, go down, edit your papers, get your salary or with Princeton, don't get any salary. Just stay up all night. And usually you're not going to get any thanks for what you did right. And that's hundreds and thousands of words. You're only going to get hand scratches to tell you what you didn't do. Well, that really makes you feel good. Why the hell did I bother to stay up all night? And if these people know so damn much, why didn't they do it? Well, we would do it. No, you didn't do it. If you have a better presentation, present it on the paper you are working on. Do not do that to my writings. You want to uniform God, and I'm telling you, it will never, never go here. The minute you capitulate, you have destroyed your own purpose. Well, but I need a job. I need to ensure my own. I must do this. Must you? This is not the New York Times yet, and if you ever read the New York Times, you're going to find more errors than there are in contact. And these are the problems that come into play when you have several ones trying to either assist or maintain job definition. And yet how can you ever do a job if you don't know what your job is? Poor Dale comes here and she comes thinking one thing, another knew something different, the third is put in charge reluctantly, and the fourth had other plans. How in the hell is Gail supposed to know what she is supposed to do, or what she is supposed to be? And so let me use that as a bigger example. Gail comes. The assumption is that she is taking Brent Moorhead's place because I personally asked that Brent teach her to do his computer runs. That did not make her a manager. That did not make her come down here demanding a private office. She was going to learn what she could as quickly as she could to keep the bookkeeping and the continuity of the computer entries current. So what do we have? We have a big flap here and there and all this spot stuff around. Because nobody really knows anything and especially the one at the center of this knows nothing about it. These things must be resolved before, for goodness sakes, we can become a paper worthy of being on an internet or being recognized. I haven't wanted it to be greatly recognized. You know, if you have days to speak with these people, you say, oh, no, no thank you. We do not want a website. Enough people are putting our information incorrectly on the websites as it is. For the same reason, we do not take outside advertising. But if we took outside advertising, we could become big. And we could pay our way. If that's all you're interested in, you're in the wrong place. Because I don't care how hard you think it is today to make ends meet. There is no restraining order that says you cannot go forth and get a job somewhere else. And then you can give to us, share with us, be paid with us, whatever you want to do. Obviously, if you're going to work on contact, you have to want to be up all night and not work day hours. But that does free you to go work somewhere else a full day. Well, I don't like you putting it this way, Commander. Well, how do you want Commander to put it? Or do you want to be the mediocre nothings that make up the egotistical little pods ponds that say, yes, we put out very good information, but nobody can use it. Well, I have to eat too. Yes, you do. I understand you do. Well, God will present me, if I have faith and I have trust, God will take care of me. No! What you're saying is, God will send someone else to pick up my responsibility. What he tried to get across to all of you is that, yes, it's there. But what you missed is I have to bring it in and create it. Well, I found my place. It's your stuff, Commander. I'm going to bring in, integrate, perfect and create. I don't need you to create what I've created. Everybody understand now? I do not need to reinvent the wheel. Well, I just don't want to work anywhere else. I would have to drive to Bakersfield. Then drive to Bakersfield. It's a lovely drive. It gives you a whole hour to think. Oh, well I can't waste that time thinking. I have to listen to my guru. I have to listen to what Reverend Peel said. I have to listen to Dr. Schuller to form my opinions, to get my truth. No, you're getting Schuller's and Peel's and Miller's truth. If it agrees with what you're doing, wonderful. Or are you brainwashed into absorbing something that will not work, and will get you ultimately in jail. So this is what spirituality is labeled. The word spiritual simply means energy. Your form, your soul, your being. Spiritualism, that's something you practice. And I don't mean you ever achieve. You practice. It's better, each person into spiritualism should be called a patient, because that's what they call it in medicine. Or that's what they should call it in law, you're called a client in law. These are the methods of brainwashing. And one says, well, what do you do? I mean, it comes back. Dorma can sit up here in this chair and she can mesmerize everybody in this room, true or false. It doesn't matter whether it's true or false. And she's got everybody. And in that commander, you know, he manipulates everybody. Commander manipulates nothing. That's your problem. That's your job. And if you need spiritual strength, you're going to get it here. But your spiritual strength is not my problem. My problem is to work with you who want to make a better way. A better mousetrap. A better anything. You're being killed off toxically every breath you take. And now what are they finding? The new additives into the gas and now they are even through Chevron and some of these other major British petroleum companies, elitist corporations, oops, we've been putting stuff to clean up the gas. It's killing everybody. But by law we have to stick it in there. And by the law of nature you have to breathe. So every breath is toxic. Because nobody can walk to the corner. You gotta start your car. And so you belch out more and more and more toxics that you breathe into your systems and you're breathing it into your systems from the moment of birth on. And babies are not safe in the womb anymore because whatever the mother is getting in her system, it's getting in its system. So if you want to annihilate a species, you're well on your way. And if you want to accomplish something, you do have to become united, but that's a little you. Little you. You've got to unite. And you've got to have worthy goals to reach. Just to keep the Red Chinese out of Long Beach is no goal. They'll come into Niagara Falls. They're already there. It is a worthy mission, maybe. Let's stop it right there. And let's go down into Beverly Hills and we will have a review. We'll march with our flags. That's what we'll do. We'll march and we'll put up our placards. Keep the Chinese out of Long Beach. Well, then people literally on their knees say, well, Commander, how do we keep those awful, awful Chinese out of Long Beach? And I have to say, who? Oh, I see those awful communists. They're not communists. Go look up the term communism. These are elitists. Call it what it is. Stop this infiltrating of your brain to make it dead. I didn't say washed, I said dead. Well, you know how those black people are. I know what? Well, I make that black person a black person. Well, his skin. Oh, well what does that have to do with this black person's brain? Well, I don't know, but you know how they are. And you know how those Mexicans are. They're lazy and they're this and they're that. Well, without a few of them, he would not be physically with enough stamina to be here in this room. And some of the best information these days is coming through a black person. And I didn't mean Farrakhan. Farrakhan is being twisted and turned and usurped and misquoted and misrepresented in every way there is, within his own culture. And yet, guess what? Guess what, and if you don't know instantly what I'm talking about, go read, and they call his name Immanuel, and then don't you dare come out and say, well, Hatton said. schools with all its misperceptions of the time. And Hatton didn't say. Sonanda said a lot. I maybe had some input. But you better start reading what really is presented and stop interpreting it according to your brilliant mind. And that includes my brilliant mind. If I present something, find out whether or not it is my opinion and worthy of your acceptance. Most people are too busy to go read. So I suggest that all of you go back and read. And they're called His name, Emmanuel. He didn't write anything. You don't not this Christ that you worship, worship at all cost to everything else in your existence. You don't even call it Christian anymore. It's Jesus. Notice it. And others will say, well, it is a personification in human form of a concept. And how do you know that the concept was totally right? You only have the laws of God to measure against. And yeah, he seemed like a good Joe. And yet, did he or did he not do some very foolish things? When it's winter time, he goes to the fig tree and shrivels it up because it doesn't have any figs on it? Float with this, people. I'm not here for your spiritual misguidance. I'm not even here for your spiritualistic, mystical guidance. We're here to do a very practical job of just allowing you to remember, for goodness sakes, what you're about and what freedom is about. And if all you want to do is go back and get your Constitution, it's a good start. Why? Because most of it Stolen! From the Indian tribes. So you'd be pretty good to go back there, where they respected nature. They did not worship it. They respected it. God doesn't want you worshipping Him. He wants you to use your brains and think and respect Him. You want to dump it on him. You want to smear a man's blood on your head, and that's your salvation? Well why don't you do that with Satan? Why don't you quit killing the Christians? And yet we have a very realistic job. And you don't have to consider whether or not it's Hatton or Dorma or Bob James speaking to you. It is what we offer worthy of note. the truth and the life. How about that? Smuggle egotistical hat on, saying, here's the way, the truth and the life. Oh no, that's not what I said. I am. My Godness makes me the way, the truth, the life and the Creator. And when you come to understand that you are the way, the truth, the life, and the Creator, we can get on with this. And if you think I'm going to stand by and support and push you in to some money deal, where you can come out and misrepresent the way, the truth, the life, and the creator. You're kooky. Forget it. Go on and be successful like you've always been. If you are so damn successful, it's good fortune and bad fortune. If you are so successful in your own wish to be perfection or to be the most rotten banker in the world, that's what you would be doing and you would be successful and you would not be here. Oh, but I want to be godly. You can be godly anywhere or nowhere. where you are responsible for some leadership position in this chaotic environment, is not to be God. You strive toward the perfection of doing the righteous thing, the right thing. of God, for you to become godly. And why would we spend ten years at this? Because projects will get done. Eventually, they will get done. Many will just flop over along the side of the road and that will be the end of them because people do not understand what they do. You take your product to the patent office. They've got your product then. Click, line and sinker. And yet you can't really do business in this world unless you have that patent to protect you. Do you think it protects you? Of course not. Every lawyer in the world knows how to break it and will. Their whole purpose in life is to break the law. There is no other purpose for the legal profession than to break the law. Because some nice evangelist comes on and says, Well, you pay your tithe to me, and I will see to it that you are saved. You'll do squat, is what you'll do. And they'll go off the air and laugh at you. Because they know how funny and phony they are. You don't. And it sounds good, and so you'll, you'll, I'll pay for that. I will have them establish this crusade. This is Billy Graham. We're going on a crusade. The Inquisition and the Crusades were the bloodiest, most miserable, inhumane actions that ever took place on your earth. And yet, Billy Graham's going to go on a crusade? Well, but he means truth and God and Jesus and Christ and honor.