He brought forth and sent to the four corners of what you recognize as your world. And it must be done before the year 2000, before the plan of the alternative energy gets his way and destroys humankind on the planet as you know it. That's a big mission. And because it takes more than one or two of us to handle this mission, and everything must be handled on a daily type of basis, you know, life is what happens while you're making your other plans. Well, life gets heavier and heavier and heavier here upon these people. And we have a job to do, no more no less. And therefore, rather than go hide somewhere while we go through all of this training, we go ahead and make a tape. And anybody around, I don't care where they're from, I don't care how much they hate us or like us or welcome in this room when we have a meeting. I have to apologize for my speaker today. We usually have cakes, cookies, something that allow people to realize we too are gracious and welcome you. We do not hide. We remain private because there is nothing here to go and spew off to the world about. And yet, isn't it sad that there are so many phony, false pretenders? And oh yes, we have them among us, among our readership. We have ones so devoted they will forever serve God until there's money to be discussed. That's as little as it takes to fall away. Most fall away. I realize I've hit hard. I want you to realize it's not a game. This is the reality. All of this other that you experience in your world, that you are told, that you are trained. you yourself, your being. You are not this two-legged thing walking around. That is your mobility, that is your tool house, that is your dwelling place. For the convenience of yourself to be able to function in a manifest physical human world. The brain is given to you as a data center, the mind the data. The subconscious will hold all of the data that's going on into your consciousness and otherwise that you're not paying much attention to, but everything it So don't think that is the unconscious. The unconscious, the nearest that I could describe it would be when you're sound asleep, and you have no control over those dreams or whatever, then I suppose you might say, well, I unconsciously did that. The habits that you form, those are triggered by the subconscious. Don't confuse those two. And then you have your supra or supra-conscience and consciousness. And mind you, I said conscience first. signal of what is right and what is wrong and there is no human being birthed into a living manifest circumstance that is not born with the knowledge of right and wrong. You pretty soon start trying to get rid of it but You know. So that's as close as we get to anything religious. And as far as spirituality is concerned, I can talk to you till I fall off the chair with her, and it won't do any good at all. Spirituality is yours to hold. It is your connection with God. And when man has started breeding out soul spirit and making cloned beings that just follow like sheeple, You have trouble in River City. And I didn't want any misunderstanding. I have a tremendous sense of humor. God is humor. Where do you think you might have picked it up? And I'm being a little heavy because I wanted to cover as much as I could of those mysterious topics as is possible. There's nothing hidden here. There's no ominous mountain here. The front edge is under Eckers house and it goes back under that mountain some almost three miles. It is cobalt blue in color, it is sunburst throughout like this magnificent chrysanthemum with gold. Does the government of the United States of America know about it? Yes, they've tunneled right up to it, they know they do not touch it. They are able to use it and do. And I have kind of a little pact with them. If you don't tell everything you know, I won't tell everything I know. there's some 40 some odd levels underneath Northrop. They have not only round spacecraft that they put out there on that little teetering point to test, they have clones, they have little grey mutants, and they've just given me an army. Because they are just little docile beings that they can either trigger to be bad, trigger to be good, and every now and then around here, they bring them out on exercises so they're seen around here. So let's get it out in the open. Oh, I saw this thing up there. No, you saw a cross between a, with reptilian DNA cells into a human body. very, very docile. They are like little children. They are often seen here, up in Stallion Springs and in the higher country. They bring them out, and they will wander out, and they will crawl up on people's houses, and this is pretty terrifying. But you can always count on within 15 minutes, here comes the SWAT squad, the military, rounding up their little playthings. There are tunnels that go right over to Edwards Air Force Base. Another 40-some odd stories under the ground is where all the action is. You can go beyond Edwards and you will see a major, just ask for a flyover. Ask EJ to take you over there and look at it. There is this humongous cement thing that just goes right into the earth with a massive runway attached to it. But they don't want you knowing about that, do they? They don't even care if you fly over it, they'll just say it isn't there. But when you get to China Lake, you have really gotten to something. The most atrocities ever committed on your place with children are right there under There are tunnels in from Long Beach that will house submarines all the way now to China Lake. And that was to be turned over to the Chinese, along with that great big Atalanto thing. You'll hear about this major, major warehousing thing at Atalanto. And the Chinese wanted to buy George Air Force Base. Well, looking at Atalanto, it would have been a good idea to sell it to them. You've destroyed the town. There's nothing. And this massive, massive warehousing operation isn't even half as large as Costco in Bakersfield. And all of a sudden there are few iron standards. But you better believe it. They wanted the Long Beach facilities. And they'll get it. Clinton's already given it to them. Where are you people? You get out there and carry your placard around. Don't give away Long Beach. Don't give away China Lake. Don't... It's been given away. And signed on for was a ammunition base near Atalanto. That's very, very near Victorville, you know, and very, very near Los Angeles. But they don't tell you these things. And you feel that we're insane? All you've got to do is go over there and look, and you'll wonder who's insane. You were warned in the prophecies. When the Chinese or Mongols, and I should back up right there, This race of serpent people, later, who stole the heritage of the Jewish people, the Jewish religion, these people are made up of the Nordic races, the Russian, or Rus, as it was known, and the Mongols. These were the brilliant founders of this world in all its non-glory at that time. This was, however, in historical time where you can review it. You can only take bits and pieces of information when you talk about Pan, for instance, as the first and only continent on the world itself. And then it broke up and it moved around, moving on tectonic plates that are ready to explode as we speak here. But it was said, beware, when the Mongols, meaning the Chinese, when the Asian people had 500 million, well actually it was 200 million, and they have 500 million, I misspoke before, armed troops, and the Euphrates River is dry so that a man can march across, you will be at Armageddon. And within this decade, a dam was placed across the Euphrates River and all they have to do are shut the valves. Now where is this? Where is this? It is in Iraq. And don't you think Saddam Hussein is man enough to shut those valves? Babylonia. Southern Iraq is Sumaria. This is where your civilizations began. My God, No, they don't. But it's going to require some very open minds. God provides. God provides what you ask and what you need. He has again provided, and in such abundance that man cannot even believe it or will treat it as real. But he will not do it for you. You will pick up and you will do it for yourself or it is not going to be done. God sends us to show the way. We do not have a responsibility nor the right to push or shove any free will being and that's what you are. And ones will say, well, sir, why don't you just show up with your ship on the 50-yard line? It's Super Bowl. Do you really think anybody would believe it? Our people are all among you. That's how nearly like you most of the visitors are. They're not here but to help you. Enemies do not come to a terrestrial place in trouble. They may be right offshore looking in, but they do not come. Whatever is going to come against you is going to come pure evil locked onto your place. And everybody wants a little spectacular projection. Let me tell you what is going to happen if you do not reverse this. Because there will be no intervention like you think. God is not going to send angels to intervene. That does not mean that some will not appear in given circumstances. But to avoid an end to the calamity that you have created, no thank you. If you come at this with absolute nuclear destruction, with chain reactions so great that you are going to destroy yourself, you will be isolated to go right on orbiting so that you do not change the order of the solar system. Another thing that can happen to you is the total lack of paying any attention while that planet that most of you call Wormwood, Herculobus, whatever you want to call it, hits you and you are done. We can encapsulate that also as the resonance comes out, so that there will be no disorder in the universal order. So man and his toys will be contained in his own hell. Now what about those raptures those Christian Pentecostal preachers talk about? That's to fool you all the time possible. You don't have to have responsibility. Believe on this man who bled and died and you murdered. And you're saved. God will come in his waves of rapture and bring you to the clouds. I want to know what logical thinking mind will tell me you're going to do sitting on a cloud. And how can you sit on a cloud? You're heavier than the cloud. That's universal physics number one. You're going to fall. Gravity is not what you think it is. It's not this big pull. It is simply a matter of a piece of matter seeking its own density. And you can go into this earth crust in some places, maybe 600 miles, and your, quote, gravitational pull will be in the opposite direction. You are primitives. You are primitive people starting up your ladder to knowing. And it has to be, and you have to experience, because that's the way it is. And that's that with which we deal. That which is, and stop the silliness. Stop the silliness. And it's you young people, these elders who have come back, that we've brought back to serve. Don't have a problem. Never mind any rapture. You may ascend in a rapture, but I'll tell you, you can ascend even faster with an atomic bomb. And you're not going to survive in the human form when that happens. So anybody who says, well, I'm just waiting for the rafter, I believe. You believe what? I think twice. And I'd certainly think twice about letting some man 2,000 years ago bear my responsibility. God says you will be responsible for yourself. And John and Rebecca have come out to try and be responsible. And I honor them for that. And I know that I could go on and on and on and on for 10 years. They would prefer I not do that. I would, yes, been there and done that. We would entertain any questions that you might have. How do other people learn about Hatton and other places? I hear you and we're a little bit cautious about that because we seem to have more speaking for Hatton than we have Hatton. Our thrust here, our mission here is right here. It is scattered to the four corners of the wind but you don't need to run to the four corners of the wind nor do you need to come here. I don't know how to tell you to contact me I'm as near as just calling me But you better have a good intent and you better be prepared to listen And you better clear out the dark energies or I will and very often that takes you with them Doesn't mean I zap you or kill you or anything, you'll just usually go off and slam the door and present yourself as that is just darkness. Anybody who would like to come and visit us can call the paper. Jeff always knows if we're going to have a meeting. He may not know until that morning, like this morning. But usually he will be the one that will know. And while I'm on the subject of Jeff, I want to give him great, great credit and appreciation for working with Kalbergen and let's see what we can do with the indexing. He's taken that on and he's done a superb job of writing it up so far. But anyone can get this number and call and find out. They can get the paper. I prefer they subscribe so that we can keep writing. I think it's even put, someone puts it on the internet. All of the books can be gotten from a place called Phoenix Source. We don't deal with them here. We don't deal much in California business wise. If you want to stay for the business meeting in a few minutes, we'll discuss why. And corporation as far as business is concerned in Nevada is the best you can get in the world. I'm sorry, go ahead. Today I was talking to some people around town and they were saying that they see this as a cult. Why do you suppose they see it that way? Because they don't know anything. They don't bother to come. They don't bother to learn. Someone else says that's a cult and it's believed and ones like to place me in the form of the occult which is usually a negative thing, a negative recognition Satanical cult Satanic occult. Occult simply means that which you don't know or understand. And therefore I suppose in that invisibility or these translations or whatever, you may want to suggest that this is occult. But I would be very, very careful about that because this is neither mystery nor occult if anybody bothered to look. And some pretty very high level educated and informed people have looked and there's no cult. The reason that you would have that told is we did have ones who came here, structured and then left after having embezzled, in one instance, half a million dollars. And when they are called on the carpet, don't you think maybe in court it pays to say, they are a weird cult? It is a connotation much like anti-Semitic. It doesn't mean anything. The Catholic Church is a cult. The Jewish religion is a cult. The Methodist, the Baptist are cults. Cult simply means a gathering together of people who believe in a given idea. So the PTA is a cult? The PTA is a cult. So by all of us sitting here, does that fall into that definition? No, you may not believe or agree with absolutely anything that I say. Therefore, you can't be a member of the cult. But you see, the very thrust of our position, my position, is you may not be a cult, you are going to be responsible individuals. And if you want to come share whatever we may have to offer, you are welcome. We're not going to make you tithe. We're not going to make you strip and do a dance. We're not going to make you pray, silently or otherwise. That's between you and God. And if that is a cult, I'm proud to be a high-level member of that group. I think John may have some questions for you, too. them towards you. Okay. Ask her if there's any kind of a timeline. Is there any kind of timeline in terms of when the end may come, what we need to be prepared for. I know I was talking to Dr. Young about some preparedness issues and he's going to show the solar panels at his home. Is there a timeline to when we need to be prepared? You were saying before that, let me find this on my paper here, you were saying that we are off by the millennium calculations by 8 to 12 years. So what are we preparing for and when could something happen? Well, what you are preparing for is already happening to you. I could talk at great length about the possibility of nuclear holocaust, which means a nuking of countries, nations. There are other ways that are more devastating, actually, than your nuclear bombs as we near actually the Japanese bombing time. You're going to need, you see it's so, I cannot put a time on it. It would be a foolish, foolish thing to say day after tomorrow at three in the afternoon you're going to have the big one in Los Angeles. So everybody beware. And you will find those are usually false teachers, false speakers who will say that. You will have geophysicists backed against the wall. Well, when do you think? When do you think? Well, I think within 30 days. Well, we can bring those things down even closer than 30 days. But if you already know you are a hundred years past time for the San Andreas to break loose, you know it could be any moment. So you don't need psychics or invisible speakers to tell you you're in serious trouble. So what should you do? Well, it was a very wise thing after World War II when you still were scared to death of nuclear bombs that you had bomb shelters. You went out into the backyard and you dug a hole and you outfitted it so you could be in there for a few days. You still need that. Now what else is going to happen? You're already seeing it happen. You can call it El Nino, El Nina, it can be the hand of man, it can be the hand of nature, it does not matter. You are having heat temperatures in areas where you have never had this. This is going to melt the polar caps if it continues. Water will always seek its lowest level, that's physics. So if you have this massive amount of ice melting, how could that be? Global warming, oh my, perish the thought. Anybody in the deep breeze of winter, of unusual cold, will say, you got to be out of your board, it's not global warming, it's global freezing. What is happening is your polar, magnetic polar arrangement on this axis on which you turn or spin is tilting from the unbalance of what is happening. Too much warmth is going to create water, which is heavier than ice, per volume, and is going to tilt you. You have movement in the ring of fire. It doesn't just hit the Ring of Fire. The Pacific plate is adjacent to at least six other major tectonic plates. One of them is the North American plate. One skims along the edge of Australia, goes up through New Guinea, where you just had tidal waves and major earthquakes offshore. That hooks right into Japan, right up through the Alaskan Straits. The North American plate and the Pacific plate are sliding along beside each other, yes. Moving northward, this Pacific plate, every year till some day San Diego is going to be up there where San Francisco is. It's moving that much and you get this kind of pressure against these plates, they're going to shift. And some of those shifts are going to be massive. Now what can you expect along the coast? You have to go all the way over to Tibet, and in that area, and look at the Himalayan mountains. What would I look at? Well, you can start looking there to compare with the Sierras, what you call the Rocky Mountain Range. The tectonic plate of the Pacific is moving inward, upward, and under the US plate. get when you have a slippage and you have such a major impact, especially on a lot of land that is landfill. You're going to get liquefaction of this extraneous part that slips over. You're going to get the shaking and the quivering and the liquefaction. to have this thrust under and up, and you can count on these mountains raising 1200 feet, right here. Now, when that happens, you are also going to be displacing a lot of water, a lot of tidal wave that is going to be lucky if you're living in a little bit of a high place in Bakersfield to Hatchipee, you're going to have an ocean waterfront along about the Garlock Fault. And all of these underground bases have already made their preparations and moved the fault line so they'll break and protect those underground facilities. But they may very well be covered with water. What do you think of people who believe there are these so-called millennium groups out there? What do you think of those groups? Who do you think they're following? Do you think they're receiving information from another spiritual entity such as yourself? Yes, I think they are, some of them. And depending on what they believe, if you are looking for the end of the world at millennium, that isn't going to happen. So ones who say, oh, the end is coming. No, it isn't. You may wish it had, but no it isn't. There are other things that have to take place before an end comes to it. It doesn't take so much to end a civilization, it takes an awful lot to end a planet. You can look at Mars. Was there life on Mars? Of course there was life on Mars, and most of it was moved to Earth. Earth as man destroyed his own environment and made it incapable of habitation. Through the eons of time, those planets may recover. Earth could recover if you didn't nuke it and heat it to the point where it is so devastating that it takes all the water away. You have to have water for life. You have to have oxygen for life. And you have to have something to fuel life. And it can be pretty devastating. But no, I do not look for a millennium to end and the end comes. I expect that by a year in your year, because already you've passed this, but about your year 11 or 12, somewhere in there, and I'm talking 2011 or 12, you will be into the fringe part of it. This is why the sun seems so devastatingly hot. This is why the skin cancers. You, oh, it is the ozone You are in what is called a photon period of time, where these photons are so strong, they burn you, they cook you, they blind you. So you will hear, oh, that weird group, they talk about this photon belt and get your goggles and all of this. that man, and they've already planned it, and it got pulled off the plan track because they were discovered, will ignite your, what is this, Van Allen belt. It is the radiation belt around your globe. And there are instruments that are so incredibly powerful as to ignite that. And when that flashes, my dears, it's going to encircle the globe almost immediately in every direction and the light will be so bright that it will blind you if you do not get protection. Let us talk again about the tools of Armise. What will happen if nine-tenths or more of all the human beings just around Bakersfield and Tehachapi are blind? And you're having earth upheavals because those will come with it. And then, following that, depending on whether it is day or night in your given area, you will be thrust into three days of total light, or you're going to be thrust into three days minimum of total darkness. What are you going to do? Blind in the dark, unable to get help, all of your electronic gear will be out. Electricity will be out. Some possible powered batteries may be functional, and perhaps some diesel engines. But it will knock out the grids. And this, I would say, is due by your second decade into the year 2000, if you continue exactly as you are. And as I say, if nothing happens to the Van Allen belt, if man can get his head screwed on, then you have a prayer of not having to go through that, but you're going to need for the next, I would guess, three decades to cover yourself, or it's going to eat away at your body. And especially you Caucasians don't have enough pigment in your skin to protect you. Sort of a, moving on a different tangent, semi-different. The crystal, I'm curious to know why that crystal is under Doris and EJ's home. No it isn't like that. They are on top of it. They are on top of it. Are they on top of it? Was there some reason or some kind of fate or something as to why they ended up where they were? Did they know about the crystal when they moved there? No. How did it appear to them? They did not. They came to retire. They fell in love with a house and it was the proper place. We needed them placed there. They knew nothing in their consciousness about what we would be doing. No, they did not know about it. Was the crystal already there? The crystal was already there. It's very deep. Did the previous family or owners of that home know about it? No, they did not know about it until the Eckers moved there. And then they were told about it. People don't like living up there. There's an enormous electronic grid up there that rings in your head. You may or may not have noticed it yesterday, depending on the electric grid over here, but the windmills, there are many things that impact it, but there's noise coming off of that crystal all of the time to the point on that street have to sleep with music or something on to drown out those sound waves. No, most people don't know it and they laugh about it. We have it structured in a plasmic cradle, for lack of better expression, so that if there is a major earthquake through here, we will not allow that crystal to be fractured, so it will be separated and lifted enough that whatever jolt will not affect it. There is a protective shield in this entire area, and forever they're trying to break that shield from Edwards. It was a game. They've pretty much quit playing it anymore. But 26 miles around this place is what you could call an electronic shield. That's the way we secure our people, and that's the way we secure that crystal. Why Tehachapi?