Thank you. This modern technology. Cutting edge. You're on the edge all the time. But isn't it wonderful to know that you can literally control and create your own environment? The next question to me always is, and nobody wants to speak up and say, I just want to know why I can't manage my IRS form. Because it is such trivia that your purpose, your creative purpose, person, being, whatever you want to call that experiencing energy, doesn't want to be bothered with that. not something in your higher expectation of growth. So regardless of what you may think about it consciously, your soul doesn't want to think about it at all. It's already onto something else. And this is not a wishy-washy part of you. So when you say to me, oh, but these people just seem to change. It was like, yeah, that's when it breaks through. But the bending or the growth or the makeup is already there. Nothing new has happened except something has triggered what was already there. At that point, when you have the triggering mechanism, thought control comes into play. How do you react to that? It isn't what you think, it is what you react to. What is it that you are responding to? Hopefully you're responding and not reacting. Rick reacts instead of thinks it out and responds. And he will write, and don't think I'm just running away or I'm just doing this. I have given this a lot of thought. I am deliberately doing this. Oh my goodness. That means that you are deliberately cutting your throat. No, I'm deliberately getting them. Them and us. Who is them and who is us? Well, them is obviously other than us. And it will be the us is whoever believes like I believe. And all the rest are thems. So it always comes down to them or us. Is it worth it? Is the exercise worth it to dig your grave deeper and deeper? There is this saying I want all of you to remember. If you are in a hole and you can't get out, quit digging. You're in trouble. Quit. Stop. And see if there is a better way. You just had a good joke somebody sent from Colorado, I believe, passed it on, about the mule that fell in the well. And they couldn't get him out. Well, he was old and he was tired and after they worked and worked and worked to try to figure a way to get the mule out of this old well, the well was no good anyway, and there presented a hole in the ground that was a rib problem. So they all the town gathered around and said, well, what will we do? Well, poor old nag, it's really a shame to do this, but we better just bury the horse in that well. So they started throwing the dirt in upon the mule. The mule thought that all those nice people were providing him a way out, so every shovel full of dirt, he climbed a little bit. He climbed a little bit. And finally, when the horse should be full and the horse is dead, the horse just comes out of the hole. Thank you, sir. I want you to think like that. Let them throw another shovel full of dirt. They will bury themselves. And you will not be responsible. While we are doing our other purpose, let everyone else do theirs. And perchance their purpose is simply to give you a lesson. But they're getting theirs. And that's not your responsibility. So quit trying so hard to fix things. Don't go plead with the ones who have made their choice. Because if you reach the age of owl, for instance, every time there is a little glitch in the get-along, the wrong choices are made. Don't push people. Because about the third time you hoist them out of their misery, you will realize you're the one with a broken back. Let it go. Let them find their own way. if in time they want to come and participate. And a lot try to sit that fence, man, it's like they're locked onto those pickets, which again is a nice view in the mind. How else could you sit on a picket pole is going to fall. And be kind. There but for the grace of God go you. Can you imagine what kind of agony some of these people are really experiencing an Owl's One. All of the problems that came on a Christmas afternoon have come to bear fruit. And it's painful fruit. Painful fruit. And Al is caught in that trap. He just wants to do and believe and function the right way. And they've got all of the things to hold him and bind him. with a news desk to feel useful. And these people will get high-centered in the middle of that road. And that's why you can't fix it. You can try to reason. You may not coerce in the name of God. That is not of God. You must let them go. You don't have to judge them, but you have to judge those actions are not wise. They're not good. They're not right. We have great purpose. It's the translation or transition of civilizations. And the way must be given to be able to go beyond and not just continue into that spiral downward of total collapse, because you will end up back in the cave. And yes, you would end up back in the cave before you end up in paradise. You don't have to do that. I don't intend to do that. And I believe that I said that on our first meeting. That's why we did not build a group, and in one fell swoop, they made themselves into a cult. Choose upsides and follow the leader. And that's why we're going to stop calling ourselves Phoenix. This is a Phoenix project. We're global. We're global. An alliance of human beings. And we're not against anything. We are for creating everything. When you stop being against, or you stop fighting wars, Mother Teresa said it, I will not go and march in your little petitions against war, but you give me something for peace and I will be there. We're not against anything. Whatever we are for, if those things are in the way, they will fall to the wayside. We're only in building. Will we make mistakes? Of course. You're dealing with the human experience. But they will not be mistakes in context. Only in little errors of detail. Like a misspelled word. But never overlook a misspelled word. Because I'm going to remind you of something else. In their big edition, Rick made it a very big point that he didn't tamper with anything he wrote. And you could prove that by the words he'd misspelled. Isn't it interesting that in that very letter, he had misspelled gibberish to start with a J and it had been corrected to a G. Tamper number one. Number two is the biggie. They are trying to say, to cover their ass, Fizz, that they're resigning as of the end of April because they made those nice big bonuses to themselves. And Rick and Charles came out and E.J. ordered them to fire Ed. And we're going to do that. And after you read that paper, that first usurped paper, you're going to find something interesting. E.J. didn't ask them to fire Ed. E.J. had terminated him. In nice big bold letters, when you get this by email, fax, hard copy, the moment you get in their paper. Tamper number two. It just sort of didn't get in there. Rick wrote it, it just sort of didn't get in there. We could go on like this for days. Be careful, especially of what you say. And until you have facts, do be wise enough to not react. And know that if the right words are spoken, and the people against whom they're spoken are out of the picture, know that the entire flock will turn in an instant, and they will eat you alive. It's like a pack of dogs. If one bites and begins to eat, the others will attack. You see it in the playgrounds, you see it in armies? You saw it at Malai? It is mass reaction. And when you try to talk to these people, to reason, to logic, but look what they did. Look what legally and unlawfully they did. Oh well, but they had a right to do that. So all you're getting is a reaction. Fighting over it is not a point. Let them go. And if they have a purpose, meaningful, they will eventually work it out to find their way back. But you are obligated to let them go and find their experience. But don't throw your purpose in the Philippines, because those people are expecting Lemuria, and they're going to be able, they already know, and they that are true realization experts. Pedro's just one, but he's the one that was given to put it down. And no one else can know your purpose. But if you allow it to unfold, it finally becomes obvious. And then find the humor in it. Because it's always funny. You took it so seriously. You took yourself so seriously. You took your ego so seriously that every time somebody thumped a peanut at it, it came all apart. That's how fragile is your ego. It will drag you into the pits of hell. It is the human element of control. Even when you know you're doing the wrong thing, and that's what it's good, it's there for. It's what it's there for. To try to keep you in the human environment lost. It is the antithesis of soul growth. And it has to prevail, or it feels it's lost. So it'll do you in. Some of you will just get so tired that you just don't want to fiddle with it anymore. And that's really pretty good, because when you want to stop fiddling with it anymore, you'll turn it over to God and let God. And He'll sort it out for you, right fast. And you'll be so relieved for a little while that you'll have that thing stuffed down. Don't try to stuff it down, experience it. And look how silly it is. It freezes you. It immobilizes you. It makes you think of nothing else other than the form. I'm too thin, I'm too fat, my hair is gray, I think it should be red. No matter what it is, and no matter what you attain, it's never enough. No matter how much you have, it's never enough. And when you finally realize, I have too much and it's a bother, you've come one step. On the other hand, there's nothing wrong with having and respecting that as achievement of abundance. Not because you have to have it. When you don't care about it anymore, you're going to find yourself afloat in these things. When you only want what you need, you're going to find yourself buried in that abundance. And then it's, oh God, oh God, what do I do I could spend a million dollars. What am I going to do with a trillion? That's right. Spend it. It is worth nothing else. Zero. Zip. It is worth nothing. So you better circulate it. That gives it value. And when you use it properly, it builds. And it multiplies, and it divides, and it grows. And it has nothing to do with the substance. It has everything to do with the value. And what value do you place on things, other beings. There's nothing like traveling to realize that a baby in any society speaks the same language. A baby will cry, a baby will coo, a baby... you cannot tell. Yeah. One race, one creed, one color from another. Let's get back there. That is the brotherhood relationship. And after you are living in a different society, especially if they speak your language, even a little bit, you feel no different. And then enjoy some of those differences. In the Philippines, where the people are small, and an average-sized person is literally head and shoulders above. How many peddlers, peddler face, seven foot men there are. And they stick out half again above everybody. They're the Pleiadian remnant. You will have an absolutely unrealistic ratio. They may tell you, oh, I'm from Australia, or I'm from New Zealand. How tall are you? Oh, six foot nine, seven foot two. And they will usually have a little Filipino girl, you know, that comes to the hip. It's home, people. You're the alien. It's home. This is our purpose. And Lemuri will rise. But you're going to make it right. Because I'm not interested in water level. I'm not interested in sea level. You really blew it in Atlantis. Because we're only experiencing beings. And that's all there is. Being. So, if you're in the astral plane, God's level, seven stories up, two hundred stories up, or in the basement, you are just being. So let's try two things. Let's be worthy and let's spend a little bit of time being so that we know how to be worthy. Be what you're structured and created to be. Be wonderful. And let's meet in the morning at ten. I want some more questions. Okay? Tomorrow? Yes. Let's try tomorrow. Good show, Wally. There's not makeup for eight months in one day. Good to have you back. Thank you. It's good to be back. Like you said, about once it's over, it doesn't seem like it's been a long time, but for eight months it seemed like a really long time. Forever. I know, and I'm sorry. It's okay. It's okay now. I'm sorry. OK. OK. Sorry.