Now possible: Self-Publish the Phoenix Journals using your own laser printer.
The full set of the Phoenix Journals are available for download in several different formats. The image-based PDF files have the advantage of being authentic scans of the original Phoenix Journals. If there are discrepancies between the various versions, the image-based PDFs are to be considered most valid.
The Manual OCR version is the result of a massive effort by the “Two or More in My Name” (Twee of Meer in Mijn Naam) Dutch website. It is a PAINSTAKING process to produce the Journals in this way and we are very thankful for their efforts, to which we have added our own in proofreading. We also note they did NOT unlawfully copy Phoenix Journal #001, Sipapu Odyssey, which is copyrighted but has been usurped by many other sites.
For our part, we have painstakingly proofread the original OCR versions and rectified many thousands of minor errors. Please check file dates to ensure you have the latest rendition for your local library.
We have also taken the next step and converted these files to popular e-book formats, Epub and Mobi.
Finally (?), we have prepared the Phoenix Journals in HTML format, which is translatable to over 60 languages using the site’s built-in Google Translate function. To read the Phoenix Journals in your language, click on the “Translatable” button. Note that you may make suggestions for improvements to the automatic translation.
Please choose which version of the Phoenix Journals you wish to download using the buttons near the top of this page.